10 Benefits of MCT Oil

By tallene
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MCT oil is jam-packed with antioxidants, moisturizing fatty acids, and antibacterial as well as antifungal properties. It should become a staple in your natural health and beauty regimen.

But before getting into the benefits, let’s discuss what MCT oil is. A medium-chain triglyceride (MCT) is made up of three medium-chain fatty acids bonded together. This structure is responsible for many of its characteristics.

There are two types of MCT oils available on the market. One type is made from coconut oil, and the other is made from palm oil. You should preferably buy MCT oil made from organic coconut oil. (The palm oil industry is highly controversial due to its role in increased deforestation.) Coconut oil contains 50 percent to 60 percent medium-chain triglycerides as mainly lauric acid, which digests more slowly. However, MCT oils found on the market are concentrated caprylic and capric acid and tend to be free of lauric acid.


MCT Oil Benefit #1: Instant Energy

MCT oils are easily absorbed into the bloodstream with minimal effort from the body. They can permeate through cell membranes for utilization without requiring bile to break down the chains.

Due to their shorter chain length, MCTs travel straight from the gut to the liver, where they are converted into an immediate source of energy or into ketones. If they are converted into ketones, they can pass the blood-brain barrier to supply energy to the brain.


MCT Oil Benefit #2: Skin Health

Lipids are necessary components of the skin and play a crucial role in the skin’s function as a barrier against the external environment. Studies have found that MCT oil in particular can improve the moisture and lipid content of the skin by providing fatty acids.

Furthermore, ultraviolet (UV) light exposure damages the elastin fibers holding skin cells together. Over time, the skin loses its youthful strength as elastin breaks down, causing the skin to sag and stretch. It has been shown that MCT oil is as effective as some sunscreens in blocking the sun’s UV rays.


MCT Oil Benefit #3: Improves Memory

One benefit of MCTs is that they can be absorbed by the body easily with minimal digestion. As such, the breakdown of medium-chain fatty acids creates readily accessible ketone bodies that fuel brain cells. Ketones supply energy to the brain without the need for insulin to process glucose into energy.

Researchers believe that since the brain is receiving a direct source of energy, the fatty acids in MCT oil improve the memory of older patients. These patients see an improvement in their ability to recall important information. This occurs because the ketones from MCT oil create an alternate source of energy that helps repair brain function.


MCT Oil Benefit #4: Tasteless / Odorless

Unlike coconut oil, MCT oil generally does not have a discernable taste or odor. Therefore, it can be easily added to a wide variety of dishes, such as salad dressings, smoothies, and juices, without affecting the flavor.

Blend a tablespoon into your coffee or yogurt. Drizzle a little over your dinner. Sauté your vegetables in it. The possibilities are endless. As you continue to add a little MCT oil into your diet, you’ll find that it is super easy to incorporate into almost any dish.


MCT Oil Benefit #5: Prevents Candida Overgrowth

Candida is a disease caused by an excessive and uncontrolled growth of yeast in the stomach. Capric acid, which is found in some varieties of MCT oil, has been shown to kill the very dangerous, pathogenic yeast Candida albicans.

Candida yeast infection can decrease gastric acid, which causes inflammation. In addition to fighting the yeast, MCT oil provides relief from the inflammation caused by candida. Unlike other treatments for candida that initially cause a flare up of symptoms, the effect of MCT oil treatment is gradual, giving the patient time to adjust to the withdrawal symptoms.


MCT Oil Benefit #6: Exercise Performance

Muscular fatigue is often a result of exercise-induced oxidative damage. MCT oil’s antioxidant properties can help physically active individuals minimize this damage. Numerous studies have shown that MCT oil improves exercise performance. As the smooth muscle cells of blood vessels dilate, more blood can flow through the body.

More blood flow means more oxygen and nutrients for your muscles, which fuels workouts, repairs post-workout damage, and helps you recover more quickly.


MCT Oil Benefit #7: Promotes Healing

The antibacterial properties of MCT oil make it an ideal natural topical ointment. For minor cuts, scrapes, and skin rashes, spread MCT oil onto a wound immediately to prevent infection. When applied to infections, MCT oil creates a protective layer to seal the infected area from external bacteria, fungi, dust, and viruses that may worsen the condition.

MCT oil also effectively speeds the healing process of bruises. You can even use MCT oil to soothe and prevent peeling of sunburned skin. Its vitamins combined with the antibacterial nature of MCT oil can even help prevent cold sores from reproducing.


MCT Oil Benefit #8: Stress Relief

Applying MCT oil can be very soothing, and thus it can help reduce stress. According to research, virgin MCT oil provides longer-lasting relief from stress than medication because of its antioxidant properties. The antioxidants in MCT oil fight free-radical damage to restore damaged brain cells while the medium-chain fatty acids remove the feeling of stress.

Applying MCT oil to your head, followed by a gentle scalp and temple massage, helps eliminate mental fatigue. Make sure to look for a pure, virgin MCT oil for the best anti-stress relief. Refined MCT oil is not as effective since many natural components are lost during processing.


MCT Oil Benefit #9: Heart Health

Another great benefit associated with MCT oil is heart health. When measuring the risk for heart disease, medical professionals look at cholesterol and triglyceride levels. Having high HDL cholesterol and low triglycerides results in a lower risk for heart disease.

Although cholesterol and triglyceride levels are influenced by lifestyle habits, diet, exercise, weight, and inflammation, MCT oil consumption has been shown to protect the heart and regulate these disease markers. Studies have found that the fatty acids in MCT oil help decrease LDL, the cholesterol linked with heart disease.


MCT Oil Benefit #10: Improve Blood Circulation

Blood circulation transfers oxygen, minerals, and nutrients to every part of the body. In addition, maintaining proper circulation promotes organ function and cell growth. Common symptoms of poor blood flow throughout the body are tingling sensations or numbness in certain parts of the body, an irregular heartbeat, pain in the legs, muscle cramps, headaches, edema, dry skin, hair loss, dizziness, fatigue, and cold feet and hands.

MCT oil is very good for improving blood flow. It contains healthy fats as well as MCTs, which aid in reducing artery inflammation. This, in turn, can help to improve blood flow throughout the whole body.


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