10 Foods For Healthy Skin

By tallene
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As the largest external organ of our body, the skin is the most visible and essential organ. As the skin holds everything in place, it also has many functions such as helping with body temperature regulation, immune defense, sense of touch, and vitamin production such as vitamin D. Skin has mostly been a focus on achieving the perfect glow from specific vitamins to different types of topical chemicals.

The saying ‘you are what you eat’ may have an importance when it comes to the skin. There are foods that can help improve skin and has proven benefits. Perhaps adding these foods to the diet will help strengthen the skin externally and internally.

Healthy Skin

Healthy Skin Food #1: Salmon

Salmon is loaded with so many nutrients and has many health benefits. It contains antioxidants and most importantly vitamin E and omega-3 fatty acids that are essential to healthy skin. Salmon contains both docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). DHA keeps the brain functioning and EPA is what helps the skin.

Omega-3 in salmon helps dry and oily skin conditions by boosting hydration and delaying the skin’s aging process. Our bodies do not produce fatty acids, so intake of food with omega-3’s will help with moisture and help reinforce the skin’s barrier. A study was shown that omega-3 fatty acid helped inflammatory diseases such as lupus, multiple sclerosis, and psoriasis.

Healthy Skin

Healthy Skin Food #2: Avocados

Avocados have become the latest trend from avocado toast to avocado smoothies. They are also one of the top foods to consume for healthy skin. Avocados contain healthy fats, vitamin E, and vitamin C which all are important for the skin.

Preliminary studies show that avocados support cardiovascular health and also support weight management and healthy aging. Avocados provide nutrients and phytochemicals that include dietary fiber, potassium, magnesium, vitamin C, vitamin k, vitamin E, and riboflavin. It also provides UV protection and prevents damage to skin cells. Consuming this delicious fruit has benefits that are still being studied and the preliminary findings show how great it is for glowing skin.

Healthy Skin

Healthy Skin Food #3: Green Leafy Vegetables

Dark, leafy greens are considered the top foods to eat due to their nutrient value. Most importantly they have positive effects on the skin and consuming spinach, kale, or other leafy greens helps the body delay the aging process. They are a rich source of minerals such as calcium, iron, potassium, and magnesium, and vitamins such as vitamin K, vitamin C, and vitamin E.

There have been many studies regarding lutein and zeaxanthin, natural food sources that are in green leafy vegetables. It has shown protection against potential damage caused in the eyes as well as demonstrating antioxidant protection for the skin. As light induces skin damage, consuming these vegetables has proven to have anti-aging effects.

Healthy Skin

Healthy Skin Food #4: Walnuts

Walnuts are a quick and easy snack to take on the go. They are incredibly nutritious as well and an excellent food for healthy skin. Walnuts contain omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids that the body cannot produce itself. Just like salmon, they are rich in omega-3’s which are essential to anti-inflammatory properties and promote great skin.

Walnuts also contain zinc which is important for the skin to function properly. Zinc helps to act as a barrier and helps with wound healing. Grabbing a handful of this snack is good for strengthening the skin.

Healthy Skin

Healthy Skin Food #5: Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes have become the latest trend in replacement of regular potatoes. From fries to a side dish, sweet potatoes are an excellent source of beta-carotene, which is a nutrient found in plants that can be converted to vitamin A in the body. Along with the minerals and vitamins, consuming sweet potatoes is essential to healthy skin.

One-half cup of sweet potatoes contains four times the amount of Recommended Dietary Intake of vitamin A per day. It keeps the skin healthy by protecting the skin from sun exposure. When this nutrient is consumed, it is absorbed and naturally protects the skin from sun damage.

Healthy Skin

Healthy Skin Food #6: Broccoli

Broccoli is an excellent vegetable as it contains many vitamins and minerals that are effective for the skin. It is rich in zinc, vitamin C, and vitamin A, which are contributing factors for glowing skin. As broccoli is a cruciferous vegetable, it contains lutein which helps protect the skin from oxidative damage. Oxidative damage causes wrinkled and dry skin.

Most importantly, broccoli contains a compound sulforaphane, which has anti-cancer effects with skin cancer. This compound protects the skin from sun damage and studies have shown to prove this. One study has shown not only does this compound help with UV light protection, but sulforaphane may help maintain the elasticity and collagen in the skin.

Healthy Skin

Healthy Skin Food #7: Soybeans

Many foods contain soy such as tofu, edamame, and soy milk. Soy is low in saturated fat and contains protein, folate, vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, and potassium. Most importantly, soy contains isoflavones. Isoflavones are a class of phytoestrogens in plant compounds that are natural estrogen sources.

Studies have shown effects in women both postmenopausal and middle-aged. One study where women ate soy every day for more than two months showed improvements with their wrinkles and skin elasticity. Another study was done on postmenopausal women, when they were given soy extract for six months their epithelial thickness, elastic and collagen fibers showed significant thickness [^9].

Healthy Skin

Healthy Skin Food #8: Green Tea

Green tea has been around for many centuries and a great alternative to drinking coffee. It is known to reduce inflammation as it contains polyphenols. Green tea has many benefits as it contains powerful antioxidants such as catechins, which are natural antioxidants that help prevent cell damage. This helps prevent skin damage.

Antioxidants in green tea help protect the skin from sun damage. Many studies have linked green tea to protecting the skin by preventing UV light rays and even preventing skin disorders and cancers. A study done with 60 women who drank green tea daily for twelve weeks resulted in improved moisture, elasticity, and skin thickness. Although green tea provides this benefit for the skin, one should be aware that green tea contains caffeine.

Healthy Skin

Healthy Skin Food #9: Blueberries

Blueberries are delicious dark blue or purple fruits that can easily be added to a smoothie or eaten alone. They are packed with an essential amount of antioxidants and vitamins. It has been proven that consumption of this fruit helps with many health conditions and also for topical application as well.

The phytochemicals and antioxidants that are contained in blueberries help neutralize free radicals, which prevent damage to human cells. As blueberries help the skin, it also lowers blood sugar levels, may lower blood pressure and have anti-cancer properties. Eating a handful of these sweet fruits have great health benefits along with helping the skin.

Healthy Skin

Healthy Skin Food #10: Carrots

Carrots are known to have beta-carotene, which gives the vegetable the orange or red plant pigment. Just like sweet potatoes, it has the same benefits. As beta-carotene is converted to vitamin A, it is an essential vitamin needed and an antioxidant that helps vision, immunity, and the skin.

Eating carrots and their added nutrients help repair skin tissue and protect the skin from sun damage. The skin has three layers and consumption of foods rich in antioxidants helps repair tissue internally, while protecting the skin at their outermost layer. Enjoying carrots raw in a salad or as a snack will help maintain that healthy glow.

Healthy Skin

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