10 Bleeding Ulcer Symptoms

By james
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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A peptic ulcer is a lesion that forms on the inside of your stomach lining. It can be caused by numerous factors, including using certain medication and bacterial infections. It can be very painful to deal with, although it is usually treatable. Surgery may be required to deal with an ulcer in some cases.

If a peptic ulcer is not treated then it can be prone to bleeding. This can be quite serious as the body can lose too much blood. It is also a clear sign that the ulcer itself is a serious problem and needs to be treated.

If you do experience any of the symptoms of a bleeding ulcer, you should make an appointment to speak with a doctor if you have not done so already. Below are 10 symptoms of a bleeding ulcer to look out for.

Bleeding Ulcer

Symptom #1: Abdomen Pain

Pains in the abdomen are quite common. So common that you are likely to just put it down to indigestion or similar. It is not something that should be treated with complacency, though, as it can be a sign that something is seriously wrong.

If your pains are particularly severe then you might need medical assistance. When something is seriously wrong, you will often be able to tell the type and intensity of pain is somewhat different to indigestion. It could be a sign of a bleeding ulcer or other serious problems, so make sure you get it checked out.

Bleeding Ulcer

Symptom #2: Pain in the Back

Peptic ulcers are located in the stomach, so it is only to be expected that you would experience pain in the stomach area. Sometimes, however, you can also expect the pain to radiate to the back of the body. It can be experienced as a dull ache and can also intensify to something more unbearable.

Pains that start in part of the body and refer to another part of the body are a sign that something is really quite wrong. If the symptoms persist, you should arrange an appointment with a doctor to get it checked out. It could be that you have a bleeding ulcer, and it is best to get it treated sooner rather than later.

Bleeding Ulcer

Symptom #3: Vomiting

Vomiting is often a helpful action for us. It helps us to empty the stomach of potentially harmful contents such as toxins and pathogens. With the stomach free from harmful contents, the body is in a better position to fight against illness. Vomiting is not without its drawbacks though.

Excessive vomiting means that you are unlikely to be getting the nutrients that you need from your food. When you have a bleeding ulcer, you could end up vomiting up food that was consumed hours or even days previously. It is a symptom that should be checked out if it persists.

Bleeding Ulcer

Symptom #4: Vomiting Blood

When we vomit, we usually throw up undigested food and digestive juices. It is unpleasant, but it is also often necessary and is quite an effective defense mechanism. However, seeing blood in your vomit is something that you should pay full attention to.

There should be no blood loose within the body. It should all be contained within the cardiovascular system. If it is present in your vomit then it is a sign that you have an illness or an injury that needs to be taken care of. One such problem can be a bleeding ulcer and it is not something that should be taken lightly.

Bleeding Ulcer

Symptom #5: Nausea

Most of us have experienced times when our stomach doesn’t feel quite right and we feel a little lightheaded. This is often accompanied by the feeling that all is not well and that we are about to throw up. It is a sensation that we know as nausea and it often comes with a range of illnesses.

Nausea can range in severity and it may be easy to pass it off to begin with. It can be a sign of something quite serious, however, so it is not something that should be treated with complacency. If you are experiencing nausea and you feel as though something is wrong, you should arrange to speak with a doctor.

Bleeding Ulcer

Symptom #6: Weight Loss

Weight loss might sound like a good idea to some people. If it is not intended and unexpected, though, then it is something that should really have you a little concerned. If you have lost weight quite suddenly then you should arrange to find out what is causing it.

A bleeding ulcer can cause significant problems with the digestive system, affecting our ability to digest our food. It can also cause us to eat less and vomit a great deal, which will also have quite an impact on how much nutrition we are able to absorb. Problems with nutrient absorption will also make it harder for you to overcome illnesses.

Bleeding Ulcer

Symptom #7: Weakness

While we all have different levels of physical strength, we should all still feel strong enough to perform day-to-day tasks. We get our strength from the food that we eat and not eating properly is likely to cause us to start to feel ill. It can also be caused by a number of illnesses, including bleeding ulcers.

A bleeding ulcer will cause excess blood to leak out into the stomach. This will also cause you to lose red blood cells, and this will lead to insufficient blood flowing through the cardiovascular system. With not enough oxygen in the blood, your body will find it difficult to generate energy and this can cause you to feel weak.

Bleeding Ulcer

Symptom #8: Difficulty Swallowing

The stomach usually contains food in various stages of protection and digestive juices. These juices are responsible for helping to break down organic manner meaning that they could also break down our own bodies. The stomach lining is well protected, however, but the lining of the esophagus is not.

A bleeding ulcer can cause various problems in the stomach and the acidity of its contents can increase. This increased acidity can cause some pain in the esophagus as it burns away at the unprotected lining. This is a condition similar to reflux and it can lead to some difficulty in swallowing.

Bleeding Ulcer

Symptom #9: Pain That Painkillers Won’t Relieve

Aches and pains are not unusual, and not usually something to be worried about. If they do get uncomfortable, however, then we will often turn to painkillers to help make us feel more comfortable. If the pain is severe enough then you may need to ask for a prescription for something stronger.

If painkillers are not helping to alleviate the pain you are experiencing, then you should speak about your problem with a doctor. Pains should really subside with painkillers so it is a sign that something is wrong. This is often the case with a bleeding ulcer and it could be causing considerable damage.

Bleeding Ulcer

Symptom #10: Black Stools

It may not sound nice, but it is actually a good idea to inspect your stools after defecating. This is because, even at a glance, they can tell us a great deal about our health. Healthy stools should really be a shade of brown and if they are not, it could be that you are quite ill.

A bleeding ulcer will cause blood to be present in your stools. This will cause them to take on a black appearance. In some cases, it can also cause your stools to take on a tar-like color and consistency. If your stools do appear unusual in any way then you should make an appointment to see your doctor.

Bleeding Ulcer

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