10 Benefits of Sauerkraut

By james
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Although often associated with Germany, sauerkraut is actually thought to have originated in Asia. However, sauerkraut is a German word which translates to “sour cabbage.” As the name suggests, it is finely chopped cabbage that has then been fermented. It is popular in many parts of the world and is often served as a side dish as part of a main meal.

In addition to being delicious, sauerkraut is also full of nutrition. It is a very good source of important vitamins and minerals and it is also low in calories and high in fiber.

Its nutritious content means that it offers various health benefits to those that eat it. Ten of these health benefits are discussed below.


Benefit #1: Aids Digestion

Most of us will do what we can to keep well clear of bacteria. This often involves keeping everything around us as clean as possible, while also helping to make sure that our food is made hygienically. Not all bacteria are bad for us, though. Some types of bacteria are very useful.

Helping us to digest our food is a population of bacteria in our digestive systems. It is important that we keep this population healthy and well-balanced; otherwise, we might start having difficulties digesting our food. Sauerkraut can help to this end because it is a probiotic, which means that it is a good source of the “good” bacteria that we need.


Benefit #2: Good Vision

Most of us will have clear vision from birth and this will generally last well into our adult years. For many people, though, there will come a point where their vision is not as good as it once used to be. Many will need to turn to glasses or contact lenses, while some may even need an operation.

Sauerkraut is a good source of carotenes, which are known to be able to help promote good eye health. It is also a good source of vitamin A, which is an antioxidant that can also help promote good vision. Eat plenty of sauerkraut in your younger years, and you could be helping to ensure you can see clearly for long into the future.


Benefit #3: Anti-Inflammatory

Inflammation in the body can lead to various unwanted side effects, some of which can be very unpleasant. Among the most common is arthritis, which can cause considerable pain and lead to a loss of mobility. If we can reduce inflammation, then we can at least reduce the severity of the symptoms in many cases.

Sauerkraut contains various compounds that have anti-inflammatory properties. Phytonutrient antioxidants, for example, have anti-inflammatory properties in addition to helping prevent damage to the joints through oxidation. It is not a cure, but it may at least be able to help make patients with certain conditions feel more comfortable.


Benefit #4: Healthy Heart

If our heart was to fall into ill health, it could have a considerable impact on our health overall. Indeed, some health conditions can be very dangerous and heart disease is among the biggest killers there is. The good news is that there is a lot that we can do to keep our heart as healthy as possible.

One way to help keep your heart healthy is with a healthy and balanced diet, and sauerkraut can be included in this. Sauerkraut can help to lower the levels of LDL cholesterol in the body. This can go a long way to preventing heart disease, as well as other serious problems such as strokes.


Benefit #5: Healthy Brain

Your brain needs a lot of food to keep it running and healthy. Not only does it need a lot of food, but it also needs the right type of food. Eating the right diet can help to ensure that your brain is healthy and strong long into the future. Certain foods are thought to be able to help with this, and sauerkraut is one of them.

The probiotics in sauerkraut help promote good health of the digestive system and this, in turn, can help promote good health of the brain. This can help to sharpen the mind as well as improve your mood. It is also thought to be able to prevent conditions such as Parkinson’s and depression.


Benefit #6: Boosts Immunity

People with a weak immune system are more prone to getting ill than others. They will find it harder to fight off any pathogens they encounter and even otherwise mild illnesses such as the common cold can become a problem for them. This makes it very important to keep your immune system strong, and a good diet can help you achieve this.

It is well known that vitamin C is effective at boosting the immune system, and sauerkraut is a very good source of the vitamin. The probiotics within are also thought to be able to help prevent allergies and can also prevent infections that lead to urinary tract infections and the common cold.


Benefit #7: Circulation

Our body needs iron, the metal that is often used to build cars, ships, and a wide range of other constructions. We need it because it allows oxygen to bind to our red blood cells. This is important because it needs to bind in order for it to be carried around the body in our blood.

Fortunately, many of the foods we eat have plenty of the iron that we need, and this includes sauerkraut. This can help prevent conditions such as anemia and also help to make sure that we are energized and full of life. Include it as a side dish to make extra sure you get all the iron you need.


Benefit #8: Strong Skeleton

Young children are often told to drink plenty of milk when they are young. This is because it contains plenty of calcium, which helps to make their skeletons develop properly. Calcium is not the only nutrient that is important for our bones, though, and vitamin K2 is also very important.

The good news is that sauerkraut has plenty of vitamin K2, making it easy for you to get what you need. The vitamin helps to produce an important protein that regulates the mineralization of bone. Not only can it help ensure healthy skeletons in young people, but it can also help maintain healthy bones in women that have been through the menopause.


Benefit #9: Prevents Cancer

The fight against cancer continues to be fought. We have made some progress, and some types of cancer are now curable, but there are other areas where we need to learn a lot more. In the meantime, we should do what we can to help prevent it from happening, and sauerkraut can help to this end.

Sauerkraut is a good source of antioxidants. Antioxidants have been shown to be able to prevent oxidation, a process which can cause damage to the body’s cells. It is thought that women who eat sauerkraut regularly are significantly less likely to develop breast cancer.


Benefit #10: Weight Loss

Sticking to a weight loss diet can be very difficult to achieve. This is largely because many of the foods on a weight loss diet are low in calories and these tend to be the least delicious. There are some tasty foods you can enjoy while on a weight loss diet, though, and sauerkraut is one of them.

Sauerkraut is low in calories, which has obvious benefits when it comes to shedding extra pounds. It is also high in fiber, while the probiotics it contains can also help with digestion. Probiotics can help with weight loss by reducing the amount of fat the body absorbs.


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