10 Benefits of Kimchi

By james
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Kimchi is considered by some to be the national dish of South Korea. It is mostly made from fermented cabbage, although some other ingredients can be added. It is enjoyed at varying stages of fermentation, according to preference. It is also available in varying degrees of spiciness. Kimchi is usually enjoyed as a side dish, although it can also be enjoyed as a meal in itself.

In addition to being delicious, kimchi is also very nutritious. Indeed, it is considered by many to be a superfood and is enjoyed by health fanatics worldwide.

It also contains various compounds that offer health benefits from improving digestion to preventing cancer. Below are 10 benefits that Kimchi has to offer.


Benefit #1: Prevents Disease

There are very few people in the world, if any, that can genuinely boast that they’ve never been sick. Germs are all around us meaning that there are constant threats to our well-being. Fortunately, though, we have an immune system that helps to protect us on a daily basis.

As good a job as our immune system does, we can take steps to protect ourselves even further. Kimchi contains compounds that are known to be able to boost the immune system and also be able to protect against disease directly. Antimicrobial compounds, for example, can help to keep pathogens at bay.


Benefit #2: Prevents Peptic Ulcers

Anybody that has had a peptic ulcer can tell you just how unpleasant they can be. They can be very painful and also lead to a variety of other unwelcome symptoms. Peptic ulcers are lesions in the walls of the stomach and are caused by a variety of things, including using certain drugs and infections.

Medications are available that can help to treat peptic ulcers but they are not always effective. In some cases, it may be necessary to operate to treat the problem. Kimchi, however, contains compounds that are known to be able to prevent the build-up of bacteria that are responsible for peptic ulcers.


Benefit #3: Eases Allergy Symptoms

Food is essential to us, we simply cannot live without it. Unfortunately, some types of food are off bounds to certain people because they have allergic reactions to them. Some types of food like peanuts and seafood in particular are known to be able to produce unpleasant and potentially dangerous reactions.

Research has shown that kimchi contains compounds that are able to suppress the severity of allergic reactions. For example, one study showed that eating kimchi before being exposed to an allergen meant that airways would become less restricted than otherwise. More research is needed, but it may result in a lot of foods being back on the menu again for many people.


Benefit #4: Improves Digestion

One of kimchi’s best-known benefits is that it is a probiotic. This means that it contains a lot of healthy bacteria that are beneficial to our digestive system. These bacteria help us to digest our food and help to maintain healthy balances of bacteria in our digestive system.

One type of good gut bacterium in particular is lactobacillus, and kimchi has this in abundance. Levels of lactobacillus can sometimes decrease in our digestive system and kimchi is able to help us to replace it. Not only does this bacterium help us to digest our food, but it is also able to help fight off infections and other diseases.


Benefit #5: Protects against Plastic Toxins

It is hard to avoid plastics in this day and age. They play a huge part in our lives and are often used to contain the foods and drinks that we consume. They are usually considered to be safe, but they are not completely without potentially harmful compounds. Once such compound is Bisphenol A, also known as BPA.

Ingesting BPA can lead to numerous problems. It can affect the development of young children, affects our hormones, causes heart disease, and can even cause cancer. The good news, though, is that kimchi contains a compound known as Bacillus pumilus, which is able to help break down BPA.


Benefit #6: Reduces Cholesterol

Anybody that has spent any amount of time looking into a healthy diet is bound to have stumbled across the word cholesterol. LDL “bad” cholesterols can be very bad for us indeed. Among other things, they can lead to the blood vessels becoming blocked. This is very dangerous for us and potentially deadly.

Studies have suggested, however, that getting plenty of kimchi in your diet can help to reduce the levels of “bad” cholesterols in your body. In fact, it was shown that even small amounts of kimchi might be able to make a big difference. More research needs to be done, but kimchi could hold the key to saving lives all over the world.


Benefit #7: Weight Loss

Weight gain basically comes down to taking in more calories than you use. These excess calories are then stored in the body as fat to be used later. Take in fewer calories than you burn and you will begin to burn up the stores that you have, although this is easier said than done.

For people who have tried and failed with weight loss diets, kimchi might be just what you need. For starters, it is low in calories, which helps to limit calorie intake directly. What’s more is that it also helps you remain feeling full for longer, reducing the urge to eat more.


Benefit #8: Prevents Cancer

Cancer is caused by faulty cells that are damaged. These faulty cells will then multiply, creating tumors that can begin to take over the body. While some types of cancer can be treated, especially if they are caught early, many other types remain untreatable. Eating kimchi, though, may be able to help prevent cancers from forming in the first place.

Kimchi contains antioxidants, which help prevent damage from cells occurring. What’s more is that it also contains anti-inflammatories, which also help to protect the cells from damage. A lot more research needs to be done, but eating kimchi may well be able to help keep cancer at bay.


Benefit #9: Slows Aging

As we get older, our cells gradually pick up damage. Although small, this damage will accumulate over time, leading to something more significant. This is largely the cause of aging, and all of us will inevitably end up looking older as time goes by. Eat plenty of kimchi, though, and you may be able to slow the process down.

Kimchi is a very good source of antioxidants. These are compounds that help prevent the process of oxidation, which is responsible for a lot of damage at the cellular level. Kimchi is thought by many to be behind the perceived youthful looks that South Koreans maintain even into older life.


Benefit #10: Prevents Diabetes

Diabetes is a condition that has plagued mankind since long before records began. It is a result of an inability to regulate the levels of sugar in the blood. People with diabetes need to be very careful about what they eat to prevent their blood sugar levels from spiking too high. Many will need regular injections of insulin just to stay alive.

Studies have shown, though, that kimchi may be able to help. Research has indicated that kimchi may be able to reduce levels of sugar in the blood, while also increasing levels of insulin. More research is needed, but diabetics will be pleased to know in the meantime that it is safe for them to eat kimchi.


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