10 Early Signs of Lung Cancer

By james
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As with our other essential organs, our lungs are hard at work every single day. Without them, we would not be able to supply our body with the oxygen that we need, and it would be a matter of minutes before we die. Thus, it makes a lot of sense to take good care of them, and we should pay attention to any signs that something is wrong.

There are numerous medical conditions that can occur with the lungs, and lung cancer is one of them. Lung cancer is usually very difficult to treat but, as with other types of cancer, catching it early will increase your chances of survival.

Here are a few of the signs that you should be making an appointment with your doctor.

Early Lung Cancer

Early Sign #1: Chest Pain

A pain in the chest can be caused by a wide variety of conditions. Most of them are quite harmless, but sometimes a pain in this area of the body is a sign of something serious. In some cases, the pain is being caused by the presence of cancer in the lungs.

The chest pain associated with lung cancer is likely to get worse when coughing, laughing, or breathing deeply. People will often try to delay getting such pains checked out at first in the hope that it is just something harmless. Catching cancer early will improve your chances of making a full recovery, though, and seeing a doctor as soon as possible could save your life.

Early Lung Cancer

Early Sign #2: Shortness of Breath

When our breathing muscles cause our lungs to expand, it causes fresh air to be sucked in. Oxygen in this air is then absorbed into the body through the lung’s walls, where it is then taken to where it is needed by our red blood cells. As the blood is pumped around the body, it eventually returns to the lungs where it picks up more oxygen again.

In cases of lung cancer, the lungs are going to be less efficient as they usually would be. This causes less oxygen to be absorbed, and this causes us to become short of breath. If you do often find that you are short of breath for no apparent reason, you should arrange to get it checked out.

Early Lung Cancer

Early Sign #3: Appetite Loss

Our bodies need a lot of fuel and nutrients. We can go without food for 3 weeks or so, but we still need to eat every day if we are to remain in good health. This makes a healthy appetite important for us because it helps to keep us in good shape. If you do lose your appetite, it could be that you are quite ill.

Patients with lung cancer will often find that they lose their appetite and this can complicate things further. Not only can they find that they begin to lose weight, but nutrients are also important for helping to fight against the cancer.

Early Lung Cancer

Early Sign #4: Persistent Cough

The vast majority of people have had a cough at least once in their lives. They can be very irritating but they are usually quite harmless and will pass before too long without having done any permanent damage. We will usually just pass them off for something harmless, but they can sometimes be a symptom of a serious underlying condition.

In some cases, a cough can be a symptom of lung cancer. The cough associated with lung cancer is likely to be one that lingers and will also often get worse as time progresses. If you have any cough that persists for too long, or gets too severe, you should arrange to have it checked out.

Early Lung Cancer

Early Sign #5: Fatigue

When you are feeling fatigued, you can usually just get well-fed, go to bed, and wake up the next day feeling refreshed. If you have a serious illness, however, then getting food and rest may not be enough. Patients with lung cancer will likely find that they feel fatigued all of the time, regardless of how well they take care of themselves.

Lung cancer is going to have an effect on the chemical balances in the body, leaving us feeling tired all the time. It will also use up a lot of our resources, further adding to the problem, while the patient is also likely to be eating little as well as having difficulty sleeping.

Early Lung Cancer

Early Sign #6: Wheezing

As our lungs expand and contract, air is forced through our airways. Air is usually able to pass through quite freely, but if air is not able to pass so easily then it can cause the same amount of air to be forced through a smaller passage, and this can result in wheezing.

If you have developed a new wheeze that you did not have before, there is a chance that lung cancer is the cause. Medical professionals may prescribe medication that will help to keep the airways open, which can help to prevent the wheezing, while also trying to treat the underlying cause.

Early Lung Cancer

Early Sign #7: Regular Infections

We are always at risk of developing an infection, although our immune system can help to keep us reasonably safe. Certain medical conditions, however, can weaken the body and increase the chances of infections taking hold. Lung cancer is no exception, and patients with the condition will develop an infection of the lungs more frequently than usual.

Lung infections such as pneumonia and bronchitis are quite common in lung cancer patients. This can cause further problems for a patient that is already ill. Some patients will be treated with strong antibiotics to help cure infections and prevent new ones from developing.

Early Lung Cancer

Early Sign #8: Hoarse Voice

It is quite impressive how we are able to identify people from their voice alone. Even among tens of thousands of people, we can identify a single individual even if they said a single word. This can become quite difficult if their voices were to change for some reason, and some medical conditions can cause this.

In cases of lung cancer, patients will often find that their voices become hoarser than usual. It is often caused because tumors in the lungs can press against the laryngeal nerve, changing the patient’s voice. A hoarse voice can be caused by a range of conditions and you should arrange to get it checked out if it persists.

Early Lung Cancer

Early Sign #9: Coughing Up Blood

Growing tumors in the lungs are going to cause quite a bit of damage, and this can lead to bleeding. This means that blood is leaked into the lungs themselves and it must be removed so that the lungs can continue to function properly. There is only one way for this blood to be removed, which is for it to be forced up out of the windpipe.

It is not usual for us to cough up blood and it is something that you should arrange to get checked out as a matter of urgency. It can be a sign of something very serious, even as serious as lung cancer.

Early Lung Cancer

Early Sign #10: Atelectasis

Our lungs are basically large, organic bags. The muscles in the chest area cause the lung cavity to get larger or smaller and this, in turn, puts pressure on the bags and causes air to be sucked in or blown out. It is important that they need to remain inflated so they can continue to work properly.

Atelectasis is a condition in which the lung collapses in on itself. In cases of lung cancer, this is usually because blocked airways prevent the lungs from being able to fill with gas (air) as they usually would. The patient will sometimes not even realize it has occurred, but it is a condition that needs to be treated.

Early Lung Cancer

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