10 Cancer Fighting Foods

By james
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Cancer is a scourge for many animals on Earth, including humans. It can strike even the healthiest of people and there is no sure way to completely protect ourselves from it. Despite this, there are some steps that we can take to reduce the likelihood of developing the disease.

Among the most effective methods of avoiding cancer is to look after yourself, and this includes healthy eating. Healthy living in itself can help prevent cancer, while some foods contain compounds that can actively help to prevent or defeat it.

Here’s a look at just a few of the foods that can reduce your chances of developing cancerous cells.

Cancer Fighting

Cancer Fighting Food #1: Berries

Berries come in a wide variety of different colors and flavors. They are a good source of fructose, a natural type of sugar, which helps to make them as sweet and delicious as they are. They can be eaten fresh, while they are also used as ingredients in cakes and other desserts.

Not only are berries delicious, but they are also very good for us. They are packed full of important vitamins and minerals and can even help to prevent cancer. Berries get their color from pigments known as anthocyanins, and these have antioxidant properties. As such, they can help to prevent cancer from developing.

Cancer Fighting

Cancer Fighting Food #2: Nuts

Nuts come in a very wide range, so there is something for pretty much everybody. They are packed full of nutrition and are also filling, making them popular in healthy living diets. Nuts are great as they are as a snack, while they are also used as an ingredient in a wide range of dishes.

Nuts are a very good source of healthy fats. While this does make them high in calories, it still makes them suitable for healthy, nutritious diets. Studies have also shown that eating nuts may be able to reduce your chances of getting cancer. It is also thought that specific types of nut can help with specific types of cancer.

Cancer Fighting

Cancer Fighting Food #3: Turmeric

Turmeric is a spice that is popular in cuisines all over the world. It is usually available as a yellow powder that is made from the roots of the plant. It is used in cooking for its distinctive aroma and flavor, while it is also used to add some color to enhance the appearance of dishes.

Not only does turmeric help to make food more interesting, but it also helps to make food healthier for you. Turmeric contains curcumin, which is its main active ingredient. This compound is thought to have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It is also thought to be able to fight against cancer directly.

Cancer Fighting

Cancer Fighting Food #4: Broccoli

Broccoli is a well-known vegetable that is often used as an accompaniment for main meals. It can be cooked in a number of ways, although boiling will cause it to lose a lot of its nutritional value. It is easily recognized thanks to its appearance of a miniature tree and it is cultivated in countries throughout the world.

Broccoli is a very good source of important vitamins and minerals. It is also a good source of sulforaphane, and it is thought that this compound can help protect us against cancer. Indeed, studies have shown that getting plenty of broccoli in your diet will decrease the chances of you developing certain types of cancer.

Cancer Fighting

Cancer Fighting Food #5: Carrots

You will often find carrots in salads, while they are also often served up as an accompaniment with main meals. They are delicious raw and can also be used as an ingredient in some dishes. They can even be used to help make delicious carrot cake, not something you would expect from most vegetables.

Several studies have found that you are less likely to get cancer the more carrots you eat. One study even suggested that people that eat carrots regularly decrease their chances of developing prostate cancer by 18%. Carrots are also very nutritious, so it is a good idea to eat them regardless.

Cancer Fighting

Cancer Fighting Food #6: Tomatoes

You will likely find tomatoes in cuisines pretty much wherever you go in the world. Tomatoes were first found growing naturally in South America and were eaten by the indigenous tribes living there. Since their discovery, they have spread worldwide and are a very popular ingredient in cooking.

Not only are tomatoes tasty, but they are also a very good source of various vitamins and minerals. Tomatoes get their bright red color from a compound known as lycopene. This compound is thought to have properties that can help in the fight against cancer. It is thought that they are able to help prevent prostate cancer specifically.

Cancer Fighting

Cancer Fighting Food #7: Beans

There are numerous different types of beans and they have been found growing naturally in many parts of the world. One of the reasons for their popularity is their flexibility, as they can be used as ingredients in main meals and/or as a convenient quick meal.

Beans are also well known for their nutritional value, and they are known for their high protein value in particular. They are also a good source of fiber and other vitamins and minerals, while they can also help to protect us against cancer. Studies have suggested that eating beans regularly can decrease your chances of developing cancer by up to 75%.

Cancer Fighting

Cancer Fighting Food #8: Garlic

As both an ingredient and a condiment, garlic has found popularity in dishes around the world. Garlic is a close relative to the onion and it originated in Iran and Central Asia. It is well known for its distinctive aroma and unique flavor and it is often used to add more dimension to some dishes.

In addition to being popular in the kitchen, garlic has also long been used for its medicinal properties. It is thought to be able to remedy a wide range of conditions, including cancer. This is because garlic contains allium, and studies have shown that this compound can be effective in protecting us against the disease.

Cancer Fighting

Cancer Fighting Food #9: Olive Oil

We often use oil in the kitchen, although it is well known that oils are not particularly healthy for you. Some oils are better than others, though, and olive oil is among the best. Not only is it not as bad for you as other types of oil, but it even offers some health benefits. It also helps to make food taste fantastic.

In addition to being a good source of various nutrients, olive oil is also thought to be able to protect us against cancer. Studies have shown that olive oil is able to reduce the chances of us developing cancers of the digestive system and also breast cancer. Olive oil can be more expensive than other types of oil, but it is well worth the cost.

Cancer Fighting

Cancer Fighting Food #10: Citrus Fruits

Citrus fruits are typically fruits that have a high liquid content such as oranges, lemons, and grapefruits. They can be enjoyed just as they are while they are also sometimes used in cooking. Plus, of course, they are great when it comes to making delicious and healthy smoothies.

Citrus fruits are known for their high vitamin C content, although they are also a good source of other vitamins and minerals. These together can help to keep us healthy by giving our immune system a boost. Studies have also shown that citrus fruits are able to help reduce the risk of a cancer developing.

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