Cold Sores Causes and Remedies

By james
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Cold sores are caused by an infection from the HSV-1 virus. This doesn’t mean you have an STD as this particular variety of the virus can be picked up through contact with people or objects. It is a very common infection, with most people developing a cold sore at least once in their lifetime.

Cold sores are not usually at all dangerous, although they can pose a risk to people that are very ill, particularly those with AIDS. Despite that, they can be quite painful and unsightly. They are highly contagious so you should try and avoid contact with anybody that has a cold sore. The good news is that there are various remedies that can help treat cold sores and relieve symptoms.

Cold Sore

Cause #1: Fatigue

Our immune systems are hard at work every day, and they need to be well supported to keep on fighting against infection. Usually, this is not a problem for us, but maintaining the fight can sometimes be a lot to ask. Every now and then, we might experience a lapse in our defenses and symptoms can arise as a result.

Fatigue can cause such lapses as the body runs low on the energy it needs to fight infection as efficiently as it should. This means that the likeliness of infections will increase, and this means an increase in the chance of a cold sore developing. If you do develop a cold sore, it could be a sign that you are pushing yourself too hard and need to take a break.

Cold Sore

Cause #2: Stress

From time to time, we will go through periods where it can be difficult to cope. We can have so much to be concerned about that it can be difficult to find any time to relax, and we can become quite stressed. Not only can this be very unpleasant emotionally, it can also directly affect our physical well-being overall.

Stress can directly have an impact on our immune system, making us more vulnerable to infection and disease. Such infections include cold sores, and they are a symptom that you are undergoing a period of stress. If you are experiencing prolonged stress, you should arrange to speak with a doctor.

Cold Sore

Cause #3: Hormonal Swings

Every day, hormones are causing a profound effect on our lives. They help to regulate certain functions within our bodies, while they also help to regulate our mood and our general outlook on life. Our hormone levels are not constant, though, and hormonal swings can have quite an effect.

Changes in hormone levels can have a considerable impact on how we feel and they can also affect us in other ways. They can also affect our immune system, potentially make us more susceptible to infection and disease. As a result, cold sores can arise when our hormonal levels fluctuate. Menstruating women, in particular, can be prone to developing cold sores.

Cold Sore

Cause #4: Infections

Our immune system does a great job of protecting us from infection and disease, but it is not impervious. When it is faced with invading bacteria or any other pathogen it can use up a lot of resources, and it can become overwhelmed.

If our immune system is overwhelmed when fighting off disease, weaknesses are likely to appear and infections can take hold. This includes cold sores, which means they can be a symptom of another infection within the body. If the system is overwhelmed then antibiotics may be the key, although they should only be used when they are really needed.

Cold Sore

Cause #5: Cold Windy Weather

Depending on where you live in the world, the weather can become quite unpleasant during the winter. It can become cold, and it can become windy, and the combination of the two can be horrible to cope with. Cold, windy weather is not only unpleasant to be in, it can also have adverse effects on our bodies.

If our skin is exposed to cold winds, it can cause the skin to crack. These cracks can be quite sore and once we are inside a warm building bacteria can begin to take hold. In addition to cold, windy weather, strong sunlight can also cause cracks leading to cold sores.

Cold Sore

Cold Sore Remedy #1: Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is a plant that contains a gel-like substance that has various medicinal properties. It is often used as a dietary supplement for the vitamins and minerals it contains, as well as other compounds that offer various health benefits. In addition to being used as a dietary supplement, aloe vera is also used as a topical remedy for various ailments.

Aloe vera has soothing properties that help alleviate discomfort caused by cold sores. It also contains anti-inflammatory properties that can help with the healing of the wound. Aloe Vera is readily available in health stores and pharmacies and is easy to use.

Cold Sore

Cold Sore Remedy #2: Lemon Balm

Lemon balm is not made from lemon but is an herb that is closely related to mint. It is thought to hold various medicinal properties and is often used to help people relax and to help people get a good night’s sleep. It can also be used as a remedy for cold sores.

Ideally, lemon balm can be used in a lip balm containing extracts from the herb. A lip balm will help soothe the cold sore while also helping to prevent the lips from cracking further. A lemon balm tea compress can also be used topically to help soothe and treat the cold sore.

Cold Sore

Cold Sore Remedy #3: Ice

Ice may not contain any medicinal properties, but it can still help to soothe the pain that so often comes with a cold sore. It can also reduce the inflammation while the cold will also help to slow down the activity of any bacteria in the area.

Another positive of using ice is that it is so easy to use. Just take some from the freezer and place it in a compress. Place the cold compress directly onto the affected area and leave it there for as long as you like. It can be a welcome relief to people that are suffering from particularly painful sores.

Cold Sore

Cold Sore Remedy #4: Stress Relief

Prolonged stress is not only unpleasant, it can also lead to problems with our physical health. Prolonged stress can impact our immune system, leaving us open to a range of infections and diseases. As a result, cold sores are a fairly common symptom experienced by people undergoing periods of prolonged stress.

As such, finding relief from whatever is causing you stress can help overcome cold sores, while also helping your mental and physical health overall. This can be hard to achieve, depending on the source of the stress, but a change in lifestyle will often make a considerable difference overall.

Cold Sore

Cold Sore Remedy #5: Prescription Medication

If you have any kind of illness, the best remedy is likely to be on medication that is prescribed by a doctor. Such medication has been developed over years using vast budgets and is likely to contain properties that will help your cold sores faster and better than any homemade remedies.

In addition to prescribed medicines, you will also find a range of non-prescription medicines that will help. You will find a selection that will help cure the cold sore altogether and also medicine that helps relieve you from the symptoms. Just ask a doctor or a pharmacist and they will have just what you need.

Cold Sore

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