10 Foods Bad For Dogs

By james
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A pet dog is part of the family and we tend to want to treat them as such. This often means lots of treats and their favorite foods, including a lot of the foods that we would usually eat. What can be fine for us, however, is not necessarily fine for your dog. Indeed, some types of food can be very dangerous for your pooch.

To play it safe, you should use foods that are made especially for dogs. This will include treats and snacks and there is a huge variety to choose from.

If you do insist on giving them human food, then look at what is on the label first. Here are some things that you should watch out for to keep your dog safe.


Bad Food #1: Chocolate

For many people, chocolate makes life worth living. It is a delicious treat that is enjoyed by people from all walks of life. It is also often bought as a gift and some of the world’s finest chocolates can be sold for considerable sums of money.

We might also like to give some chocolate to our furry friends as a treat, but this is not a good idea. Chocolate contains a compound known as theobromine, which is toxic for dogs, even though it is fine for us. It can make them quite sick and can even kill them if they have too much.


Bad Food #2: Garlic

Most dogs are not fussy about what they eat and they will happily have the scraps off your plate. This means the meat, the mash, fries, pasta, veggies, and just about anything else. Be careful not to give them too much garlic, though, because it can make them very ill.

Garlic and its close cousin, onion, contains compounds that can destroy a dog’s red blood cells. This will mean they cannot absorb sufficient oxygen in a condition known as anemia. It can be dangerous for them in a single large dose and also in small doses over time. Anemia can cause a range of unwelcome symptoms and can even be a threat to life.


Bad Food #3: Bacon

Who can resist the smell of bacon cooking in the morning? Many people cannot, and dogs will also find it difficult to resist. Unfortunately, though, your dog will have to go without as you enjoy bacon with your breakfast in the mornings. Giving them too much bacon can make them very ill.

Bacon is very fatty and this can easily lead to pancreatitis in dogs. It’s not only bacon either as other meats with a high-fat content should also be avoided, no matter how much your dog might beg or cry. Lean cuts will be fine for your dog, though, so feel free to treat them but trim the fats first.


Bad Food #4: Candy

Candy is enjoyed by children worldwide and rather a lot of adults for that matter. Why not? After all, its delicious sweetness is a joy to the palate. Your dog is also likely to enjoy eating candies, but its one treat that you should really keep to yourself.

Candies contain a compound known as xylitol. It is a fairly common ingredient that is generally used as a sweetener. Unfortunately, this compound is harmful to dogs as it can cause a drop in blood sugar levels and even lead to liver failure. If you do want to treat your dog to some candies, you should check first to see whether or not they contain xylitol.


Bad Food #5: Avocados

Avocados are delicious and also very nutritious. They are packed full of vitamins and minerals and are a great source of the healthy kinds of fats. Despite their great taste and health benefits for humans, though, you should avoid giving them to dogs.

For one thing, avocados contain persin. This compound is toxic to dogs, although they would need to eat it in very high doses to be dangerous. What’s more of a problem is the seeds. These are very hard to digest and can become stuck in the digestive system. Anything blocking the digestive system can be very dangerous, so avocados should be avoided.


Bad Food #6: Salt

Salt is great as a seasoning and also as a preservative. It can help to add a little something extra to foods that might otherwise be bland. It is popular all over the world and was once considered to be a precious commodity. Too much of it is unhealthy, however, and not only for us.

Salt can cause sodium ion poisoning in dogs, as well as excess urination and thirst. This can lead to some very serious symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, seizures, and bloat. It can be fatal for them. Whenever feeding your dog, you should ensure that there are not high levels of salt in their food.


Bad Food #7: Raw Foods

Dogs are not so far descended from wolves, which are fearsome predators that feed on the flesh of other animals. As such, you might think it would be fine to give raw meat to your dog. After all, they have evolved to eat it that way? Well, not quite.

Animals in the wild eat their food very, very fresh. By the time we have got fresh meat into our kitchens at home, though, it has been handled enough to pick up a lot of bacteria. These bacteria are why it is not a good idea to give raw meat to your dog. That, and there’s also the chance of them picking up parasites, just as they could when eating raw meat in the wild.


Bad Food #8: Grapes

Grapes are popular all over the world, and not only because they make wine. They make a wonderful treat and are easy to eat. They are also nutritious and can be used in a wide range of dishes. They can also be dried to make raisins and these are also popular in deserts, snacks, and other treats.

It is not a good idea to give grapes or raisins to dogs, however. Give your dog too many grapes and their kidneys can begin to fail. This can lead to some serious side effects and can also be fatal to them. It’s best to just keep them to yourself.


Bad Food #9: Sugar

Sugar is often used in our foods. It helps to make it sweet, and many people like sweet foods. Too much sugar is a leading cause for problems such as obesity and diabetes, though, so it is something that we should limit in our diets. We should also be careful not to give sugary foods to dogs.

Sugary foods cause similar problems for dogs as they do with us. They can become obese, and some breeds in particular that are prone to obesity should definitely be kept clear of sugar. There are plenty of sugar-free alternatives for dogs so there is no need to give them the same health problems we give ourselves.


Bad Food #10: Dairy

It is only relatively recently that humans have been able to digest cow’s milk, and many people still struggle. It is down to lacking certain enzymes that help us to break down the milk so its nutrients can be absorbed. Unfortunately, dogs also tend to have difficulties when it comes to digesting milk.

This applies to other dairy products as well, including cheese. It can lead to some very unpleasant stomach problems that are not only unpleasant for the dog, but also for the person that has to clean up after them. Dairy also tends to be high in fat, which is also a problem for our furry friends.


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