Burning Mouth Syndrome Symptoms

By james
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Burning mouth syndrome is a relatively rare condition that affects around 2% of the population. Women are more likely to be diagnosed with the condition than men are. It can be quite uncomfortable for the patient and is often quite long-lasting.

In instances where there is a clear underlying cause, the condition can usually be treated with relative ease. This is not always the case, however, meaning that treatment is likely to be harder. Some patients might find that they have to wait for the condition to pass on its own, but there are steps they can take to try and treat the symptoms.

Burning Mouth Syndrome

1. Burning Sensation

As the name clearly suggests, the main symptom of burning mouth symptom is that the patient will experience a burning sensation in their mouth. It is often described as being as though you have just had a gulp from a hot cup of coffee or spoonful of hot soup. The sensation will most commonly affect your tongue. In addition, your palate, throat, gums, and lips can also experience the burning sensation. In some instances, the patient can feel as though their whole mouth is burning up. It can be very uncomfortable no matter how much of the mouth has been affected.

Burning Mouth Syndrome

2. Loss of Taste

Can you imagine going through life without having the sense of taste? Eating would be a very different experience and nowhere near as pleasing as it usually is for us. This will likely lead to a loss of appetite, while it also runs the risk of us putting something in our mouth that is rotten.

One symptom of burning mouth syndrome is that the patient will lose their sense of taste. They will often lose their sense of taste only partially, while some patients will find that they have difficulty tasting anything at all. The symptom should hopefully clear up completely once the underlying cause has been addressed.

Burning Mouth Syndrome

3. Sore Throat

A sore throat is often one of the first signs that you are coming down with an illness usually a cold or maybe the flu. It is a fairly common symptom and is not usually something that will have you bed-ridden. The usual course of action is to take some lozenges that will help to relieve the symptom.

A sore throat is also a fairly common symptom of burning mouth syndrome. It can be quite unpleasant but is not something to be overly concerned about in itself. If it is too bothersome for you or if you think it might be something serious then you should arrange to speak with a medical professional.

Burning Mouth Syndrome

4. Tingling Sensation

Tingling sensations in the body are not unusual; we all experience them from time to time. Perhaps the most common cause is pins and needles, which is caused when we sit in such a position that one of our nerves become trapped. It is also a sensation that some people with burning mouth syndrome report experiencing.

The sensation can be uncomfortable but is not usually painful. Some people might also experience a numbness or stinging sensation in their mouths. Ongoing symptoms like this suggest that there is something wrong with your nervous system and should encourage you to speak with your doctor.

Burning Mouth Syndrome

5. Thirst

Thirst is one of the most important sensations we can experience. It is essential that our bodies have enough water; we will die otherwise, and thirst is a mechanism that helps to ensure we get the water we need. Thirst is rather an unpleasant sensation and it needs to be because it has to compel us to drink.

People with burning mouth symptom will often complain that they feel thirsty, and that drinking does not satiate their thirst. In addition, they will also sometimes experience a dry mouth, which itself can be quite uncomfortable. The condition should hopefully go away if/when the cause is treated successfully.

Burning Mouth Syndrome

6. Difficulty Swallowing

Swallowing is a very natural mechanism that we tend to do without really thinking about it. Even from the very first moment we are born, we are able to swallow automatically. It is one of the easiest things we can do and we usually don’t even realize that we are doing it. That is not always the case, however.

Swallowing can be quite painful at times and some patients with burning mouth syndrome will complain of swallowing difficulties. It can make eating difficult but that does not mean that eating becomes any less necessary. Speak with a medical professional and they may be able to give you something to help make swallowing easier for you.

Burning Mouth Syndrome

7. Metallic Taste

The ability to detect different flavors is very important for us. Not only does it help to make food enjoyable, but it also helps to stop is from eating something that might make us quite ill. Patients with burning mouth syndrome will sometimes experience a taste that they would not usually experience.

If you do have burning mouth syndrome then you might find that you develop a metallic taste, even when there is no metal present. Some patients might also find that their food tastes differently than usual in other ways. It can affect the patients appetite for food, but it is important to still get enough food.

Burning Mouth Syndrome

8. Long-Lasting

When we are ill, the symptoms will only usually last for a few days or so before we make a full recovery. This can be longer in some cases but, even then, the patient is likely to be fully recovered in a week or two. In cases of burning mouth syndrome, however, the patient may be struggling with the symptoms for longer periods.

Some patients are unfortunate enough to experience symptoms of burning mouth syndrome for years. Medication to treat the problem is not always completely effective and may only reduce the severity of the symptoms. There are medications and remedies that can at least help to make the patient feel more comfortable.

Burning Mouth Syndrome

9. Relief after Eating

Eating well tends to make us feel better. It relieves hunger and generally just makes us feel much better about the world overall. As mentioned, however, eating can be difficult for people with burning mouth syndrome, but it can be beneficial for some people where their symptoms are concerned. Some people with the condition will find that their symptoms are eased after they have something to eat or drink.

This might depend on what the underlying cause of the condition is. If you have the condition yourself, you can try experimenting with different foods to find out which, if any, will provide relief from your symptoms.

Burning Mouth Syndrome

10. Acid Reflux

Acid reflux is a condition in which the contents of our stomach are able to escape from the stomach and rise up the esophagus. It causes a burning sensation that can range from being a mild irritation to downright agonizing. It can also be a sign that you have burning mouth syndrome.

Acid reflux is actually a potential cause of the syndrome. As such, it can be easier for a medical professional to identify the problem if acid reflux and symptoms of burning mouth syndrome are present. The symptoms of acid reflux can often be treated with medication and/or a change of diet, but surgery might be necessary in more extreme cases.

Burning Mouth Syndrome

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