10 Causes of Eye Floaters

By james
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Many of us have eye floaters. They are specks in your vision that just appear to float there, moving along as you move your eyes. They will often appear to be worm-like, although they can appear in various shapes. They tend not to cause any real impact on our vision and can come and go quite harmlessly.

Eye floaters can be caused by a range of things. Most commonly, they are caused by tiny fibers bunching together in your retina and this will cause you no harm. Sometimes, though, they can be a sign of something more serious.

If you do notice more than usual, or if you are experiencing them alongside other symptoms, you should arrange to speak with a medical professional.

Eye Floaters

Cause #1: Eye Injury

Set well back into the skull, our eyes are quite well protected. They need to be because they are quite delicate, made from soft tissue that is easy to damage. Despite this protective casing, though, our eyes are far from impervious and injuries can occur.

One symptom of an eye injury is to have eye floaters. These floaters are something most of us are used to, meaning we are unlikely to pay much notice to them. If there does appear to be more than normal, though, or you are experiencing other symptoms, you should go and get it checked out by a professional.

Eye Floaters

Cause #2: Crystal Deposits

Crystals are a naturally occurring phenomena that are also very common. They are often known for their beauty and can range considerably in size. The largest can be the size of houses, while the smallest can be barely visible to the naked eye. Some are even able to form in places in the body such as the eye.

Crystals can be made from a huge variety of materials, many of which are biological. They can be found in the vitreous body of the eye, where they can cause eye floaters to occur. They are not usually something to be concerned about other than in severe cases.

Eye Floaters

Cause #3: Eye Disease

There is no part of the body that is completely impervious to disease. There are countless types of pathogens, each of which can pose a threat to various parts of the body. The eye is no exception, and there are various types of eye disease that we can be afflicted by at any time.

If you do have a disease of the eye then one symptom you might experience is eye floaters. The eye is a delicate organ and damage caused can be permanent, meaning that you should take care of them as much as you can. If you do think something is wrong with your eyes, you should arrange to get them checked out as soon as you can.

Eye Floaters

Cause #4: Diabetic Retinopathy

Diabetes is a potentially serious condition that affects millions of people around the world. It causes people to have to watch what they eat and many are reliant on insulin to help them regulate their blood sugar levels. It can cause a wide range of symptoms, including diabetic retinopathy.

Diabetic retinopathy is caused when blood vessels in the back of the eye become damaged. Although the symptoms may be mild to begin with, it does have the potential to lead to blindness. One sign that you might have this condition is the presence of eye floaters. The potential risks mean it is well worth getting it checked out.

Eye Floaters

Cause #5: Eye Tumors

Abnormal cell growth can happen in pretty much any part of the body. This can cause a tumor and, although often benign, they can grow out of control and present a very real threat to your life. If you find an unusual growth on or around your eyes, you should get it checked out as soon as you can.

An eye tumor can lead to a range of symptoms, including eye floaters. As with other types of tumor, it is best to deal with them as early as possible as doing so will increase your chances of a full recovery. Surgery may be necessary, so catching a tumor before it grows too large is essential.

Eye Floaters

Cause #6: Torn Retina

The eye is made up of various parts, all of which have various roles in helping us to see. Some provide protection, while others help with focus or help to relay messages back to the brain. One part is the retina, which is found at the back of the eye near the optic nerve.

The retina’s job is to convert light that is coming into the eye into signals that can then be passed on to the brain. The brain then uses these signals to form an image of what is around us. The retina can become damaged, though, and a torn retina can result in us seeing eye floaters.

Eye Floaters

Cause #7: Detached Retina

The retina is found at the back of the eye. It is a thin layer that lines the internal surface of the eye and does a very important job in helping us to see. It is usually attached firmly but a trauma, for example, could force the retina to become detached from the internal walls of the eye.

This is known as a detached retina and can be caused by a range of factors. It can potentially lead to a complete loss of vision so it is something that should be treated as urgent. One symptom of a detached retina is eye floaters, while flashes in the eye are also a common symptom of the injury.

Eye Floaters

Cause #8: Inflamed Vitreous

The center of the eye is filled with a clear, jelly-like substance. It is known as the vitreous body, although it is usually known simply as the vitreous. It is like a gel toward the edges of the eyes, but more liquid-like in the center. Just like other parts of the body, there is a chance that it can become infected.

If the vitreous does become infected, then it can also become inflamed. This can, in turn, lead to a range of complications, one of which is eye floaters. If you notice more eye floaters than usual and are experiencing other symptoms, you should arrange to get it checked out.

Eye Floaters

Cause #9: Autoimmune Complications

Our immune systems are essential to us. Without them, we would be wide open to diseases and reliant on medicines to stave off illness. We would likely not live for long without them, but they can also work against us. Autoimmune diseases are conditions that cause our own immune systems to attack our bodies.

Some autoimmune diseases can attack the vitreous body in the eye. This can cause it to become inflamed and this will lead to various symptoms. Once such symptom is eye floaters. This is something that could potentially cause blindness so it is something that you should get checked out.

Eye Floaters

Cause #10: Vitreous Bleeding

The center part of the eye is usually completely clear. It has to be because light needs to be able to pass through it and onto the retina. Surrounding this is the outer part of the eye, and this has numerous blood vessels running through it to supply the eye with what it needs.

If the eye has been damaged somehow, then blood can leak from these vessels and into the vitreous. This can have an impact on our vision as the clear fluid within becomes contaminated. One symptom of this is eye floaters, and it is something that you should get checked as soon as you are able.

Eye Floaters

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