10 Benefits of Cacao

By albert
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Cacao is a powder made from the raw beans of the cacao plant, whose botanical name is Theobroma cacao. Cocoa and chocolate also come from cacao beans. However, the process of making cocoa and chocolate involves roasting the beans and the addition of sugar or other materials. Additional processing affects the compositional profile, making cocoa and chocolate different from the more nutrition-dense cacao.

One hundred grams of cacao contains 66 percent of the daily value (DV) of fat, and 129 percent DV of dietary fiber. It also contains 11 percent DV of vitamin K, 4 percent DV each of thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, B6, B12, and pantothenic acid. The portion also contains 21 percent DV of iron, 57 percent DV of magnesium, 21 percent DV of potassium, 89 percent DV of copper, 96 percent DV of manganese, and 11 percent DV of selenium.

What follows are 10 benefits of cacao.


Benefit #1: Stronger Bones and Teeth

Cacao is a great food for stronger bones and teeth. One hundred grams of cacao powder contains 71.4 mg of calcium and 229 mg of magnesium. These constitute 7 percent and 57 percent DV of calcium and magnesium respectively. Calcium and magnesium are required for stronger bones and teeth besides other roles. Calcium is the most abundant mineral in bones and teeth, but your body also needs magnesium and vitamin D to build strong bones and teeth.

A regular helping of cacao can provide a significant amount of your requirement for these minerals. Note that deficiency of calcium or magnesium can lead to weak bones and conditions like osteoporosis.


Benefit #2: Boosts Your Mood

Life is too short to waste on bad moods. Unfortunately, work and social environments can dampen your moods and even lead to anxiety and depression. You would, therefore, be thankful for anything that can reduce the negativity and uplift your mood. Consuming some foods like cacao can help boost your mood and reduce anxiety and depression.

Cacao is a rich source of flavonoids, which are non-nutrient plant compounds that have beneficial effects in the body. A study involving randomly selected subjects with depression found that consumption of small amounts of cacao daily led to reduced depressive feelings with those who ate more cacao feeling calmer and less depressed.


Benefit #3: Boosts Energy

Many people are chronically deficient of energy to carry out their daily routines. They may still feel tired even after eight hours of sleep. This lack of energy is also common in the afternoon after lunch. Chronic tiredness can lead to daytime sleepiness, which aggravates the feeling of low energy. If this sounds like you, it’s probably time to try including cacao in your diet.

Cacao possesses some energy-boosting properties that can help remedy your lack of energy. This can be attributed to the high amount of magnesium in it. Your body requires magnesium for production of energy. If you are magnesium deficient, your body produces less energy than you need. Cacao also has adaptogenic properties. This means that regular consumption of cacao helps to normalize hormone production and reduces fatigue.


Benefit #4: Lowers Blood Pressure

Elevated blood pressure increases the risks of heart attack and stroke. These cardiovascular health problems lead to the death of millions of people every year. This is why high blood pressure should be controlled to remain within the normal range. Blood pressure medication is the most common method of managing blood pressure.

However, following a healthy lifestyle can help maintain a healthy blood pressure. This should include a healthy diet with blood pressure lowering foods like cacao. Cacao is rich in minerals like potassium, which has an important role in controlling blood pressure. Additionally, antioxidant compounds in cacao help lower bad cholesterol levels while raising good cholesterol levels. These properties have a positive impact on the maintenance of healthy blood pressure.


Benefit #5: Improves Arthritis and Gout

Arthritis and gout are conditions that affect joints. The conditions arise due to the collection of toxins, especially uric acid. The toxins cause inflammation in the affected joints, which can lead to excruciating pain. Similar effects lead to the formation of kidney stones.

Cacao is a rich source of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory phytonutrients. By consuming it regularly, it is possible to reduce the pain associated with arthritis, gout, and kidney stones. The antioxidant compounds from cacao fight free radicals and, thereby, neutralize them. This ensures that the toxins do not collect in the joints or kidneys. On the other hand, anti-inflammatory compounds from cacao prevent or reduce inflammation and, in effect, reduce the pain.


Benefit #6: Reduces Coughing

Coughing is a common upper respiratory tract condition. Its causes include infection and exposure to allergens like dust and pollen. To soothe a cold, many people depend on cough medications. But you can get relief the natural way by taking food items like cacao.

According to some research studies, compounds in cacao such as theobromine have cough-soothing properties and are even effective for persistent cough. While it is not clear how cacao and the compounds in it work, the hypothesis is that theobromine stimulates the vagus nerve, which has a role in the coughing spasm, in such a way that the nerve causes coughing to reduce.


Benefit #7: Improves Skin Health

Skin is the most expansive organ that covers the whole body. It protects organs and tissues from many effects of the surrounding environment. It also gives an impression of the state of health of the body. A healthy, glowing skin is an expression of good overall health. For the skin to do its work successfully, it needs nutrition like the rest of the body.

Cacao contains many skin-benefiting nutrients like protein and fat. It also contains phytonutrients like flavonoids, which protect the skin against premature aging by neutralizing free radicals. A regular cacao treat is a great indulgence for a healthy, glowing skin.


Benefit #8: Boosts Mental Performance

The vagaries of age, poor nutrition, and diseases like high blood pressure and diabetes can negatively impact mental performance. They can also lead to complications like stroke, mental fatigue, forgetfulness, and confusion. But regular consumption of cacao can offer protection from deterioration of brain function.

Research studies have been carried out on the mental effects of regular consumption of flavonoid-rich cacao. The study involved consumption of varying amounts of cacao by different study participants. All participants were tested for accuracy in performing certain tasks at the beginning and at the end of the study period. The study found that participants who took higher amounts of cacao performed better than those who took less cacao, and a lot better than those who didn’t take cacao in the same period.


Benefit #9: Has Antimicrobial Properties

Microbes are microscopic organisms that cause infections. They include bacteria and fungi. Microbes cause many different illnesses that lead to lots of suffering, hospitalization, expensive treatment and premature death. Antibiotics and antifungal mediations are usually used to treat infections. Unfortunately, new strains of microbes have developed that are resistant to conventional medications. This is the reason why research is ongoing for other methods of preventing or fighting infections.

Eating certain foods can help reduce infections and the suffering it causes by increasing resistance to infection or fighting microbes. Studies have found that cacao has powerful antimicrobial properties. These studies found that consumption of fermented cacao helps fight both fungal and bacterial infections, including inhibiting growth of the microbes.


Benefit #10: Protects against Cancer

Cacao is packed full of beneficial antioxidants. It is higher in antioxidants than blueberries. Antioxidants are compounds found in some plants that neutralize free radicals in the body. Left to roam free, free radicals are toxins that damage tissues and cells in many parts of the body. The damage can get to the core of the cells and affect the DNA.

Long-term exposure to free radicals can lead to serious health problems including chronic inflammation, premature aging, and growth of tumors and cancer. Regular intake of cacao can provide the antioxidants that protect your body from free radical damage, reducing your risk of developing cancer besides other diseases.


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