10 Benefits of Onions

By james
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Humans have been eating onions for as long as we can remember. They are popular all over the world and are used in a huge array of dishes. They are delicious when cooked and are just as tasty when eaten raw. You might need to be mindful of your breath if you eat them, but asides from that, there’s really no reason not to.

In addition to being flexible and delicious, onions are also very good for us. They are packed full of nutrition and are ideal for use in healthy living diets. They also offer numerous health benefits. Here’s a look at just a few of the benefits they provide.


Benefit #1: Beautiful Skin

If you are trying to maintain beautiful skin, there’s a good chance that you will spend quite a bit of money on cosmetics. There are countless different skin creams on the market, most of which will claim to give you youthful looks. These can be expensive, though, but there are more affordable options available.

One such option is the humble onion. Onions contain a compound known as biotin and this compound is important for maintaining beautiful, healthy skin. Get plenty of biotin in your diet, and you could soon be on your way to having the beautiful complexion you desire.


Benefit #2: Protects against Stress

All of us can occasionally experience stressful times. Even when we are generally in control, there can still be outside influences that we can do little about. These influences can be quite a drain on us and can cause considerable stress. Some people might also encounter stress due to other reasons such as medical conditions.

It is important to try not to be too stressed for too long, although this is often easier said than done. Prolonged periods of stress can result in the production of a compound known as cortisol, and this compound is harmful to the body. The good news is that onion contains quercetin, which helps protect against the effects of cortisol.


Benefit #3: Prevents Diabetes

Diabetes is a worldwide problem. It can be hereditary, while it can also be the result of eating too much sugar and other factors. Its effects can be quite serious and, in some cases, it can be a very real threat to the patient’s life. Fortunately, though, there are some actions we can take to at least help prevent it from developing.

Biotin, which is found in onions, has been shown to be able to combat type 2 diabetes. Studies have also suggested that biotin, along with chromium, can help to decrease resistance to insulin, which is one of the main caused of diabetes.


Benefit #4: Prevents Cancer

The cure to cancer still eludes us, despite having our best scientists studying it for generations. That does not mean to say our efforts have been totally in vain, though, and we have learned a great deal. We have seen developments in being able to slow the spread of cancer, while some cases can even now be cured completely.

Quercetin, which is found in onions, is a type of flavonoid. It contains antioxidants which are able to help fight against free-radicals. Free radicals can cause damage to our cells, and this damage can result in cancers developing. Include onions in your diet and you could be helping to fight off the Big C.


Benefit #5: Decreases Blood Pressure

One of the reasons that exercise is so important to us is that it helps to keep our blood pressure down. If it goes too high then it can lead to heart disease and other problems that can be a direct threat to our lives. It is one of the biggest killers in the modern world, so it makes sense to keep our blood pressure at safe levels.

Onions are a good source of sulfur. Sulfur is effective at thinning the blood, and this can help to keep our blood pressure down. The presence of quercetin is also helpful in this regard because it helps to prevent the buildup of plaque in the arteries.


Benefit #6: Immunity Boost

If your immune system was to weaken, it would not be long before you knew all about it. With a weakened immune system, there is a significantly greater chance that you will fall ill. Some illnesses can pose a very real threat to our lives, so it is important we help keep our immune system in the best shape possible.

Onions are a good source of vitamin C, which is well known for its ability to ensure a strong immune system. What’s more is that it also contains phytochemicals, which are also helpful in this regard. This means you could replace the apple with an onion to help keep the doctor away.


Benefit #7: Anti-Inflammatory

Our joints generally see quite a lot of action in a lifetime. This means it is only to be expected that they will experience wear and tear, especially as we get older. This can result in conditions such as arthritis, which can be very painful while also limiting mobility.

Arthritis is generally made worse by inflammation of the joints. This can cause bones and tissues to be forced against each other, and this can be very difficult to bear. The good news, though, is that foods like onions have anti-inflammatory properties that can help to at least reduce the severity of the symptoms.


Benefit #8: Aids Digestions

We are often told that we should get plenty of fiber in our diets, and for very good reasons. One such reason is that it helps with our digestion and this is very important to us. Good digestion helps encourage good health overall, so it is something that should be somewhat of a priority.

Fiber is beneficial to the digestive system because it helps us to break down the food we eat. It also helps to make sure that the contents of the digestive system continue to move through the system. Keep plenty of onion in your diet, and you are helping to ensure good overall health.


Benefit #9: Lowers Cholesterol

Cholesterol has long been one of the villains when it comes to our health and it is true that too much cholesterol can be very bad indeed. This does not tell the whole story, however, as HDL cholesterol is actually a “good” cholesterol. Get enough HDL cholesterol in your diet and you will be helping to maintain a healthy balance between the “good” and “bad” cholesterols.

We will usually eat onion cooked, but this is not so rich in HDL cholesterol. Instead, raw onion is better and is often found in salads. It may not be great for your breath, but good health of the cardiovascular system is probably more important.


Benefit #10: Strong Bones

Our bones are really quite strong. This is down to the materials they are made of and also the way they are structured. As we get older, though, our skeletal structure tends to become less dense, and this can cause our bones to become weaker. This can cause problems, such as an increased likelihood of picking up fractures from impacts.

Keep plenty of onion in your diet, though, and your bones are likely to stay stronger for longer. This is because onions help to maintain bone density, helping them to keep their strength. Studies have shown that women who have been through the menopause are 20% less likely to suffer from bone disease if they eat plenty of onion.


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