10 Benefits of Chia Seeds

By tallene
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Chia seeds are everywhere lately. They are often found in granola bars, muffins, pudding, and many other foods. Chia seeds are harvested from an indigenous plant that can be found in Central and South America. Why have Chia seeds become so popular lately? Is it just because of the name and to show your friends how fancy you can be with your diet?

Well, regardless of the reasons, Chia seeds have great health benefits. Adding them to your diet is quite easy because they are so versatile and can be sprinkled onto your daily dishes without much fuss.

Chia Seeds

Chia Seeds Benefit #1: Antioxidants

We cannot get enough of antioxidants! Our bodies and immune systems use antioxidants to keep us healthy and well. Antioxidants are powerful when it comes to boosting the immune system and fighting off illness. It inhibits any oxidation from happening in our bodies and free radicals from causing problems that may include Alzheimer’s disease and even cancer.

There are many different sources for antioxidants. However, Chia seeds are an excellent source of them and are very minimal when adding them to your daily dishes. Soak your Chia seeds in water and blend them with a mix of your favorite fruits to make a fruit smoothie!

Chia Seeds

Chia Seeds Benefit #2: Fiber Power

Fiber. What is it and why should I even be focused on it? Well, fiber is very important for our bodies and offers many different health benefits. This includes slowing the rate of absorption of sugar into your blood. It helps keep you consistent with bowel movements and helps with constipation.

It also helps cleanse out your intestines and colon, which reduces the risk of colon cancer. Also, fiber helps you feel full faster, so you are less likely to overindulge! Chia seeds are an excellent source of fiber and can help you stay healthy with these benefits.

Chia Seeds

Chia Seeds Benefit #3: Anti-inflammatory

Inflammation is when our immune system responds to a signal in our body that may be caused by a wound or illness. It’s a natural defense mechanism that our body goes through and performs. However, inflammation can cause problems if it is persistent and lasts for long periods of time. Inflammation can lead to certain diseases such as heart disease, obesity, and diabetes.

Chia seeds have very strong anti-inflammatory properties. If you’re in the market looking for a natural way to help reduce inflammation, Chia seeds may be the way to go. It’s very easy to include then in your daily diet!

Chia Seeds

Chia Seeds Benefit #4: Healthy Heart

Being aware of your heart is very important to keep it functioning properly. Your heart is what gives you the beat of your step. If you’re a romantic, your heart is what gives you the emotions and the moods of happiness and true love. Your heart is what keeps your blood pumping throughout your body.

Without your heart, you would not be able to survive. Unfortunately, your heart can get sick and develop illnesses such as heart disease. This could be due to many factors such as obesity, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and lifestyle choices. Chia seeds are a great source of fiber, which contributes to lowering your blood pressure and cholesterol levels.

Chia Seeds

Chia Seeds Benefit #5: Weight Loss

Let’s talk about weight loss. It’s quite a sensitive topic and not a lot of people want to be open about trying to start losing weight or the strategies they use. A lot of people try to look for that “magic pill” to come and take the weight off but there’s never going to be a quick solution. In reality, weight loss takes dedication and time before an individual starts to see some difference.

Chia seeds can help with weight loss because of the high amount of fiber content they have. The more fiber you include in your diet the less likely you’ll be to snack throughout the day in-between meals. Fiber helps keep you full longer!

Chia Seeds

Chia Seeds Benefit #6: Calcium

Calcium does wonders for our body. It makes our bones and teeth strong, aids with blood clotting abilities, and even plays a role with muscle function. Calcium deficiency can have a lot of consequences such as problems with body spasms, muscle cramping, an all-around tingling sensation throughout your body, and even bone diseases such as osteoporosis.

If you have trouble getting calcium in your diet due to an allergy, try getting calcium with another food group. Packed with calcium, Chia seeds can be used to a minimum, yet can give your meal a boost in the calcium category. It’s easy to add Chia seeds to a variety of different recipes. Try it out!

Chia Seeds

Chia Seeds Benefit #7: Manganese

Manganese. What even is that and why should I care about it? Well, Manganese is actually very important to maintain a healthy body. Manganese is a mineral that the body needs in order to function normally. This is what we call an essential nutrient. Without Manganese, our bodies could suffer with brittle bones and defects, slow growth, and even fertility problems.

Chia seeds are a great source of Manganese and can be easily included in recipes. Soak your Chia seeds in water and then add them to your favorite salad or fruit smoothie! You can also add in dry Chia seeds in a homemade granola bar recipe!

Chia Seeds

Chia Seeds Benefit #8: Omega-3 Fatty Acids

The name omega-3 fatty acid sounds complicated. You don’t have to be a scientist to understand how important these are for your body to stay healthy. Omega-3 fatty acids are exactly what they sound like… a fatty acid! They are actually classified as an essential fatty acid because our bodies cannot produce them but requires them.

Omega-3 fatty acids help us regulate blood cholesterol, triglycerides, blood pressure, and even lowers the risk of developing heart disease. Chia seeds, as small as they are, contain a large amount omega-3 fatty acids. Next time you’re cooking, make sure to include Chia seeds and remember the importance of omega-3 fatty acids!

Chia Seeds

Chia Seeds Benefit #9: Protein

When we think of protein we usually think of meat. However, there’s much more to protein that is actually important for us to understand. Protein is important for our bodies and not just one part of our body. Protein has many uses such as repairing any damaged tissues, keeping our nails and hair healthy, and is a key factor in building muscles, skin and bones.

One main problem people have with making sure they get enough protein is when they are vegetarian and do not consume any meat. This is where Chia seeds come in! Chia seeds offer a plant-based protein alternative and packs a powerful punch when it comes to protein content.

Chia Seeds

Chia Seeds Benefit #10: Diabetes

There are many types of diabetes such as type 1, type 2, and gestational diabetes, which is when an expectant mother develops diabetes during pregnancy. In this case, we will focus on type 2 diabetes, which is mostly developed due to lifestyle choices and diet. Chia seeds may help those who are pre-diabetic and also for those who are just on the cusp of being considered pre-diabetic.

This is because Chia seeds have a high fiber content, which comes with the benefits of not only feeling full longer but also offers slow absorption of sugar into the bloodstream. This helps keep blood sugar levels steadier and decreases the likely hood of sugar spikes in the blood.

Chia Seeds

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