10 C Diff Symptoms

By james
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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The full name for the bacterium C. diff is Clostridium difficile. The bacterium infects the bowels and can cause some very unpleasant symptoms. The infection usually occurs in people who have just undergone treatment using antibiotics. Ironically, the condition is usually treated with antibiotics.

Although C. diff can usually be treated, the symptoms can be severe enough to be life-threatening to vulnerable people. Severe cases cause extreme diarrhea and some people may need to be hospitalized.

Most people won’t experience such severe symptoms, but any person suspected of having the infection should arrange to get medical assistance as soon as they can. This article looks at 10 symptoms of C. diff to be aware of.

C Diff

Symptom #1: Diarrhea

Our digestive system cannot absorb water and nutrients from our food instantly. It requires some time to do so, so our food needs to pass through fairly slowly. This is usually not a problem with a healthy digestive system, but things don’t always work as well as they should do.

A C. diff infection will cause considerable irritation and upset to the stomach, and this will cause the food to pass through much faster than usual. This, in turn, means that the body does not have time to extract the fluid it needs, resulting in diarrhea. Extreme cases can lead to dehydration and malnutrition, so vulnerable patients should be monitored.

C Diff

Symptom #2: Abdominal Pain

If you eat something that does not agree with you then it won’t be long before you know about it. It can lead to indigestion and this can be very uncomfortable, but it is not usually something to be too worried about. Sometimes, though, it can be a sign that you are in need of medical attention.

Patients with a C. diff infection are likely to experience cramps in the abdomen area. The cramps are likely to be mild to begin with but they can increase in severity. It the cramps become too severe then you should arrange to see a doctor regardless of the suspected cause.

C Diff

Symptom #3: Bloody Stools

Nobody really wants to inspect their stools too closely, but doing so can tell you a lot about your well-being. The color, consistency, and even the smell of your stools can be telltale signs of ailments so they are something that you should pay attention to. You should definitely pay attention if there is blood in your stools.

If there is blood in your stools, it could be a sign that there is something quite wrong internally. It is a symptom of C. diff, while it could also be a sign of an internal trauma, other infections, or even cancer. As such, it is a symptom that should encourage you to speak with a doctor as soon as you can.

C Diff

Symptom #4: Dehydration

It is essential that we make sure our bodies have all the water that they need. Otherwise, we can fall quite ill, and a prolonged duration with insufficient water can be fatal for us. Fortunately, we usually have access to all the water we need. However, that still does not protect us from dehydration.

C. diff infections can cause diarrhea, and this can cause the body to lose a lot of water. A patient that is feeling ill may also be reluctant to take on fluids, and this can contribute to the condition. The very young, very sick, and very old in particular are vulnerable to dehydration.

C Diff

Symptom #5: Fever

Fevers are caused by a wide range of diseases. Our immune systems don’t like it when it finds pathogens in the body and will straightaway respond to try and kill or remove them. There are various ways that we will try and achieve this, one of which is to make the body a lot hotter than usual.

This phenomenon is what we know as a fever, and it is a symptom of C. diff. Fever is not necessarily dangerous to us even if it is unpleasant. You are also likely to experience chills, which are a part of the same process. A high fever can be dangerous, so patients should be monitored.

C Diff

Symptom #6: Weight Loss

People will experience fluctuations in weight as they live their lives. People will often lose weight due to their metabolism. Other people will lose weight as a result of changes in their lifestyle choices. Sometimes, though, weight loss can be down to being ill.

C. diff will cause diarrhea and this can decrease the nutrition that the patient is able to absorb from their food. What’s more is that patients with a C. diff infection are also likely to be experiencing a loss of appetite. Bear in mind that while a lot of people will want to lose weight, it is never a good idea to lose it too quickly.

C Diff

Symptom #7: Nausea

There are countless possible reasons why somebody will feel nauseous and most of them are harmless to us. It might simply be down to something like motion sickness, while it can also be a sign that you are ill. Regardless of the cause, it can vary from being mildly uncomfortable to downright debilitating.

If you have a C. diff infection, there is a good chance that you will feel nauseous. Sometimes, but not always, this nausea will also result in vomiting and excessive vomiting can result in problems on its own. Arrange to speak with a doctor and they may be able to prescribe something that will help ease the nausea.

C Diff

Symptom #8: Rapid Heartbeat

Anybody that exercises from time to time will know what it is like to experience an increase in the speed at which their heart beats. The reason for this is that when exercising, the body needs more oxygen. In response, the heart pumps more quickly to help meet the increase in demand.

An increased heartbeat after exercising is perfectly natural and is not usually something to be concerned about. If it is happening at rest, though, and for no good reason then it could be that something is wrong. An increased heart rate is a symptom of a C. diff infection, although it should hopefully not be too serious.

C Diff

Symptom #9: Swollen Abdomen

We often experience a swollen abdomen when we have eaten too much. It is often down to just being full, or gas, or maybe a combination of both. It can be uncomfortable and it can even cause embarrassing symptoms such as flatulence. It will usually pass harmlessly, however, but it can sometimes be a symptom of an illness.

Patients with C. diff are quite likely to experience a swollen abdomen. This is because the condition causes irritation to the large intestine, causing it to become inflamed and swollen. You should arrange to speak with a doctor to get this checked out, especially when accompanied by other symptoms.

C Diff

Symptom #10: Kidney Failure

We are reliant on our kidneys to keep us alive. They help remove toxins and other impurities from our bodies. Without them, our bodies would become too toxic for us to survive. We are improving at transplanting kidneys from other people, and even other animals, but the procedure is still quite extensive and does not always go according to plan.

One of the more severe symptoms of C. diff is that it can cause kidney failure. As such, anybody with suspected C. diff should get treated as soon as possible to prevent the disease from doing serious damage. Treatment usually involves antibiotics, except for in the most severe cases.

C Diff

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