10 Cancer Causing Foods

By james
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Cancer is a disease that has plagued mankind for as long as we have been on planet Earth. Even with the discoveries we have made in medicine and other fields of science, a cure for cancer remains elusive to us. We are making progress in treating it, though, and we have also been able to identify some of the causes.

A carcinogen is any substance that can cause cancer. Unfortunately, some of these are found in our food so we need to be careful about what we eat and drink. Most of these are found in junk foods that we already know to be bad for us.

While cutting them out won’t completely protect us from cancer, they can at least reduce our chances of getting it. This article looks at 10 cancer-causing foods.

Cancer Causing

Cancer Causing Food #1: Microwaveable Popcorn

Microwaveable popcorn is great to have around the home if you like to watch a movie from time to time. Not only does it taste great, but it is also very easy to cook. Literally just put it in the microwave, turn the microwave on, and wait. Unfortunately, it also comes with a dark side.

Microwavable popcorn is very carcinogenic. It contains many chemicals that are very bad for us, while the bag that it comes in is also a source of chemicals that can cause cancer. If you do like popcorn when it comes to watching movies, it is a good idea to make a little more effort and make it yourself from fresh corn.

Cancer Causing

Cancer Causing Food #2: Hydrogenated Oils

There are numerous types of natural oils in the world. Many are useful when it comes to cooking, while oils also have other uses such as in industry. We have also adapted some oils to make them even more useful to us, one example being hydrogenated oils. These oils are beneficial to us in various ways, but they are also very bad for us.

Hydrogenated oils are high in trans fats, and this is very bad for our cardiovascular system. What’s more is that they can have a direct effect on our cellular membranes, and this can lead to cancerous cells developing. Hydrogenated oils may be convenient to use, and they may even help make our food taste great, but it is still best to avoid using them.

Cancer Causing

Cancer Causing Food #3: Refined Sugar

Refined sugar is found in so many of the foods that we eat. Common in junk food, it is also often used when cooking from fresh. It is easy to see why as it helps add sweetness to foods to help make them so delicious. Unfortunately, it can also be very, very bad for us.

One of the biggest problems of refined sugar is that it is a major cause of obesity, but the problems don’t end there. Refined sugar feeds cancer cells, helping them to grow and proliferate. The effect it has on cancer cells is highlighted by the fact that medication for diabetes can be used against cancers.

Cancer Causing

Cancer Causing Food #4: Refined Flours

Refined flour is another type of food that is very commonly found in modern diets. It is used in making bread, cakes, pasta, and a wide range of other products. Unfortunately, though, even this staple has been shown to be very bad for us indeed and can make cancers worse.

As with refined sugars, refined flours are able to feed cancer cells and also tumors. This can counteract any medications being used to stop the cancer, potentially making things far worse. Flour is still important in a lot of cooking, though, but you can look for varieties that have been processed as little as possible.

Cancer Causing

Cancer Causing Food #5: Canned Goods

The ability to can goods has been very beneficial to us because it helps us to preserve food for a lot longer. This means that they can be kept on the shelves for longer and transportation is also easier and cheaper. It has helped to make food a lot more affordable than it used to be.

Unfortunately, though, many cans are lined with a substance that contains bisphenol-A. This is bad news for us because bisphenol-A, also known as BPA, can increase your chances of getting brain cancer. When shopping, you should try and look for canned foods that contain no BPA. Even better, try buying fresh goods where possible instead.

Cancer Causing

Cancer Causing Food #6: Soda

There’s nothing like a refreshing soda on a hot summer’s day. It is also great for washing burgers down with and a host of other foods. It is also so convenient and, of course, it tastes fantastic. That’s just about where the positives end, however, and it is only bad news from then on.

Sodas are notoriously bad for our health. They have a ridiculously high sugar content that contributes to obesity, while they also offer little to nothing in nutrition. What it worse is that they also contain compounds that can cause cancer. It is far better to keep clear and maybe consider delicious fresh fruit juice instead.

Cancer Causing

Cancer Causing Food #7: Processed Meats

We started processing meats partly because it would allow us to keep them for longer before expiring. Another reason is that processing often adds flavor, making tasty meats even better tasting than they already were. They can be so delicious it is no wonder they are so popular, but they are also very bad for us.

Unfortunately, many processed meats are made using ingredients that are carcinogenic. This includes some of our favorites such as salami, sausages, bologna, and even bacon. It is hard to resist, but try at least to shop wisely to reduce the number of carcinogens in these delicious treats.

Cancer Causing

Cancer Causing Food #8: Alcohol

Countless people across the planet like to have a drink from time to time. Whether it is enjoying a fine scotch with a few cigars, or downing pints of lager with friends in a pub, it is enjoyed by people from most walks of life. As enjoyable as alcohol can be, however, it is definitely something that should be treated with care.

It is well known that drinking excess alcohol runs the risk of a dependency forming, but the bad news does not stop there. Drinking excess alcohol is also linked to cancer, and it is just behind smoking in the carcinogenic tables. That’s not to say it shouldn’t be enjoyed sometimes, but it is best to drink it in moderation.

Cancer Causing

Cancer Causing Food #9: Red Meat

There is nothing quite like getting tucked into a delicious, juicy burger or steak. Red meats are very popular for their great flavor, while they are also a very good source of protein, vitamins, minerals, and fats. This might make us think that they are good for us but, unfortunately, this is not true.

Red meats tend to be very fatty, and this in itself can cause numerous health problems. What’s even worse, though, is that they are also carcinogenic. Plus, livestock is sometimes treated with chemicals that can also be carcinogenic. They are still important to us though, and you should try to include some in your diet but try to keep it to a minimum.

Cancer Causing

Cancer Causing Food #10: Artificial Sweeteners

When artificial sweeteners first entered the market, they were thought of as a godsend by many people. They gave people the opportunity to eat delicious, sweet foods but without the fattening properties of sugars. This means it made a much healthier alternative…or did it?

While artificial sweeteners may make it less likely that you become obese, they do come with other health risks. One fairly common sweetener that goes by the name of aspartame is particularly carcinogenic. If you are looking for a sweet fix, then you can try and find a compromise and look for natural alternatives such as honey instead.

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