10 Benefits of Bone Broth

By james
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The bones of animals are usually discarded once the meat and other tissues have been removed from them. In doing so, though, you might be missing out on a delicious and nutritious treat. It may not sound appetizing at first, but bone broth is something that everybody should try at least once.

It is just as it sounds, with bones used to make a broth. The broth will benefit from the many nutrients that are particularly found in bone marrow. With so much nutrition to offer, bone broth offers various health benefits.

Bone broth is also very easy to make and is also very affordable. Below are 10 benefits of eating bone broth.

Bone Broth

Benefit #1: Healthy Digestive System

Good digestive health is very important for your overall well-being as we use digestion to get the nutrition and energy needed from the food that we eat. There are various things that we can do in order to encourage a healthy digestive system and eating bone broth is one of them.

One particular condition that bone broth is thought to help with is leaky gut syndrome. This is a condition where food, toxins, and juices can leak from the gut into your bloodstream. Bone broth is a good source of gelatin, which is able to help cure leaky gut syndrome.

Bone Broth

Benefit #2: Improves Mood

None of us actually like being in a bad mood. It is an involuntary condition that is often brought about by external influences over which we will often have little to no control. Eating a healthy, balanced diet, however, can help to improve our mood overall.

Some foods in particular are thought to help in encouraging a good mood, and bone broth is one of them. It contains a type of amino acid known as glycine, which has properties similar to some anti-depressant drugs. In addition to improving our mood, it is though to be able to boost brain function overall.

Bone Broth

Benefit #3: Healthy Heart

Our heart is essential to us. If it stops working, then we will die. Should its functioning be impaired at all then it can have some considerable effects on our health overall. Plenty of exercise will help make sure our hearts are healthy, while a healthy, balanced diet is also very important.

Bone broth contains several nutrients that help to promote a healthy heart. In addition to vitamins and minerals, it is a good source of electrolytes, which help to encourage good circulation. It is also thought that bone broth can reduce the buildup of atherosclerotic plaque, giving a further boost to the health of the heart.

Bone Broth

Benefit #4: Healthy Skin

Ageing is inevitable for all of us, although some people do appear to age faster than others. The appearance of ageing is partly down to the loss of collagen in the skin, which is a substance that gives skin its elasticity. By including collagen in your diet, you can help to slow down the effects of getting older.

Bone broth is a good source of collagen. This helps to maintain levels of collagen in the skin which, in turn, helps to keep our skin smooth and supple. In addition to slowing down the advances of ageing, bone broth can also help to improve the health and appearance of the skin in general.

Bone Broth

Benefit #5: Promotes Sleep

It is very important to get a good night’s sleep, every night if possible. For many people, though, this can be very difficult to achieve. Sleepless nights can leave people struggling to function properly the following day. It can have a severe impact on their professional lives and their social lives.

Bone broth contains glycine, which is known to help people to get to sleep. Not only can it help them fall asleep, but it can also help them to sleep better and for longer. If you do have difficulty sleeping, drinking some bone broth before you go to bed could be the answer to your prayers.

Bone Broth

Benefit #6: Healthy Bones

A strong and healthy skeleton is essential to our overall well-being. We need our skeletons for support and our movement can become severely limited should something go wrong. In addition to other healthy living practices, this means that you should eat a healthy, balanced diet in order to get the nutrition your body needs.

Bone broth is an excellent source of calcium, which is well known to be good for our bones. It also contains phosphorus and magnesium, which also promote good bone health. What’s more is that it contains collagen, which helps with the proper formation of mineral deposits.

Bone Broth

Benefit #7: Decongestant

If you’ve ever had a cold, you will likely know what it is like to feel congested. It can be difficult to breathe and it can also make it difficult for us to sleep. There are various modern remedies available on the market, while there are also some much older remedies that you can try.

It is often said that chicken soup can help to clear decongestion. In fact, recent studies have shown that this could well be true. Try making some chicken bone broth and you may well find it a lot easier to breathe again. Plus, a delicious bowl of broth will help give you plenty of nutrition to help you fight that cold.

Bone Broth

Benefit #8: Healthy Joints

We tend to become less flexible as we get older. Our joints don’t move as easily as they once used to and they can even become painful to us. Conditions such as arthritis can develop, and these can leave us virtually immobile in many cases. These conditions are very difficult to treat, but we can at least try to prevent them from happening in the first place.

Bone broth contains both chondroitin and glucosamine. These are thought to be able to reduce symptoms of osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis, while also improving the health of the joints overall. It also contains collagen and gelatin, which can slow the spread of joint diseases and decrease pain.

Bone Broth

Benefit #9: Affordable

Even in the Western world, there are many people that struggle to support themselves and their families. This often means that people go without the nutrition that they need and this is especially a problem in developing children. Fortunately, though, there are some foods that are very affordable indeed.

Bone broth will cost very little to make, while also being packed full of essential vitamins and minerals. It makes an excellent accompaniment to other meals to help ensure you get a nutritious diet. It is not only something for people that are struggling, of course, as anybody can enjoy its great taste and health benefits.

Bone Broth

Benefit #10: Weight Loss

All over the world, you will find wonder products that aim to be able to help you lose weight. Some are more or less effective than others, while few manage to meet the promises that they make. The reality is that there is no miracle product available on the market, but there are some foods that can help.

Bone broth is both filling and low in calories. This means that it can help you to feel full for longer, decreasing the need to snack between meals. Of course, you are also likely to need to exercise to lose weight, but bone broth can help make a balanced and healthy weight loss diet.

Bone Broth

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