10 Benefits of Mung Beans

By tallene
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The mung bean plant is a part of the legume family. They originated in India and can be found in many different cultural recipes throughout Southeast Asia. Today, most of the mung bean growth and production is done in Oklahoma where they distribute the product both throughout the US and internationally.

Mung beans aren’t just a hot commodity for our agriculture businesses but also for our bodies. Mung beans offer many nutrients and vitamins that can help keep our bodies healthy and maintain wellness. They also are beneficial for areas in the world that are struggling with poverty and food insecurity.

Mung Beans

Mung Beans Benefit #1: Heart Healthy

Our heart is important to keep healthy and functioning because any small problem could lead to big consequences. Sadly, heart problems affect millions of people in the United States and is the number one cause of mortality.

Thankfully, most of the heart disease cases can actually be prevented by keeping a nutritious and balanced diet and by staying physically fit. A lot of lifestyle choices can help you prevent developing any heart disease later on in your life. Mung beans are a great way to start a healthy heart diet. Mung beans have been connected to lowering LDL cholesterol which is the kind that contributes to heart disease.

Mung Beans

Mung Beans Benefit #2: Tummy Goodness

Nobody likes an upset tummy. It causes a lot of frustration and interrupts our daily life whether it’s at school, work, etc. Tummy troubles can have many causes and there are many problems that can be produced. Whether it’s diarrhea, constipation, or bloating, I am sure that we can all agree that it’s just not what we would like to be experiencing.

Try adding mung beans into your diet. The high fiber content in mung beans will help keep your bowel movements regular as well as help cleanse out your colon. Also, mung beans can help give the good bacteria in your gut a boost and maintain its defense system against intruders.

Mung Beans

Mung Beans Benefit #3: Antioxidants

No one likes getting sick but it does happen to the best of us. With the kids at school, it is very easy for a sickness to be passed around and at the end of the day your child will be bringing back home with them some unwanted visitors. At work as well, your coworkers and colleagues could be passing around the bug without you noticing.

Besides practicing basic hygiene such as washing your hands, taking antioxidants is a great way to boost your immune system and keep out intruders. Mung beans will be your best friend because this little bean packs a powerful punch with antioxidants that will make sure you keep on thriving!

Mung Beans

Mung Beans Benefit #4: Weight Loss

Weight loss is a complicated topic whether we want it to be or not. It is never simple to change your lifestyle or adapt to a new hobby especially one that makes you work hard for it. Trust me, the mental power to tell your body not to eat that cupcake is tough!

Also, getting motivated to workout either early in the morning or after work may not always be allowed due to a busy day with kids or just life. Try adding mung beans into your diet. The fiber content that is in mung beans will keep you full longer. Also, mung beans suppress a hunger hormone called ghrelin so you won’t be getting any thoughts about going to the fridge for a snack!

Mung Beans

Mung Beans Benefit #5: Expecting Mothers

Expecting a child is usually a very happy, exciting time. Because a mother has a growing baby inside of her, this means that she needs to take extra care of herself. She will be more aware of what she eats and adjusting her lifestyle to make sure that the baby is born healthy with no complications.

Mung beans are amazing for expecting mothers because it has a high folate content. Folate is important for a mother during her pregnancy because it lowers the risk of her baby having any birth defects.

Mung Beans

Mung Beans Benefit #6: Iron

Iron cannot be stressed enough of how important it is to include into your daily diet. Iron is a key factor in the transportation of oxygen throughout your body. To be more specific, iron is needed for hemoglobin, which is the vehicle that transports the oxygen in your red blood cells taken from your lungs and taken through your whole body.

If you’re deficient in iron, this will mean that your body will suffer from consequences such as your organs, tissues, cells, etc, not getting enough oxygen. Mung beans are an excellent source of iron. If you add some mung beans in your diet, you can be assured that you will not be iron deficient!

Mung Beans

Mung Beans Benefit #7: Protein

Protein, protein, we cannot get enough of it! Whether you are a vegetarian, vegan, or omnivore you still need your protein. Our bodies need protein in order to maintain a healthy status. Protein is what makes up your nails, and hair. Not to mention protein’s ability to repair damaged tissues such as muscle tissue. Protein is also one of the building blocks for new cells.

So I think you can guess that protein is pretty important. Mung beans are an excellent source of protein. Better yet, it is a plant-based source of protein so anyone can enjoy mung beans in their daily diet.

Mung Beans

Mung Beans Benefit #8: B Vitamins

What exactly are B vitamins and why are they so important to my health? Well, B vitamins are important because they are essential nutrients that our body needs in order to keep us healthy. B vitamins have a lot of different roles but they all contribute to our health.

A few examples of what roles B vitamins have are fighting off free radicals with their antioxidant properties, keep our hearts strong, keep our moods bright and happy, and keep our hair, nails, and skin healthy. Mung beans can provide all these benefits if you add them to your daily diet!

Mung Beans

Mung Beans Benefit #9: Magnesium

Magnesium is a nutrient that we don’t really think about but it is just as important as the more common nutrients like calcium or vitamin C. Magnesium is important because it helps our bodies in a lot of ways. This includes keeping our bones strong and lowering the risk for bone disease like osteoporosis.

It helps keep our hearts healthy by lowering cholesterol, and it can also help reduce our risk for developing kidney stones. Magnesium is very beneficial all around. Mung beans are packed with magnesium and the best part is that mung beans can be easily added to any dish or recipe!

Mung Beans

Mung Beans Benefit #10: Anti-Inflammatory

Inflammation can be helpful but it can also be dangerous. When we get a wound or a cut, the body will naturally react and send signals for the surrounding area of the wound to become swollen or inflamed. This is due to a lot of reasons such as stopping the wound from bleeding and also from preventing further damage to the surrounding cells.

However, when inflammation is prolonged and becomes chronic this could lead to big consequences such as cancer. Mung beans have amazing anti-inflammatory properties that can help prevent any serious illnesses. Try adding some mung beans into your daily diet!

Mung Beans

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