Top 10 Fish Oil Benefits

By nigel
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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Fish oil is one of the best supplements that a person can take for getting their omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 fatty acid deficiency is incredibly common in the United States and much of the world, in fact, it may be one of the top 10 causes of death in America. This is because omega-3 fatty acids are incredibly beneficial for both the brain and body. The brain and body relies on the specialized fatty acids found in omega-3 for cellular maintenance and function.

Getting your omega-3s is important and taking a proper supplement - like a good fish oil - will provide you with the right balance of omega-3 fatty acids. It may be beneficial to find a source that has a good balance of EPA and DHA depending upon your health goals. A nutritionist or naturopathic physician may be helpful in this endeavor. These are some of the benefits that you can expect to experience if you supplement your diet with fish oil.

Fish Oil

Fish Oil Benefits #10: Enhanced Focus

Fish oil has been studied for its ability to help people focus. In fact, it’s so effective at improving concentration that studies have proven that it’s a reasonable alternative to prescribed medication for people suffering from ADHD. It’s been shown that omega-3 deficiency can negatively impact cognition1, which could explain why ADHD is such a common problem in the United States, where omega-3 deficiency is quite common.

Studies done on people who were non-responsive to traditional ADHD medication revealed that supplementation with omega-3 fatty acids improved their symptoms2 They showed marked improvements on restlessness and their ability to focus and concentrate, which allowed them to enhance their schoolwork.

Fish Oil

Fish Oil Benefits #9: Eliminates Anxiety

While some of the more popular studies regarding fish oils, omega-3 fatty acids and their ability to fight anxiety have been done on rats, many anecdotal reports from hundreds of people confirm the same. Studies have shown that rats supplemented with fish oil showed a complete elimination of all symptoms of anxiety and depression, especially when given the supplement during developmental stages of their lives.

Many people report that omega-3 fatty acids are a great help in helping them manage their anxiety. It has been shown that an omega-3 deficiency can contribute to anxiety disorders, and providing the brain with the fats it needs to run properly can help to eliminate these symptoms.

Fish Oil

Fish Oil Benefits #8: Reduces Arthritis

Many studies have been done on the benefits of fish oil for people suffering from arthritis. Any type of omega-3 supplementation can help reduce arthritic symptoms, including fish oil.

This is because omega-3 fatty acids can function as potent anti-inflammatory agents. Arthritis is a disease caused by inflammation of the joints, which can lead to discomfort and impaired motility and function. Omega-3 fatty acids have been proven to be just as effective - and much healthier for the body - than traditional NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) like aspirin, which are known to cause side effects when used over the long-term.

Fish Oil

Fish Oil Benefits #7: Helps Fights Cancer

Recent studies have shown that fish oil can actually help reduce the development of cancerous tumours and can even outright prevent the disease. Some studies have even shown that it can reverse some cancerous growths3 The same research also proves that omega-3 supplementation actually improves the efficacy of other, more traditional cancers. Omega-3 fatty acids have shown particularly efficacy at preventing prostate cancer from developing4 They’re also particularly effective at preventing breast cancer5

They do this by preventing the growth of cancer cells, which inhibit the disease and stop it from spreading.

Fish Oil

Fish Oil Benefits #6: Reduces Cardiovascular Disease

Fish oil has been proven to be very efficient at helping people suffering from a variety of cardiovascular diseases.

People who have suffered heart attacks may find significant improvement from taking omega-3 fatty acids. People who supplemented with fish oil after having a heart attack showed a significant improvement to the general function of their hearts in the months following. Omega-3 fatty acids are also commonly purported to reduce cholesterol. This isn’t actually true, but they are very capable of reducing the level of triglycerides present in the body6

Omega-3 fatty acids may also great at improving blood circulation, thus allowing more oxygen to travel through the body. This allows for better function of muscles and organs. Triglycerides are notorious for increasing the risk of heart disease - high triglyceride levels are one of the main reasons that Americans are generally considered to be at higher risk for developing heart disease.

Fish Oil

Fish Oil Benefits #5: Helps Eliminate Depression

While we’ve already mentioned that fish oil has been proven to eliminate symptoms of anxiety and depression in rats, another study has shown that they’re quite effective at improving depressive symptoms in humans. We also already mentioned that the human brain is largely composed of fat. Getting the proper fat that your brain needs to maintain its structure is important for helping to ensure it functions at a healthy level.

Omega-3 deficiencies can lead to depression, and supplementing with a good balance of EPA and DHA - the two primary omega-3 fatty acids - can help to correct imbalances and improve depressive symptoms. They also improve the absorption of amino acids and nutrients in the brain which can further enhance mental health. There are many amino acids that a person gets through their diet, and they perform a number of different functions in the brain and body. Maintaining a proper balance of amino acids can help to prevent depression and anxiety.

Fish Oil

Fish Oil Benefits #4: Improves Diabetes

Another of the cognitive benefits that omega-3 fatty acids provide is protection from diabetic cognitive decline. Many diabetics find that their cognition and overall mental stability suffers as a result of the disease. This is caused by problems in the hippocampus. Omega-3 supplementation helps to prevent diabetes-related hippocampal damage7

Omega-3 fatty acids have also been proven to help prevent eye-related conditions that could arise as a result of diabetes. Retinopathy - a condition that affects the blood vessels in the eye - is one of the leading causes of vision loss among diabetics. A study done on diabetics who regularly took fish oil showed a significantly decreased chance of developing the condition.

Fish Oil

Fish Oil Benefits #3: Prevents Eye Disorders

It’s not just diabetics who can experience improved eye health from using omega-3 fatty acids. Fish oil has actually been proven to reduce the instance of naturally occurring age-related eye disorders. Macular degeneration, a common condition that reduces eyesight and occurs as people age, is quite common. A 2014 study done in France evaluated 290 people who were developing the condition. The study revealed that people who didn’t consume fish oil or seafood on a regular basis were much more likely to develop macular degeneration.

The study went on to suggest that supplementing with fish oil could provide the proper balance of EPA and DHA to help people avoid the emergence of macular degeneration. Studies have also suggested that fish oil supplementation can help reduce the development of cataracts.

Fish Oil

Fish Oil Benefits #2: Improves Immune Function

It’s been widely reported that omega-3 fatty acids enhance immune function. They do this by enhancing the functioning of immune cells. Some may find this contradictory with the fact that omega-3 fatty acids are potent anti-inflammatory agents, because inflammation is the immune system’s natural response when it detects pathogens or unhealthy conditions. However, fish oil actually increases the function of B cells - some of the attack cells that the immune system uses to fight off viruses or bacteria.

Scientists have known for a while that omega-3 fatty acids can help reduce disease systems, but they weren’t sure if that was actually good for the immune system or not. A study done at Michigan State University confirmed that fish oil high in DHA helped the body activate B cells and improved the production of antibodies.

Fish Oil

Fish Oil Benefits #1: Improves Skin & Hair Health

Fish oil has proven to be a very effective agent for improving the health of both skin and hair. There are a few ways that it can do this.

  1. The skin is naturally oily. Oil is one of the things that keeps our skin looking healthy, young, and shiny - which means that we need a good source of healthy oil in our diet to maintain the health of our skin.
  2. Many of the vitamins that are helpful for keeping the skin in good condition are fat-soluble. If you don’t have a good intake of polyunsaturated fats, these nutrients will pass through your body before they’re absorbed.
  3. Fish oil has been shown to reduce the growth of wrinkles, which can keep people looking youthful.

It’s also been shown that omega-3 deficiencies can lead to problems with hair, such as dandruff and early baldness or hair thinning. This is because oil helps the skin and hair retain moisture; without this oil the scalp will dry out and become unhealthy. So if you’d like to keep healthy looking hair, try some fish oil!

Fish Oil

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