10 Important Facts About Encephalopathy

By james
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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The brain is very delicate, but it is also essential to us. With such a complicated piece of kit, there is so much that could go wrong and it often doesn’t take much. The brain can become damaged and a damaged brain can affect us in a number of ways. The results can range from being mild to being devastating.

Encephalopathy is a term that encompasses all manner of brain malfunctions, injuries, and diseases. It is often treatable depending on the underlying cause. The symptoms caused by encephalopathy can be devastating although they can also be more manageable in many cases. Here’s a look at some of the key facts associated with encephalopathy.


Encephalopathy Fact #1: Caused By Illness

While our immune systems are effective at protecting us from illness, they are not invincible. Diseases can take hold and when they do, some can cause havoc. They can do damage to our bodies in various ways and the brain is no exception. Some illnesses can directly cause potentially severe and lasting damage to the brain.

Perhaps the most common of these is Encephalitis. This is a swelling of the brain that causes the grey matter to be forced against the skull containing it. It can be caused by viral infections and can even be caused as a result of attacks by the body’s own immune system. It is not always permanent and patients can make a full recovery in many cases.


Encephalopathy Fact #2: Caused By Trauma

Our brain is made up of a very soft, delicate material. Fortunately, it is well protected largely by a thick bone casing which we know as a skull. The skull is not invincible, though, meaning that the brain inside can become exposed. Even if the skull does remain intact, the brain is still not completely safe from trauma.

A sharp blow to the head could very well cause damage to the brain inside. Even if the skull is not penetrated or broken in any way, the brain could still be damaged if forces cause it to collide with the inside of the skull.


Encephalopathy Fact #3: Caused By Alcohol

For the most part, alcohol is a lot of fun. People all over the world meet up on weekends to enjoy a drink with each other. It helps to make a great way to wind down after what is often a difficult week. It helps lower inhibitions and allows people to enjoy themselves. Unfortunately, though, alcohol also has its drawbacks.

Alcohol is a toxic substance. It’s this toxicity that gives it its effect over us. In moderate doses and used occasionally, this toxicity presents little threat to us. When used excessively, though, the toxin can cause damage to the body. Excess alcohol consumption can lead to encephalopathy.


Encephalopathy Fact #4: Caused By Drugs

Drugs are commonly used to help treat and prevent illnesses the world over. The illnesses they can treat are very varied and can vary from minor illnesses to saving people against potentially life-threatening problems. They are also often used for recreation, helping users to feel relaxed, euphoric and a range of other experiences and emotions.

Drugs are designed to have an impact on our bodies. As such, they can sometimes lead to unwanted side-effects. Some drugs can have an adverse effect on the brain, potentially even causing permanent damage. Drugs should always be approached with maximum care and should never be used without advice from medical professionals.


Encephalopathy Fact #5: Caused By Organ Damage

Our body’s organs are all effective at their particular jobs. They help us to breathe. They help blood circulate. They help get energy from our food. And they also help to keep our bodies free from disease and toxins. We are reliant upon them for our survival and well-being and things can go quite wrong if our organs begin to fail.

Should our livers begin to fail, for example, it can affect its ability to clean the body of toxins. This can mean more toxins circulating through the blood, and this can cause damage to the brain. Similar problems can happen if the kidneys begin to fail.


Encephalopathy Fact #6: Caused By Tumors

One of mankind’s greatest ever quests is to find a cure for cancer. There is still a long way to go but we are in a better position to treat it now than ever before. Still, though, we are often helpless when it comes to cancer and it can present a very real threat to our lives. If a tumor develops, it can be devastating, particularly if it is in the brain.

An expanding brain tumor can cause untold damage to the brain and a fatality is likely in most cases. What’s more is that tumors elsewhere in the body can also lead to the brain becoming damaged.


Encephalopathy Fact #7: Caused By Poisonings

There are countless substances in the world that are toxic to us. Most are kept well away from where they can be a danger to us. Others are more common but are not necessarily a danger to us in small doses. If we are not careful, though, they can be dangerous and can even pose a very real threat to our lives.

Even if we do intake toxins somehow, they are usually filtered out by the kidney or liver. If there is too much for our organs to cope with, though, then things can begin to get nasty. Poisonings can cause a range of harmful symptoms to the body and they can cause damage to the brain.


Encephalopathy Fact #8: Causes Behavioral Changes

Our brains determine pretty much everything about who we are mentally. Our brains store the information and experiences that determine our personalities, our intelligence and who we are overall. This means that should something happen to the brain, your personality can be affected as a result.

One symptom of encephalopathy is mood changes. Depression is also common and the patient can often appear to be a completely different person than before the damage occurred. It can also destroy their ability to remember and even their closest loved ones might be forgotten. It can be devastating not only to the patient but also to those around them.


Encephalopathy Fact #9: Causes Physical Impairment

Every time we move, it is due to a command that came directly from the brain. The vast majority of our movements are done subconsciously, but still our actions are carried out through commands from the brain. If the brain becomes damaged, then its ability to give commands to the body is also affected.

Some of the early signs of encephalopathy are shaking and tremors. The patient will find it difficult to coordinate and even simple tasks can become all but impossible for them. Severe cases can lead to them becoming paralyzed and it can also affect the functioning of the organs.


Encephalopathy Fact #10: Treatment

The brain is incredibly complex and we have only just scratched the surface in regard to our understanding of it. This makes treatment for brain conditions extremely difficult, but we are making some progress. If the underlying cause can be identified then we can set about treating that cause the best we can.

In some cases, treating the cause can stop symptoms completely. Medications are often used, although surgery is also necessary in some instances. It is possible to make a complete recovery from encephalopathy depending on what is causing it. In many cases, though, the damage is permanent and cannot be treated.


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