Fever Blisters Causes and Remedies

By james
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Fever blisters, also known as cold sores, are a common ailment. They are small infections on the lips that cause a blister which is likely to burst and then scab over. They are not usually dangerous and will generally disappear within 7-10 days but they can be quite painful.

They are caused by the HPV1 virus, making them a variant of herpes, although they are usually not sexually transmitted. They are very contagious and can be caught by coming into contact with surfaces contaminated with the virus. Direct contact through kissing somebody with a fever blister is highly likely to result in an infection. There are various causes and various remedies that help soothe the symptoms.

Fever Blister

Cause #1: Other Infections

The importance of a healthy immune system should never be underestimated. We are always surrounded by potential threats and without such an effective line of defense, we could be in trouble. As effective as our immune system is, though, it can begin to struggle when faced with a lot of threats.

If you do develop an infection then your immune system can become focused on dealing with that threat, meaning others are more likely to take hold. This means that infections such as cold sores will often occur when another infection is present. If you are struggling with infections, antibiotics might be necessary so you should arrange to see a doctor.

Fever Blister

Cause #2: Hormone Levels

Whether you are feeling happy, sad or any other emotion, it is due to certain hormones being released into the body. Hormones are also responsible for helping organs and other parts of the body to function as needed. They are hugely influential on us and help to shape our lives in so many ways.

Usually, our hormone levels are fairly balanced, but this balance can sometimes be affected. This can have a range of symptoms, most often changes in mood and overall outlook. Such swings can also have a direct impact on our physical well-being, and somebody experiencing hormonal swings might experience cold sores.

Fever Blister

Cause #3: Stress

When in certain situations, our minds will be fully switched on to help process whatever comes our way. It is a survival instinct that would help us react accordingly when in the wild and can help keep us alert in the modern world. When the need to be so alert has passed, we will usually turn to a more relaxed state. Unfortunately this doesn’t always happen for some people.

If you are in this alert state for too long without being able to relax then it can have a very detrimental effect on you. It can have a considerable impact on your mental health and your physical health, and can also leave you prone to developing fever blisters.

Fever Blister

Cause #4: Fatigue

Life can be a significant challenge at times. There can be a lot of hard work to do that will test us both physically and mentally. Usually, though, we are able to get enough rest and food to recharge our mind and body, but not always. If you are working hard or have something else keeping your mind and/or body active for prolonged periods, fatigue can begin to set in.

When fatigued you will feel tired and your body will also be affected in other ways. Various functions can begin to slow down and become less effective, including your immune system. This makes you more prone to developing fever blisters and other infections and illnesses.

Fever Blister

Cause #5: Extreme Weather

Seasonal changes mean that we can experience considerable changes in the weather. These changes can play havoc with our systems and can lead to us becoming ill as we struggle to adapt. This makes seasonal illnesses quite common, and extreme weather can also cause us to develop fever blisters.

One reason why extreme weather can cause cold sores is because of a direct physical impact on the skin. The lips, in particular, can be affected by strong sunlight or by cold winds. This can cause the skin to crack, making them susceptible to cold sores. Lip balms can help prevent the skin from cracking in extreme weather conditions.

Fever Blister

Fever Blister Remedy #1: Medication

While fever blisters can be difficult to treat, we are still able to treat the symptoms to make the patient more comfortable. Treating the skin to help soothe it and prevent inflammation can help prevent a cold sore from getting worse while also helping to relieve pain.

Such medications can be found in pharmacies and many are available to buy over the counter without the need for a prescription. For more severe cases, something stronger might be necessary so you should arrange to see a doctor for a prescription. A fever blister will usually go away naturally within 7-10 days of it first developing.

Fever Blister

Fever Blister Remedy #2: Cold Compress

One of the biggest problems about having a fever blister is the pain that they can cause. They tend to occur on the lips, which are already quite sensitive, and cracked, scabbed skin is only going to add to the pain. Even though it may be difficult to treat a cold sore directly, we can at least do what we can to help alleviate that pain.

One effective way to remedy the pain is also one of the simplest. Create a cold compress using some ice and place it directly on the fever blister. The cold will help to soothe the pain caused by the blister and you can leave the compress in place for as long as you wish.

Fever Blister

Fever Blister Remedy #3: Witch-Hazel

Witch-hazel is a popular ornamental plant because of its beautiful yellow flowers. It also has numerous medicinal properties and is often used to help remedy various ailments. It is also thought to be able to help to directly combat fever blisters while also helping to reduce inflammation.

Studies have shown that witch-hazel can be effective in directly defeating the HPV virus that causes fever blisters. It has been shown to be able to accelerate healing, while its anti-inflammatory properties can help relieve pain. It should be applied topically onto the infected area, and witch-hazel products are easy to use and readily available without a prescription.

Fever Blister

Fever Blister Remedy #4: Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is a substance that has been extracted from the tea tree which is found naturally in Australia. It is not related to the tea plant from which we make the well-known beverage. Tea tree oil is used as a remedy for a range of ailments and is a popular remedy for fever blisters.

Tea tree oil is thought to have antiviral properties that will help combat the virus causing the blister. To use it, it should be diluted in water and then applied topically to the infected area with cotton wool. It should be applied several times a day until the blister has disappeared.

Fever Blister

Fever Blister Remedy #5: Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is a product that has seen a lot of popularity in healthy living circles. It is thought to provide numerous health benefits and also various medicinal properties. It is commonly used to help treat fever blisters and studies have shown that it contains properties that help prevent fungal and viral infections.

Apple cider vinegar is readily available and easy to use. It should be applied directly to the infected area with cotton wool several times a day until the infection has cleared up. Apple cider vinegar can cause you to become ill if consumed in excess, but use it in moderation and it will be completely safe.

Fever Blister

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