10 Benefits of Ezekiel Bread

By tallene
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One order of Ezekiel bread please! Wait, what is Ezekiel bread anyways? Is it white bread, whole wheat bread, or does it have raisins scattered all throughout it? Actually, Ezekiel bread is quite the hot topic right now as it provides many nutritious benefits and health factors. Ezekiel bread has a special component and that is because it is considered a sprouting grain.

This feature is amazing and offers many benefits to the final product as well as to the consumer. Wait, what is a sprouting grain? Basically, a sprouting grain is a grain that has not been processed, heat treated, or handled in such a way that removes the grain from being its raw and true form.

Ezekiel Bread

Ezekiel Bread Benefit #1: Heart Healthy

Keeping our hearts healthy and strong is very vital to our bodies for maintaining a long and happy life. There are many problems that can arise in the heart that may be due to various reasons. Most of these reasons are actually based from the lifestyle choices we make.

This includes what we eat on a daily basis and how often we exercise. Also, heart disease can come as a consequence of obesity, diabetes, etc. Ezekiel bread offers many beneficial properties that protect the heart from developing heart diseases in the future. One of these benefits is lowering your cholesterol levels.

Ezekiel Bread

Ezekiel Bread Benefit #2: Fiber! Fiber!

Fiber is amazing for the body because it not only tastes good but it also offers many amazing health benefits for our bodies to thrive. Today’s grocery markets are filled with a lot of bread options that may confuse a lot of people. There are choices of white bread, whole wheat, refined grains, etc. If you find yourself getting lost in all the selections, go for Ezekiel bread.

Ezekiel bread is an excellent source of fiber and a great choice of food to add to your diet. Fiber is also great for your digestive system. It can help with constipation, keeping your bowel movements normal, cleanse out your colon, and keep you feeling full longer.

Ezekiel Bread

Ezekiel Bread Benefit #3: Great For Diabetics

If you have or know someone with diabetes, then you know the struggle of how the whole carb counting process goes. There are foods you should go for and of course foods that you should avoid! Ezekiel bread is a great food to add to your daily diet solely based on the fact that Ezekiel bread has a low glycemic index number.

This means that your blood sugar will not be affected by a sudden surge and bring up your blood sugars super high. Not only does it help with keeping your blood sugars steady but it also is very nutritious for you!

Ezekiel Bread

Ezekiel Bread Benefit #4: Weight Loss

Weight loss is something people struggle with everyday and can affect our moods, social life, and health. It’s a very sensitive topic that not a lot of people feel comfortable talking about. Being at an unhealthy weight can come with many consequences that could result in chronic diseases such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart diseases, etc.

Ezekiel bread can help you with weight loss because it is packed with fiber content. Fiber is known to keep our bellies fuller longer and help prevent us from snacking in between meals. So don’t be afraid to eat some Ezekiel bread!

Ezekiel Bread

Ezekiel Bread Benefit #5: Protein

Protein is amazing for us because it offers many benefits to our bodies. Some of these benefits that affect our body is the ability to repair any damaged muscle tissue, keep our nails and hair healthy, and provide building blocks for new tissue development and cells. Protein can be obtained from meat products like chicken, pork, and beef.

However, that is not great for those who are vegetarian. Ezekiel bread is an excellent source of protein and it does not contain any meat! Ezekiel bread can be easily included into your daily diet and be paired with many ingredients. Try making a sandwich with your favorite jam or honey!

Ezekiel Bread

Ezekiel Bread Benefit #6: Calcium

Calcium is needed for many things to help our bodies function normally and maintain health. Calcium helps us with our bones and teeth staying strong. Without calcium, we pose a risk for developing future bone diseases such as osteoporosis. Calcium also helps our body respond and react to muscle contractions. Without calcium, our body might experience muscle spasms and body twitches.

Also, calcium helps our blood clotting abilities which are important whenever we experience a wound or cut. This helps prevent our bodies from bleeding out and losing too much blood. Ezekiel bread is an excellent source of calcium. Don’t forget to eat your Ezekiel bread!

Ezekiel Bread

Ezekiel Bread Benefit #7: Iron

Iron! And I am not talking about pumping iron at the gym to build our muscles. Iron is an important mineral that our body needs in order to keep everything top notch. Without iron, we may experience the feeling of fatigue, irritability, frequent headaches, shortness of breath, etc. Further consequences might include abnormal menstrual cycles and even frequent infections due to a low immune system defense.

Ezekiel bread has a great iron content and can help you prevent these from happening to you. Ezekiel bread can be easily paired with sandwich recipes, a side dish for soups, and even bread crumble as a topping for salads.

Ezekiel Bread

Ezekiel Bread Benefit #8: Zinc

Zinc is not just an awesome sounding word but an awesome mineral that our body needs. Zinc provides our bodies with a variety of benefits such as helping with upset tummies and diarrhea, memory abilities, boosting our immune function, aiding in the blood clotting process, and all around keeping our bodies in check.

Without zinc, we may experience frequent infections due to decreased immune system functions, loss of appetite, upset stomach, hair loss, and even impotency. Ezekiel bread can help prevent these consequences because of the excellent source of zinc it offers. Ezekiel bread is very versatile with many recipes and cuisines!

Ezekiel Bread

Ezekiel Bread Benefit #9: Folic Acid

Folic acid is important for those who are expecting a child. Folic acid offers great benefits for both the mother and the child. Folic acid protects against any birth defects that may affect the spine, spinal cord, and the brain. It also assists with cell division and development.

Those who are deficient in folic acid might experience some symptoms such as mouth sores, shortness of breath, the feeling of exhaustion and fatigue, etc. Try adding Ezekiel bread to your everyday diet. Not only will you get a ton of other nutrients but folic acid as well. Eat your bread!

Ezekiel Bread

Ezekiel Bread Benefit #10: Sprouting Grains, What?

Continuing on from the introduction, sprouting grains are in its purest form and have not been tampered or treated in any way. When the conditions are just right which includes temperature, light, water, etc, then the grains will actually begin to grow and begin their fermentation process which produces the amazing probiotics! How does this happen?

Well, basically, the grains still have their reproductive parts and are able to reproduce, grow, and do their thing! Ezekiel bread is made from these sprouting grains and that’s why the bread has so many nutrients and benefits. The purest forms of seeds, legumes, and grains make up Ezekiel bread and combine all of the nutrients together from protein, fiber, vitamins, minerals. Welcome to the party!

Ezekiel Bread

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