10 Broken Heart Syndrome Symptoms

By james
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A broken heart is more than just about feeling down because you’ve been hurt or lost somebody close to you. It can also be a very real medical condition that can lead to potentially serious symptoms.

Broken heart syndrome is thought to be caused when the body releases more stress hormones than usual and these have an impact on the functioning of the heart. Fortunately, broken heart syndrome is usually quite short-lived, lasting for just a few days or maybe a few weeks at the most.

The vast majority of patients will make a full recovery with no long-term damage caused. Regardless, it is still something that should be monitored. Below are 10 symptoms of broken heart syndrome to be aware of.

Broken Heart Syndrome

Symptom #1: Angina

Pains in the chest are often very alarming. After all, the chest is where the heart is located and a problem with the heart is usually something to be very concerned about. Not all such pains are something to worry about, though, even if they might appear similar to something like a heart attack.

Angina is a pain that is the result of a reduction in the flow of blood to the heart. While it may sound dangerous, it is not usually something to be concerned about in itself. Regardless, it should not be taken lightly and medical assistance should be sought so you can find the cause.

Broken Heart Syndrome

Symptom #2: Fainting

Most of us will have fainted at some point. You start feeling dizzy and the next thing you know you are picking yourself up off the floor. It can be caused by many things, ranging from an unpleasant surprise to something more physically serious. Fainting is one potential symptom of broken heart syndrome.

Fainting is often a defense mechanism. The brain must be supplied with sufficient oxygen at all costs. When there is insufficient oxygen to go around, the body will start to shut off to direct oxygen to where it is needed most. This includes shutting off some parts of the brain, causing us to faint.

Broken Heart Syndrome

Symptom #3: Weakness

Oxygen is important for many things. One reason we need it so much is that it helps us to generate the energy that we need. It helps to provide fuel for our muscles, and you will notice how you need to take on more oxygen after you have been exercising.

With your heart not working as effectively as it should, your body finds it harder to generate the energy that it needs. This can lead to us feeling unusually weak, even if we are otherwise strong and healthy. Unexplained weakness can be caused by a variety of illnesses and you should arrange to get it checked out.

Broken Heart Syndrome

Symptom #4: Shortness of Breath

The cardiovascular system consists of several components and they all work together to help supply the body with oxygen. As with all well-oiled machines, if one part begins to falter then the others can experience problems also. If the heart begins to falter, then the lungs may be called into action to make up for it.

Broken heart syndrome can lead to less oxygen flowing through the body. As a result, patients will often feel short of breath as the body tries to draw more oxygen into the body. An oxygen mask is sometimes used to help the patient breathe more comfortably.

Broken Heart Syndrome

Symptom #5: Low Blood Pressure

It is important that our blood is pumped around the body at the right pressure. Blood pressure should not be too high, while it is also important to prevent it being too low. People that are suffering from broken heart symptom will often find that their blood pressure is too low.

If your blood pressure is not high enough then there will not be enough power to force it around the body. This is a condition that will need to be addressed to prevent potentially serious complications from arising. A doctor will often prescribe medication to help remedy the problem.

Broken Heart Syndrome

Symptom #6: Arrhythmia

Usually, our hearts will beat at a slow and steady pace. The pace can vary slightly from person to person but, still, the pace at which it beats is usually steady. If your heartbeat is not regular then it is a sign that something may be wrong. Indeed, an irregular heartbeat is a sign that you may be suffering from broken heart syndrome.

An irregular heartbeat is known technically in the medical profession as arrhythmia. In many cases, the patient will be able to feel the condition as heart palpitations. While it is not necessarily dangerous, it is still something that should be treated seriously.

Broken Heart Syndrome

Symptom #7: Sweating

The purpose of perspiration is usually to help us regulate our body temperature. At other times it can help us to purge toxins and impurities out of our body. In some cases, it can also be a result of an illness or a condition. Patients with broken heart syndrome will often experience uncontrolled sweating.

If you are sweating unusually then you really should try and get it checked out. Deodorants and antiperspirants may be able to disguise it to a degree but even if they do, they do not actually make the problem go away. Not only can it be embarrassing but excess sweating can also be an indicator of a serious underlying problem.

Broken Heart Syndrome

Symptom #8: Nausea

With just about any type of illness, there’s a fairly good chance that you could develop nausea. Nausea is rarely considered to be serious because it is such a common symptom. Regardless, it is still something that could point to an underlying illness or condition that is a cause for concern.

If you are experiencing nausea, there is also a good chance that you will experience vomiting. Vomiting is another symptom that can lead to malnutrition and other problems. If you have been experiencing nausea and vomiting for some time then you really should make an appointment with a medical professional.

Broken Heart Syndrome

Symptom #9: Cardiogenic Shock

Cardiogenic shock is a condition where the heart is not able to pump properly. It is caused when the cells of the heart are effectively stunned by an increase in stress hormones flowing through the body. Cardiogenic shock will usually pass within a few days or so with no permanent damage being done.

This condition will mean that the heart is unable to supply the body with all the oxygen that it needs. It tends to affect just one part of the heart directly, although other parts might also be affected as a result. It is something that should be monitored by a medical professional.

Broken Heart Syndrome

Symptom #10: Heart Failure

Heart failure is different from a heart attack. A heart attack occurs when the supply of blood to the heart is stopped, whereas heart failure means that the heart is unable to pump blood as well as it should. This can be down to various conditions such as problems with the heart’s muscle to blockages in the body’s blood vessels.

Heart failure is often treated with medication and patients may suffer with it for several years. It will often get gradually worse, potentially becoming very dangerous for the patient. Thankfully, people suffering from broken heart syndrome are likely to make a full recovery.

Broken Heart Syndrome

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