10 Causes of Stomach Cramps

By james
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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Stomach cramps are an uncomfortable condition that can cause considerable pain in the abdomen area. While cramps are generally used to describe involuntary muscle contractions, the term stomach cramps is often applied to other types of pain in the area, including those caused by muscle spasms.

Stomach cramps can be caused by a wide range of problems. While they are not necessarily dangerous in themselves, they can be a sign of an underlying problem that requires medical attention.

While it is often easy for people to overlook stomach cramps as not being serious, you should arrange to see a doctor if they are severe.

Stomach Cramps

Cause #1: Reflux

At the end of the esophagus where it meets the stomach is a muscle that clamps tightly shut after food has been allowed to pass through it. This is known as the lower esophageal sphincter and it has the job of keeping food and the stomach’s acidic juices inside the stomach.

Reflux is a condition where this muscle does not close properly, allowing digestive juices to rise up the esophagus. This is a condition known as reflux. It is also commonly known as heartburn because of the way it burns the soft tissues of the esophagus. It can be very unpleasant and it can also lead to cramps.

Stomach Cramps

Cause #2: Gastritis

Inflammation in the body can lead to some considerable discomfort. It can occur in numerous parts of the body and can lead to some very unwelcome symptoms. It can also occur in the stomach in a condition that is known medically as gastritis.

Gastritis can be the result of various causes. One such cause is a bacterial infection, while another is a weakening in the stomach lining resulting in damage from the stomach’s digestive fluids. Gastritis can result in various symptoms, and stomach cramps are just one of them. In some cases, gastritis can remain with the patient for several years.

Stomach Cramps

Cause #3: Food Intolerance

Food is such a basic requirement that you’d think it would be easy for all of us to eat the same thing. Unfortunately, though, some people have quite a restricted diet because they have intolerances to certain foods. It can be very difficult for them to digest anything, and eating the wrong thing can result in some discomfort.

What’s more is that some people have intolerances to foods that are quite common. For example, many people need to keep clear of dairy, and this can be a difficult thing to achieve. Such intolerances to food can lead to various unwanted symptoms and muscle cramps are one of them.

Stomach Cramps

Cause #4: Gastroenteritis

Gastroenteritis, which is also commonly known as stomach flu, is a relatively common ailment. It is generally caused by a viral or bacterial infection. It can lead to a host of unwanted symptoms such as nausea and vomiting and can also lead to stomach cramps.

Stomach flu is not usually something to be overly concerned about and it will usually clear up in a couple of days or so. You should see a doctor if symptoms persist, though, and people that are vulnerable should be monitored closely. A course of antibiotics will often be prescribed to help cure the illness.

Stomach Cramps

Cause #5: Pulled Muscles

There are quite a lot of muscles around the abdomen area. These muscles help provide our soft abdomen area with some protection, while they also help to provide us with the strength that we need. People will often focus on the muscles in this area when they are working out and this can lead to problems.

It is not uncommon for stomach cramps to occur because of over exercising this part of the body. Bear in mind that you should never over exert yourself when you are exercising. If you are unsure, you should consider speaking with a personal trainer. If you do pull a muscle when exercising, you may need to see a doctor if the problem persists.

Stomach Cramps

Cause #6: Gas

Gas is a common problem. Most of us have experienced it at one point. Quite often it is down to having consumed too many gassy beverages. At other times, it is due to the overproduction of gas as a result of eating certain foods. Eating a lot of food can also contribute to the problem.

Gas will usually pass harmlessly before long. It is usually passed out of the body in a manner that can be embarrassing, but also harmless. Severe cases can lead to more cause for concern, however, and can lead to harsher symptoms such as stomach cramps. If you do suffer regularly from severe gas, you may need to restrict your diet.

Stomach Cramps

Cause #7: Menstruation

Menstruation affects women in different days. For many, it is little more than a minor inconvenience but for others, it can be agonizing. Menstruation can cause considerable discomfort in some women and it can lead to quite severe stomach cramps.

We can’t prevent menstruation, but you may at least be able to ask a doctor to prescribe something that will help to relieve the symptoms. You could also have a look online for solutions that may be able to make the time of the month more comfortable for you. Remember that an understanding partner may also be able to help a great deal.

Stomach Cramps

Cause #8: IBS

IBS, or Irritable Bowel Syndrome, affects millions of people worldwide. While most of us can have adverse reactions to some types of food, people with IBS are likely to have bad reactions to a much wider range of food. It can lead to various unwanted symptoms such as gas, bloating, and cramping.

While people will often find their symptoms subside after bowel movements, IBS can still be very uncomfortable. If the symptoms are severe then you may be able to speak to a doctor about prescribing something that can help. It is often necessary to stick to a strict diet to avoid having irritating foods in your diet.

Stomach Cramps

Cause #9: Constipation

Constipation is a condition where food passes through the digestive system too slowly. This causes stools to be hard and often difficult to pass, while it can also cause food and waste to begin to accumulate in the system. Accumulated food in the system can lead to increased pressure, and this can lead to further symptoms including stomach cramps.

Constipation should not last long and medication is available that can help. If it does last for longer than usual, you should arrange to get it checked out by a medical professional. Constipation can be caused by various things, including a poor diet, sickness, and blockages.

Stomach Cramps

Cause #10: Peptic Ulcers

Ulcers are not uncommon, although we will usually find them in the mouth. They are lesions in the skin and they can be quite sore. They can be the result of numerous causes, including infections, using certain medications, and also injuries. Depending upon the cause of the ulcer, a course of antibiotics may be prescribed, but surgery may be necessary in some cases.

An ulcer can lead to considerable persistent pain. It can also lead to other symptoms such as stomach cramps. If you do have severe stomach ulcers, you should arrange to get them checked out if you haven’t already.

Stomach Cramps

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