10 Benefits of Sardines

By james
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Sardines are also known as pilchards, although the precise meaning of each can vary according to where you are in the world. They are fairly small fish that are known for being particularly oily. They are a member of the herring family, and they are enjoyed all over the world.

Sardines often come in tins and are generally convenient to prepare. Not only they are delicious, but they are also nutritious. They are a very good source of protein and are high in omega-3 fatty acids.

Sardines are also said to hold numerous other benefits that can help to keep us in great shape overall.


Benefit #1: Reduces Blood Clots

Most of the time, the blood’s ability to clot is a positive thing for us. After all, we would just bleed to death from the slightest cut without it. It is not always beneficial to us though and sometimes it can be very dangerous. If the blood is allowed to clot in the blood vessels, even when there is no cut to plug, then it can prevent the blood from flowing.

Anything blocking the blood from flowing is obviously a very bad thing. Sardines, however, have been shown to be able to reduce blood pressure and cholesterol. This can help to reduce the chance of serious problems like strokes and heart attacks.


Benefit #2: Beautiful Skin

Ever since we can remember, mankind has been experimenting with ways to beautify the skin. Even ancient civilizations would experiment with different substances to try and make the skin beautiful, while the very rich would bathe in milk and whatever else they could that might help.

Even in today’s society, the desire for beautiful skin is just as strong as ever before. We are generally healthier in the modern world, meaning our skin is also healthier, but still people look for perfection. It might surprise some to hear the answer may lie in sardines, which contain fats that are thought to be beneficial for the skin’s cells.


Benefit #3: Healthy Bones

Young children are often told that they should drink as much milk as they can. This is because milk and other dairy products are a very good source of calcium, and calcium is essential for building strong and healthy bones. Fortunately, there are plenty of other good sources of calcium so we don’t have to rely on dairy products alone.

One other source of calcium is sardines. This makes them great for strengthening the skeleton and should be included in the diets of young, developing children. They should also be included in the diets of older people to help prevent conditions such as osteoporosis.


Benefit #4: Slows Aging

One of the biggest contributors to aging is oxidation. This is a process that causes damage to the body on a cellular level, slowly deteriorating the condition of the body over time. It also contributes to serious conditions such as cancer and can also cause damage to the organs and other tissues in the body.

Free radicals are compounds that are largely responsible for the process of oxidation. Sardines contain selenium, which is an antioxidant, which means it helps combat the free radicals that lead to oxidation. This means that with plenty of sardines in your diet, you could stay looking younger, for longer.


Benefit #5: Healthy Heart

If your heart was to fall ill, then you would likely fall ill also. If it stops, then you would simply die. The heart is one of our most important organs and one that we simply cannot live without. This means that it is a very, very good idea to take care of it. One way to achieve this could be to include plenty of sardines in your diet.

Sardines are a very good source of omega-3 fatty acids. These have been shown to be able to break down LDL (bad) cholesterols in the body. It has also been shown to be able to break down the plaque that can build up on the walls of the arteries.


Benefit #6: Prevents Cancer

We are all very much at risk from cancer. While the healthier among us are less likely to get cancer, none of us are completely safe. It can strike at any time and can affect people of any age and background. It is also often deadly, although we are making strides in terms of treatments and cures.

We also know that there are some ways in which we can reduce the chances of getting cancer. Vitamin D and calcium have both been shown to be able to help in preventing breast cancer, for example. Both of these are found in sardines.


Benefit #7: Prevents Depression

Depression is a serious mood disorder that affects countless people all over the world. It is often overlooked as just being a bit down and people with the condition are often told to just cheer up. However, the reality is that depression is a serious illness that takes many lives. Fortunately, barriers are being broken down and we are learning more about the condition.

We do know that depression is often linked with physical health. Taking good care of yourself can help, and this includes watching what you eat. It is advised to get plenty of sardines in your diet as they contain omega-3 fatty acids, which can help to prevent mood disorders such as depression.


Benefit #8: Maintains Eyesight

As people get older, they become increasingly more likely to need glasses or contact lenses. This is because as we get older, parts of our eyes begin to fail, making it harder for us to see. In some cases, people might even need to turn to surgery or risk losing their eyesight altogether.

This is largely down to gradual macular and retinal degeneration, something which is unavoidable for most of us. Studies have shown, however, that sardines may be able to help prevent macular degeneration. Eat sardines from time to time and you could be helping to maintain good vision well into your old age.


Benefit #9: Helps Diabetics

It is important that we don’t have too much (or too little) sugar circulating in our blood. This is not a problem for most people because the body produces insulin, a hormone that helps to regulate levels of sugar in the blood. Unfortunately, though, some people have a resistance to this hormone.

Resistance to insulin is known as type 2 diabetes and it is a serious problem all over the world. Studies have shown, though, that proteins in sardines may be able to increase the body’s sensitivity to insulin, potentially allowing diabetics to regulate their own blood sugar levels.


Benefit #10: Immunity Boost

Some people seem to be sick often, whereas others barely seem to be sick at all. This is often because some people have a stronger immune system than others, meaning that they are able to fend off illnesses better. This can be down to lots of reasons, and the diet that they eat is just one of them.

Eat a healthy diet and you are well on your way to keeping your immune system strong. You should add certain foods and supplements to help and sardines could be a big help. Research has shown that eating sardines can increase the number of immune cells in the body, helping to protect us from disease.


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