10 Causes of Tightness In Chest

By james
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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The chest area houses some of our most delicate and most important organs. The lungs and the heart, in particular, are essential to us and we could be in considerable trouble if something was to happen to them. They are well protected by a strong shield, the rib cage, although things can still go wrong.

Because a pain in the chest can suggest something wrong with these essential organs, it is often something that you should pay full attention to. It is not always down to something dangerous, however, even if the pain in the area is alarming.

In some cases, you should make sure you get emergency medical assistance straight away. Below are 10 causes of tightness in the chest to look out for.

Tightness In Chest

Cause #1: Stress Cardiomyopathy

Stress cardiomyopathy is said to feel very much like a heart attack. It is a very different condition, though, and is not the result of blocked arteries. It happens because part of the heart sees a severe drop in contractions and it is often caused by an emotional shock such as hearing of the passing of a family member.

Also known as takotsubo cardiomyopathy, this condition is potentially very serious. It can lead to heart failure and shock and patients should be sought immediate medical attention. Despite the potential severity of the condition, though, patients will usually make a full recovery.

Tightness In Chest

Cause #2: Angina Pectoris

Angina is a condition that typically manifests itself as a sensation of squeezing in the chest area. It can also spread to the shoulders and other parts of the upper torso. The pain is a result of insufficient oxygen being supplied to the heart due to an inadequate blood flow.

Angina will only usually be experienced after the patient has been exercising, with nothing usually being felt when at rest. It is not necessarily a dangerous condition in itself but can be a sign of a potentially serious underlying problem. You should arrange to speak with a medical professional if you are experiencing these symptoms.

Tightness In Chest

Cause #3: Pleurisy

Pleurisy is often described as a sharp, stabbing sensation in the chest area when the patient is trying to breathe. It will often get worse with movements, particularly sudden movements such as coughing or sneezing. Patients may also experience chills and a fever.

Pleurisy is caused by an inflammation of the pleurae. This is a membrane that covers the lungs. Pleurisy can be caused by many things, although viral infections are the most common. It can also be caused by other conditions such as autoimmune disorders, pneumonia, and even lung cancer. You should get it checked out to try and find out what the cause is.

Tightness In Chest

Cause #4: Pulmonary Embolism

Pulmonary embolism will often be experienced as a cough, shortness of breath, and a pain in the chest that gets worse as you cough. The patient may also be experiencing swelling in one leg that is painful. It is potentially a very serious condition and should be treated as a medical emergency.

A pulmonary embolism is often caused by a blood clot. The blood clot will often have formed in the lower part of the body. These clots can then become dislodged, travel up to the lungs, and then become lodged in the pulmonary arteries in the lungs. There are various factors that can increase the risk, including smoking, injury, and a prolonged lack of rest.

Tightness In Chest

Cause #5: Acute Coronary Syndrome

Acute coronary syndrome is actually an umbrella term for a group of conditions. These conditions cause a sudden drop in the flow of blood to the muscles of the heart. It is better known as a heart attack and is something that should be taken very seriously indeed because it is potentially fatal.

This condition is generally experienced as a sharp pain that can radiate throughout the upper torso. The left arm in particular is likely to experience pain. The patient will also experience a feeling of pressure or tightness in the chest area. Other symptoms include cold sweats, dizziness, nausea, weakness, and a shortness of breath.

Tightness In Chest

Cause #6: Cancer

Cancer is a very real threat to anybody. Even the young and healthy are not completely safe, although there are certain risk factors that can increase the chances of cancer developing. Some cancers can be cured, but others are likely to be fatal. They can develop anywhere in the body including in the lungs.

Symptoms of lung cancer will include a pain in the chest. Other symptoms include shortness of breath, coughing, and coughing up blood. Lung cancer is usually fatal, but your chances of recovery are increased if you are diagnosed and treated in the early stages. It is advisable to get checked out regularly.

Tightness In Chest

Cause #7: Pneumonia

Pneumonia is an infection of the lungs. Symptoms include a pain in the chest and a painful hacking cough with a distinctive sound. The patient is also likely to experience a fever and chills as well as nausea and a shortness of breath. Pneumonia is a potentially serious condition and should be treated as a medical emergency.

Pneumonia is treatable and patients can make a full recovery. However, people that are very old, very ill, or very fragile can be hit hard by the condition and fatalities do occur. It is often treated with a course of antibiotics, although patients are often admitted into hospital for close observation.

Tightness In Chest

Cause #8: Asthma

Asthma is a condition that makes it very hard for patients to breathe. Patients will often live with asthma throughout their lives, although many people will grow out of it when they reach adulthood. Although it does not affect the patient all of the time, an attack is a potentially dangerous situation.

An asthma attack can be triggered by various stimuli such as allergens and irritants. It causes the airways to become inflamed, making the passageway for air to become narrower. This makes it difficult for patients to draw breath and severe attacks can be fatal. An asthma attack could also be responsible for a feeling of tightness in the chest.

Tightness In Chest

Cause #9: Panic Attack

A panic attack, also known as panic disorder, it a type of anxiety disorder. During attacks, patients can experience extreme sensations of fear and may become incapacitated with distress. It has the potential to have a considerable negative impact on the lives of people with the condition.

Panic attacks can be triggered by even the slightest of things. For some people, even just being outside or coming into contact with strangers can be all that it takes to trigger an attack. In addition to fear, patients can also experience other symptoms, including a tightness in the chest. Treatment is available that can at least help to reduce the severity of the symptoms.

Tightness In Chest

Cause #10: Injury

The rib cage forms an effective shield that helps to protect the soft, delicate organs inside. It is not invincible, though, and is prone to picking up knocks from time to time. The bones, muscles, and cartilage that make up the rib cage are prone to picking up injuries and this can cause a tightness in the chest.

In some cases, the patient might have a broken rib that is pointing inward, and this will affect the lungs directly, causing considerable pain and difficulty breathing. Rib injuries are notoriously slow to heal, but the patient should be able to eventually make a full recovery.

Tightness In Chest

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