10 Benefits of Butternut Squash

By james
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Butternut squash is a type of squash that originated in Central and South America. It has a pulpy orange flesh and has a similar taste to pumpkin, although it becomes sweeter as it ripens. It is used in a wide range of dishes and can be cooked in a variety of ways.

Not only is butternut squash delicious, it is also nutritious. Packed full of vitamins and minerals, it can make a healthy inclusion to any diet.

Butternut squash is also said to promote various health benefits such as promoting good eyesight and easing inflammation. Here’s a look at some of the most popular health benefits it offers.

Butternut Squash

Benefit #1: Good Eyesight

Good eyesight is important, after all, we do need to see. We are usually able to see quite well from the day we are born and many of us will maintain good eyesight for long into old age. Not everybody can boast such good eyesight, though, and many people will begin to struggle with their eyesight when they get older.

In addition to glasses and contact lenses, we can also aid our eyesight by eating the right foods. This includes getting plenty of vitamin A, of which butternut squash is a good source. It also contains lutein and zeaxanthin, both of which are also thought to be able to maintain good vision.

Butternut Squash

Benefit #2: Healthy Skin

Maintaining beautiful, healthy skin can be difficult especially when we live in cities that are heavily polluted. We can spend vast amounts on cosmetic products but there is little that we can do to ensure our skin stays in good condition. One of the best things you can do to help in this regard is to eat a healthy, balanced diet.

This includes getting plenty of vitamin C, and butternut squash is a very good source of the vitamin. Studies have shown that people with plenty of vitamin C in their diet are less likely to experience dry skin and wrinkles.

Butternut Squash

Benefit #3: Eases Inflammation

Inflammation is generally caused by our own immune systems. It is a result of chemicals being released into the body as a response to injuries or other problems. It often occurs even when there is no injury to deal with, and it can cause considerable problems for the patient.

Inflammation can cause problems like arthritis, which tends to affect people as they grow older. There is no cure but we can at least do what we can to relieve the symptoms to a degree. Butternut squash contains compounds that can help to prevent arthritis from developing. It can also make any symptoms of arthritis less severe for the patient.

Butternut Squash

Benefit #4: Healthy Bones

Without a strong, healthy skeleton, life would be a lot harder for us than it is. Our skeletons provide us with support and allow us to move around our environment with ease. The skeleton needs to be strong enough to support our weight, and also strong enough to withstand impacts.

Butternut squash is a good source of manganese. This is a mineral that helps with calcium absorption and also with the density of minerals in the spinal column. What’s more is that butternut squash also contains other minerals that can help protect against osteoporosis. Include it in your diet and you can have a strong, healthy skeleton for years to come.

Butternut Squash

Benefit #5: Lowers Blood Pressure

If you have a high blood pressure then it is something that you should take very seriously. It can lead to heart conditions, which can potentially be fatal, as well as a range of other conditions that can be a direct threat to your health and even to your life. A high blood pressure is often caused by not taking care of yourself, although there are other causes as well.

One cause of a high blood pressure is excess sodium in the diet, and potassium can help to counter this. Potassium is found in butternut squash, meaning it can help to keep your blood pressure down.

Butternut Squash

Benefit #6: Boosts Immunity

If your natural defenses against disease were to weaken, you could fall quite ill as a result. As much as we are able to trust our immune system to keep us safe, we should still do what we can to keep it strong. One of the best ways to do this is to make sure that you get the right nutrition in your food.

It is well known that vitamin C is very effective in helping us to fight against disease. This means eating plenty of foods that have a high content of the vitamin, and one of these is butternut squash.

Butternut Squash

Benefit #7: Healthy Digestive System

A healthy digestive system is essential for good health overall. This is because a healthy digestive system will help ensure that you get all the nutrition that you need from your food. To help with this, you should eat the right food, such as butternut squash.

Butternut squash is a very good source of fiber. Indeed, just one cup contains around 7 grams of fiber. This has numerous benefits for the digestive system and helps food to pass through as it should. This can help keep you in good shape overall, while also helping to prevent uncomfortable stomach problems.

Butternut Squash

Benefit #8: Good for Weight Loss

The majority of people that try to lose weight will fail. They shouldn’t be too hard on themselves, though, because it can be very difficult to do. Exercise can be very hard, while it can also be very difficult to stick to a weight loss diet. Butternut squash, however, might make the latter easier.

Butternut squash is low in calories, which is a key factor in helping people to lose weight. What’s more is that it is also high in fiber, which helps people to feel fuller for longer. It also tastes great and is flexible, which will make it easier to stick to your diet overall.

Butternut Squash

Benefit #9: Contains Electrolytes

Electrolytes are somewhat of a buzzword in healthy living circles. They are found in many sports drinks and claim to be able to help keep you well hydrated. They are not only found in sports drinks, though, as they are found in natural foods as well, including butternut squash.

In addition to helping you keep hydrated, butternut squash also helps to promote healthy nerves and muscles. They are not only used for sporting people either as anybody could benefit from their properties. If you are about to go on a workout, having some butternut squash beforehand could be just what you need.

Butternut Squash

Benefit #10: Nutritious

One of the best health benefits that any type of food can give is the nutrient content they offer. We need nutrients in order to grow and repair our bodies, while nutrition also gives us the energy that we need. If you are trying to pay close attention to your diet, you should always be sure to check out the nutritional stats of anything you eat.

Butternut squash is full of the vitamins and minerals that are so important to us. They are a good source of protein, as well as fiber, and also a good source of oleic acid.

Butternut Squash

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