10 Benefits of Kefir

By james
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Kefir is a type of drink that originated in Russia. It is milk that has been fermented with the help of kefir beans. The word “kefir” means “foam bubbles,” which alludes to the lumpy, bubbly appearance of kefir. Although often used as a drink, it is also often eaten with other foods such as cereals and fruits.

The fermentation produces various compounds that are thought to be beneficial to our health overall. It is full of nutrients that help to ensure our good health and can also help in the prevention of disease and illnesses.

What’s more, kefir is easy to make and, of course, it is simply delicious. Below are 10 benefits of drinking kefir.


Benefit #1: Healthy Bones

Our skeleton is often taken for granted, but it is just as important as any other part of the body. If we were to develop problems with our bones, then we could find it difficult to move. Our bones also store our bone marrow, which produces essential red and white blood cells.

Vitamin K2 is very important to us because it helps makes sure our skeletons can develop as they should. It is also important because it helps to make sure our skeletons remain healthy for long into old age. Kefir is a good source of vitamin K2, while dairy kefir is also a very good source of calcium.


Benefit #2: Healthy Gut

In order to be able to get the nutrition we need from our food, we first need to break it down. This requires the help of various chemicals, many of which are made by our bodies. It also requires the help of various bacteria that live within our digestive system. It is important that these bacteria populations remain healthy so we can continue to digest our food.

Kefir is a probiotic. This means that it promotes the health of our stomach’s bacteria population and also maintains a healthy balance of the right type of bacteria. This promotes good health of the digestive system overall, aiding in proper digestion.


Benefit #3: Low in Lactose

Lactose is a type of sugar that is commonly found in dairy foods. This is not usually a problem for most people but some can have difficulty breaking it down. This is a condition commonly known as lactose intolerance and it can mean that people have to be careful of what they eat.

Kefir, however, is very low in lactose even when it is a dairy variety. This is because the fermentation process causes the lactose to turn into lactic acid, which is not a problem for people that are lactose intolerant. This makes kefir a suitable alternative to people that struggle with dairy food.


Benefit #4: Prevents Cancer

Nobody is completely safe from cancer. While some people are more likely to develop it than others, even the fittest and healthiest among us are never completely safe. While we have made great strides in treating it, there are many types that are still deadly to us. While we may not be able to do much to treat it, we can at least try to prevent it developing in the first place.

It is thought that the probiotics contained in kefir can help to reduce the growth of tumors. It does this by giving the immune system a boost. Studies have suggested this is the case, although further research is needed.


Benefit #5: Antibacterial

Bacteria are all around us, all of the time. Some are good, some are bad, and most are completely harmless to us. The bad ones, though, can be very bad indeed and have the potential to make us very ill. With this in mind, it is best to take precautions to prevent infections.

Our immune system is effective at preventing infections, but there is still more that we can do to protect ourselves. This includes eating a healthy diet as some foods help defeat bacteria directly. Kefir has been shown to be antibacterial, meaning it can help to protect against infections from developing.


Benefit #6: Eases Allergy Symptoms

Allergic reactions are usually uncomfortable at best. At their very worst, they can be a direct threat to our lives. There are also countless different types of allergy, often involving substances that are very commonly encountered. This can make it very difficult for some people to avoid allergens, but we can often at least ease the symptoms should a reaction occur.

Kefir has been shown to be able to quell the inflammatory responses that are responsible for allergic reactions. It may not be enough to cure the allergy, but it might at least help to lessen the severity of symptoms in patients.


Benefit #7: Healthy Skin

The cosmetics industry is worth billions worldwide. People will often spend vast amounts of money on trying to make their skin as beautiful as possible, often on products that are not as effective as they claim to be. It is well known, though, that eating a healthy balanced diet can go a long way toward giving you a perfect complexion.

Many foods are thought to be able to make your skin beautiful directly, and one of them is kefir. It is thought to be able to replenish skin that has been damaged by oxidative stress. This can help give you a beautiful, youthful appearance for longer.


Benefit #8: Heals Wounds

It is not uncommon for us to pick up injuries. They are usually quite minor and little to worry about. Our bodies are usually quite quick at healing them and sealing the skin again to prevent infections from taking hold. Sometimes, though, to can be a good idea to give our bodies a hand in healing our wounds.

Kefir has antimicrobial properties that can help wounds to heal and protect them from infection. Remember, however, that modern medicines are still the better option when it comes to dealing with wounds. If the wound is serious enough then you should consider seeing a medical professional.


Benefit #9: Easy to Make

If you fancy yourself at being quite good in the kitchen then you will probably like to try out new things. It’s great to try and impress friends and family with new dishes, so why not try introducing them to kefir if you have not done so already. It’s a good way of offering something different and, even better, it’s also very easy to make.

To make kefir, you need to add one or two tablespoons of kefir beans to a small jar. Then, add around 500ml of milk along with some full-fat cream if you want your kefir to be thicker. Close the jar and leave it at room temperature for around 12–36 hours. Once it takes on a clumpy texture, it’s ready.


Benefit #10: Nutritious

It is very important that we eat a healthy, well-balanced diet. We need the right type of nutrients to fuel our bodies and to aid growth and repair. If we don’t get the right nutrition, then we can soon begin to fall ill. In this day and age, however, we should not have too much difficulty in getting the nutrition we need.

Kefir is a good source of many important nutrients. It contains proteins and calcium as well as a variety of other vitamins and minerals. Use it as a supplement to your diet and you will help ensure you get the full range of nutrients you need.


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