10 Causes of Cloudy Urine

By james
Reviewed: Dr. Mera
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Our urine is usually clear and yellow in color, although it can sometimes have no color at all. It is the body’s way of expelling toxins and other impurities that have been filtered from the blood. While the color can vary from time to time, urine should always be clear. If it is cloudy then it is an indicator that something might be wrong.

There is not necessarily any need to panic because cloudy urine could be down to something as simple as eating certain foods. If it is down to a disease then these are usually treatable with relative ease.

There is a chance it could be something serious, though, so you should arrange to get it checked out. Below are 10 causes of cloudy urine to be aware of.

Cloudy Urine

Cause Of Cloudy Urine #1: Hepatitis

Viral hepatitis is known to cause changes in the color of the urine. Hepatitis A infection may cause the urine to become darker than usual during the icteric phase. Other symptoms associated with this disease are a low-grade fever, malaise, yellow-coloring of the skin and mucosae, nausea, and vomiting. If you are suffering from this condition you should seek medical attention for proper diagnosis.

Cloudy Urine

Cause Of Cloudy Urine #2: Urinary Tract Infections

As we drink and eat, we ingest all manner of toxins and other impurities. This is rarely a problem for us, though. The toxins are rarely in a high enough quantity to cause us harm and they are also filtered from our body to prevent them from accumulating to dangerous levels.

This is achieved with help from the urinary tract, which filters these toxins from the blood and passes them from the body in urine. The components that make up the urinary tract are prone to infections, though. This causes numerous symptoms, including cloudy urine. Thankfully, urinary tract infections are relatively easy to treat with antibiotics.

Cloudy Urine

Cause Of Cloudy Urine #3: Diabetes

Diabetes is a medical condition that affects millions worldwide. People with diabetes have to be careful about what they eat because they are unable to regulate their blood sugar levels. It causes numerous unwelcome symptoms and it can also be very dangerous to their health, and even their life.

One symptom of diabetes is that the patient will have cloudy urine. This can be down to damage to the kidneys that has been caused by the diabetes, while it can also be down to dehydration, which is another symptom of diabetes. It is a condition that can be treated but can still have a significant impact on the quality of the patient’s life.

Cloudy Urine

Cause Of Cloudy Urine #4: Dehydration

For most of us, clean drinking water is very easy to come by. It literally comes out of the faucet, and we also have access to a wide range of other drinks that can keep us hydrated. It is still possible to become dehydrated, though, and people that are ill are especially at risk.

People need to be particularly careful when taking part in physical activates and/or when the weather is hot. Sicknesses such as diarrhea can also cause dehydration, as can vomiting excessively. It does pose a very real threat to people that are vulnerable so they should be monitored where possible.

Cloudy Urine

Cause Of Cloudy Urine #5: Rhabdomyolysis

Rhabdomyolysis is a condition that is characterized by skeletal muscle injury due to many mechanisms. The damaged muscle cells will start to leak proteins into the bloodstream causing renal injury.

The classic presentation of this condition includes dark urine, generalized weakness, and muscle pain as the most common symptoms. This is a very serious medical condition and requires medical attention to prevent further complications.

Cloudy Urine

Cause Of Cloudy Urine #6: Prostatitis

The prostate is a small gland that is found only in men. Its job is to secrete a fluid that helps to protect and nourish sperm. This liquid is expelled from the body, along with the sperm, when a man ejaculates. This gland can become inflamed in a condition known as prostatitis. It is often caused by an infection.

Prostatitis can cause urine to become cloudy. Other symptoms include urinating frequently, pain in the abdomen, pain when urinating, and also pain when ejaculating. The condition is commonly treated with antibiotics, while the patient will sometimes be prescribed other medication to help ease the symptoms.

Cloudy Urine

Cause Of Cloudy Urine #7: Kidney Stones

Kidney stones are small stones that are made of hard minerals. These stones will often just pass their way through the system with ease, but they can also be excruciatingly painful for the patient. The patient will often be given medication to ease pain and other symptoms, while surgery may be necessary in extreme cases.

There is a chance that you have kidney stones if your urine is cloudy. This is a result of a higher than usual level of minerals being passed in your urine. Other symptoms include fever, vomiting, blood in urine, back pain, a burning sensation when urinating, and also urine that smells more than usual.

Cloudy Urine

Cause Of Cloudy Urine #8: Diet

In times gone by, physicians would check the bodily emissions of powerful people because it could tell them a lot about their health. The same goes today, although with technology, our urine and other emissions can tell us more about our health than ever before.

People that consume high amounts of phosphorous or vitamin D can have cloudy urine. Foods with high phosphorous levels include meats, dairy, and beans. It could, of course, also be down to other more serious issues so it is a good idea to get it checked out.

Cloudy Urine

Cause Of Cloudy Urine #9: Bladder Cancer

Bladder cancer is a medical condition that is known to cause hematuria (blood in the urine) in many patients.

The blood can be macroscopic (evident to the naked eye) or it can be microscopic (only visible with the use of a microscope in the lab). If you notice that your urine is changing in color without any reason, you should seek medical attention for proper diagnosis.

Cloudy Urine

Cause Of Cloudy Urine #10: Preeclampsia

Preeclampsia is a condition that occurs in pregnant women. It typically means the patient has protein in the urine as well as a high blood pressure. Patients will also sometimes have a low platelet level, which helps the blood to clot when necessary.

Excess protein in the urine can cause it to become cloudy, while it can also appear to be foamy. The condition usually occurs after the 20th week of pregnancy. The condition can progress to eclampsia, and this can be dangerous for both the mother and the baby. Emergency medical attention should be sought if eclampsia is suspected, while preeclampsia should also be monitored.

Cloudy Urine

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