10 Symptoms of Chiari Malformation

By james
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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Our skulls are made of thick bone that is difficult to penetrate or break. This helps to provide a strong defensive casing for our otherwise fragile brains. While the skull usually makes an excellent defense, it can sometimes become a hindrance as well.

A Chiari malformation is caused when the skull is misshapen somehow. This can cause part of the brain to be pushed down into the spinal canal. The symptoms can vary in severity and some people may not even experience any symptoms at all. Others, though, can find that it will impact their quality of life severely.

Chiari Malformation

Symptom #1: Poor Hand Coordination

Our hands are just one of many reasons why we were able to become the dominant species on the planet. With our opposable thumbs and great dexterity, we are able to manipulate objects around us in ways that few other animals are able. This, combined with a powerful brain, allows us to do some incredible things.

If there are complications with the brain, though, then the coordination in the hands can begin to suffer. Patients with a Chiari malformation are likely to find that they will have difficulties with coordinating their hands. This can make even relatively simple tasks difficult to accomplish.

Chiari Malformation

Symptom #2: Neck Pain

Sleep in an awkward position at night and you may well find that your neck is quite sore the next day. This can be very uncomfortable but it should only last a day or two, and there are remedies available on the market that can help. If the pain remains for longer, though, then it could be a symptom that something is quite wrong.

If your neck pain is permanent, then it could be an indicator that you have a Chiari malformation. The neck contains some very valuable body parts so any pain here should not be treated with complacency. If you do have persistent pain in the neck then you should arrange to get it checked out by a doctor.

Chiari Malformation

Symptom #3: Balancing Problems

Some of the world’s greatest technology companies are in a race to build robots in a humanoid form. While they have made great advances in much of the technology, there are still having a lot of problems with one area in particular—balancing on two feet. What seems easy to us cannot yet be replicated even by our most advanced technologies.

However, it is not so easy for everyone. Many patients with a Chiari malformation, for example, will find that they have difficulties with keeping their balance. It can lead to an unusual gait and lead them to become very limited in their mobility.

Chiari Malformation

Symptom #4: Swallowing Difficulties

Swallowing is something that comes naturally to us. Even newborn babies don’t have to be taught to swallow, they do so instinctively the very first time they drink their mother’s milk. People with a Chiari malfunction, however, can experience problems even with this basic function.

Difficulty swallowing obviously makes things difficult when eating and drinking. It can also lead to gagging and vomiting, which can make matters even worse. Despite these difficulties, it is clearly important that the patient continues to get the nutrition that they need. The problem occurs because the parts of the brain that control swallowing are affected.

Chiari Malformation

Symptom #5: Tingling in the Extremities

Our bodies contain a network of nerves that tell us everything we need to know about the world around us. This includes the extremities such as the hands and feet, allowing us to touch objects. These nerves should be working 24/7, and there may be a problem if they are not.

If you are feeling a numbness or tingling in the extremities then it is a sign that something is wrong with your nervous system. It may be barely noticeable at first, getting more significant as the condition worsens. Such problems can lead to more severe problems in the future and you should make sure to get them checked out.

Chiari Malformation

Symptom #6: Speaking Difficulties

Being able to speak as we do requires a great deal of brain power. Not only do we need to be able to think of which words to use, but we also need to be able to coordinate our speech muscles to make the sounds we need to make. If the parts of the brain responsible for speech are affected, then talking can become a lot harder for us.

Many patients with a Chiari malformation will find that they have some difficulty in speaking. It is common for them to experience difficulties with their voice, such as speaking more coarsely than usual.

Chiari Malformation

Symptom #7: Vision Problems

Much of what we see are images that have been created by our brains using the information that is sent to them by the eyes. If our brains are impeded somehow in making these images, then our vision will begin to suffer as a result. Because of this, some patients with a Chiari malformation will find that their vision begins to suffer.

People with the condition may find that their vision will become blurred or that they will begin seeing double. If such symptoms do occur suddenly and for no apparent reason, you should arrange to get it checked out by a medical professional.

Chiari Malformation

Symptom #8: Dizziness

Dizziness can be bought on by a wide range of causes. It is an unpleasant sensation, and we will usually need to sit or lay down to make sure that we do not fall and injure ourselves. It is a sensation that is usually short-lived, but some people might find that it is longer lasting.

Some patients with a Chiari formation will experience dizziness. If you are experiencing the symptom regularly then you should arrange to get it checked out. It might turn out to be nothing, but going to a doctor could also end up in you getting a diagnosis that you need.

Chiari Malformation

Symptom #9: Slow Heartbeat

Our hearts need to be beating regularly to make sure that blood is being constantly pumped around the body. If it is beating too fast, then it can lead to high blood pressure. If it is beating too slowly, though, then the blood may have difficulties circulating throughout the body effectively.

With the brain affected, people with a Chiari malformation can find that their heart beats slower than it should. This can lead to a range of complications, some of which can be serious. If you are experiencing any abnormalities with the functions of your heart, you should arrange to get it checked out as soon as possible.

Chiari Malformation

Symptom #10: Scoliosis

We might appear to be standing up straight, but our spines are in fact curved. This curvature helps the spine to absorb the pressures placed upon them and runs from back to front, not from side to side. Some people, though, will have a spine that is curved to the side in a condition known as scoliosis.

A Chiari malformation can include such a curvature of the spine. It will cause the patient to have a disfigured stance and it can lead to further complications. It is treatable in many cases, although extensive surgery and rehabilitation may be required and correcting the condition can take years.

Chiari Malformation

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