10 Causes of H Pylori

By james
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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Helicobacter pylori, also known as H. pylori, is a fairly common bacterium. It is usually associated with stomach conditions and is perhaps the most common cause of stomach ulcers. It is not necessarily dangerous, but vulnerable people may be at risk. There is still some mystery surrounding it because we don’t yet fully understand how it infects people.

H. pylori is contagious and can be transmitted in various ways. Most of these involve lack of hygiene and we can protect ourselves against the disease provided we are reasonably careful.

Here’s a look at some of the most common ways, that we know of, in which H. pylori can be passed from person to person.

H Pylori

Cause Of H Pylori #1: Contaminated Surfaces

Bacteria are pretty much everywhere. It can be very difficult to avoid them because there is likely to be bacteria on pretty much any surface that we touch. Thankfully, the vast majority of these bacteria are harmless to us.

Some are potentially harmful, though, and H. pylori is one of them. It is a bacterium that can be found on surfaces that are particularly unclean. While it is not really practical to avoid touching surfaces, cleaning surfaces regularly can help. This is especially the case when food is present.

H Pylori

Cause Of H Pylori #2: Contaminated Water

Most of the people reading this will be fortunate in that they have access to clean drinking water. Just turn on the faucet and the water will pour out, free from potentially harmful bacteria. Not all people are so fortunate, though, and even drinking water can be risky to them.

People in some parts of the world don’t have access to clean drinking water. Even if it does look clear, it can still be full of bacteria, such as H. pylori. We shouldn’t be too complacent about drinking water in developed countries either. Our drinking water can become contaminated if we are careless.

H Pylori

Cause Of H Pylori #3: Contaminated Vomit

When we vomit, we empty the contents of our stomach. This is a useful and often effective defense mechanism as it helps to eject pathogens and other harmful substances from our body. As such, vomit will often contain pathogens that can cause us to become ill if we come into contact with it.

We are not likely to want to come into contact with vomit anyway, as it is quite unpleasant, but some people are likely to be more exposed to it than others. Medical personnel in particular are at risk and will need to take precautions. Wearing protective clothing such as gloves can help keep you safe from contamination.

H Pylori

Cause Of H Pylori #4: Fecal Matter

H. pylori is often found in the digestive system. As such, you can expect to find it in fecal matter, although this is usually just flushed away in the sewage system. There are times when we might come into contact with fecal matter, though, and this can cause us to become contaminated with bacteria such as H. pylori.

Anybody that is likely to come into direct contact with fecal matter should be cautious and take adequate protection. Those most at risk include people that work in hospitals and care centers. People can also come into contact with fecal matter because of the carelessness of others.

H Pylori

Cause Of H Pylori #5: Contaminated Saliva

Bacteria are also often found in our saliva, and these can be very easily spread from person to person. All it can take is a well-meaning kiss for a disease to be spread from one person to another. It can also be spread if somebody coughs, causing their saliva to be sprayed over surfaces or other people.

One bacterium that can be spread through saliva is H. pylori. It is generally a good idea that infected people wear a face mask to help prevent the disease from spreading. Or, at least, others should take necessary precautions to make sure that they are protected.

H Pylori

Cause Of H Pylori #6: Contaminated Food

In the developed world, food hygiene standards are generally very high. There are often very strict regulations to ensure that all food is clean and free from pathogens, and those that break the rules can face heavy consequences. This means we can eat in confidence of being safe, but that is not always the case.

Some countries will have lower food safety standards, meaning you are more likely to fall ill after eating. There is still a risk in developed countries, though, and you should only use restaurants that have a good reputation. You should also make sure that you maintain good food hygiene standards at home.

H Pylori

Cause Of H Pylori #7: Sex

H. pylori is generally associated with diseases of the digestive system. As such, it will make sense that it can be transmitted in ways that have already been mentioned. There is also a train of thought, however, that H. pylori can also be transmitted through sex.

H. pylori can be found in the saliva, meaning that there is a risk of contamination through oral sex. It is also thought that the bacteria can also survive in the vagina, making transmission possible through penetrative sex. Either way, we do know that some diseases can definitely be transmitted through sex so it is best to play it safe.

H Pylori

Cause Of H Pylori #8: Living Conditions

Keeping the home clean and tidy is not only about appearance. It is also about hygiene and keeping you and your family safe from disease. It can take quite a lot of work at times, but it is worth it. Some people, however, have a much harder time maintaining hygienic living conditions than others.

Some people don’t have access to bathrooms that flush away waste and provide clean running water. Some people might also be forced to live in dirty conditions that can be a breeding ground for bacteria, including H. pylori. If you do live in a home that you can keep clean, you should make the most of it by cleaning when you can.

H Pylori

Cause Of H Pylori #9: Crowding

It is nice to be able to get away from people from time to time. A bit of space can be important for our well-being and many of us are fortunate enough to be able to do just that. It is not always so easy for a lot of people, though, and this can lead to problems.

Some people are forced to live in very cramped conditions. Crowding can also be a problem in public places and on public transport. This causes people to come into close contact with each other, and this can allow for disease to be spread more easily, including H. pylori.

H Pylori

Cause Of H Pylori #10: Unknown Causes

While H. pylori is a commonly encountered bacterium, there is still a lot more that we need to learn about it. This includes methods of transmission. We do know of certain methods that can cause a transmission but there is still a lot that we don’t know.

A lot of people can be carrying the bacteria and not even be aware for years. It is even thought that the bacteria can be found in around 50% of the population. Regardless, we do know of some ways that H. pylori can be transmitted and it makes sense to protect ourselves however we can.

H Pylori

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