10 Benefits of Cocoa Powder

By tallene
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Cocoa powder is made by crushing the cocoa bean and removing the cocoa butter. Aside from chocolate, it can be used in many forms for cooking and baking. Cocoa powder alone has ten calories per tablespoon, contains less than one gram of fat and protein, and has only three grams of carbohydrates.

Cocoa powder is also rich in naturally occurring antioxidants. In fact, it is one of the richest sources of flavanols, the most potent type of antioxidant. Once cocoa is heated, it has many beneficial properties. It can also be treated to reduce its bitter flavor. While cocoa is an excellent source of anti-inflammatory antioxidants, the products in which it is used do not always have the same benefits.

Cocoa Powder

Cocoa Powder Benefit #1: Helps Skin

Cocoa can be used as a moisturizer. It’s properties help to soften, clear, and detoxify the skin when used consistently. Cocoa contains polyphenols, which are antioxidants that protect skin cells from oxidation.

It also protects skin from looking aged and becoming wrinkled. In one research study, cocoa significantly improved the skin’s microcirculation and helped hydrate it to keep it from aging. Cocoa has the ability to improve skin texture as well.

Cocoa Powder

Cocoa Powder Benefit #2: Improves Brain Function

The polyphenols in cocoa also help improve brain function by reducing the risk of neurodegenerative diseases. The antioxidants found in cocoa pass through the blood-brain barrier, contributing to biochemical pathways that enhance neuron function.

One study showed that by improving blood flow to the brain, cocoa increases the blood supply that fuels brain function, and the nitric oxide found in cocoa relaxes the muscles. Another study suggested that blood flow improved by up to 10 percent after two weeks of cocoa consumption, thus boosting mental performance.

Cocoa Powder

Cocoa Powder Benefit #3: Treats Symptoms of Depression

Cocoa’s effects on the brain and blood flow also help treat symptoms of depression. One study examined the effect of chocolate drinks with high and low doses of cocoa polyphenols. After thirty days of cocoa consumption, there was a significant improvement in mood and calmness.

Several other studies suggest that eating chocolate improves overall health and calmness as well. Cocoa’s positive effects on mood may be due to the conversion of tryptophan to serotonin. Nevertheless, it is important to differentiate between high-sugar chocolate and lower-sugar chocolate that contains a significant amount of polyphenols.

Cocoa Powder

Cocoa Powder Benefit #4: Helps Delay Type 2 Diabetes

According to research, compounds found in cocoa called epicatechin monomers could help treat or delay type 2 diabetes. These compounds boost insulin production and help control blood sugar levels as a result. In the study, mice that were at risk for diabetes were fed high-calorie diets. Cocoa improved blood sugar levels and reduced the risk of obesity.

Cocoa protects cells by increasing their ability to deal with oxidative stress. The mitochondria become stronger and produce more ATP for energy, which results in the release of more insulin. When insulin is released, glucose is carried into the cells to be used rather than left floating in the bloodstream, which would increase the risk of diabetes.

Cocoa Powder

Cocoa Powder Benefit #5: Helps Control Weight

By improving mitochondrial energy in cells and reducing inflammation in the body, cocoa can help control weight, even when consumed as chocolate. Its effect on fat oxidation also enhances metabolism and reduces cravings.

It is important to note that the ratio of cocoa to sugar and butter in the chocolate will affect the outcome. But in one research study, a group who was given 1.5 ounces of chocolate containing 81 percent cocoa lost weight faster than the regular diet group.

Cocoa Powder

Cocoa Powder Benefit #6: Helps Prevent Cancer

The antioxidants found in cocoa have properties that protect against cancer. Specifically, cocoa has a high amount of flavanols, a characteristic that makes it a superfood. Flavanols have the ability to induce cancer cell death and to prevent cancer cells from metastasizing. They also fight inflammation and protect cells from damage.

One study showed that cocoa extract reduces a variety of cancers in animals. There have been several studies on humans, which have also shown that flavanol-rich diets decrease the risk of cancer. Nevertheless, much more research is needed to understand precisely how cocoa affects cancer.

Cocoa Powder

Cocoa Powder Benefit #7: Treats Asthma

Theobromine and theophylline are bronchodilator drugs that are used to treat asthma. They are also compounds found in cocoa. About 1.9 grams of theobromine are found in 100 grams of cocoa. Theophylline helps the lungs dilate and relaxes the airways, thus decreasing inflammation.

Studies suggest that cocoa reduces the constriction of the airways and tissue thickness. One study shows that unsweetened natural cocoa powder has antihistaminic properties when administered orally. The theophylline in cocoa was also a top-line asthma medicine in the 1970s. However, although theophylline found in cocoa is a bronchodilator, the effect can be mild compared to the drug form.

Cocoa Powder

Cocoa Powder Benefit #8: Improves Gut Health

Digestive health can greatly benefit from the addition of cocoa. The flavanols found in cocoa are considered prebiotics once they are ingested. Prebiotics promote digestive health by keeping gut bacteria balanced. One study suggests that drinking antioxidant-rich cocoa daily increases the levels of protective gut bacteria in the stomach.

One study explained that the small intestine and the stomach break down cocoa to absorb the flavanols. The leftover, undigested cocoa matter is then broken down by the gut bacteria in the colon. It travels as metabolites in the bloodstream, fighting inflammation. The rest of the cocoa matter is mostly fiber, which is fermented in the gut, releasing substances that help with cholesterol. In this study, the number of gut bacteria increased significantly after the digestion of cocoa.

Cocoa Powder

Cocoa Powder Benefit #9: Better Oral Health

Cocoa has antibacterial and immune-stimulating properties that may contribute to better oral health. Indeed, eating chocolate may even protect against dental cavities and gum disease. To reap the most benefit, consuming dark chocolate that contains at least 70 percent cacao is recommended.

In one study, rats with cavities showed significant improvement after being given cocoa extract. The cocoa hardened tooth enamel and made the teeth less susceptible to tooth decay. There have not been any significant human studies. However, the majority of cocoa products contain sugar, which can be harmful to dental health and counter the benefits of cocoa.

Cocoa Powder

Cocoa Powder Benefit #10: Treats Acne

Many people think that cocoa causes acne; however, this is only the case for those who are allergic to cocoa itself. Cocoa polyphenols significantly benefit the skin and aid in oxidative stress. Studies have shown that eating cocoa long-term can improve the sun-protective properties of the skin as well as blood circulation and skin hydration.

However, high sugar and high fat consumption can increase sebum production and trigger the inflammatory response that leads to acne. So, foods containing cocoa that are high in sugar and fat may actually compromise the skin’s health.

Cocoa Powder

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