10 Benefits of Balsamic Vinegar

By james
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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Balsamic vinegar, often just called balsamic, is a type of vinegar that originates from Italy. It is made at least partially from grape must and is very dark in color. Grape must is grape juice that has been freshly squeezed along with the seeds, skins, and the stems.

Balsamic vinegar’s strong flavor makes it popular in cooking and it is found in kitchens around the world.

In addition to its intense and unique flavour, it is also thought to offer various health benefits. Here’s a look at some of the most popular benefits that we can get from balsamic vinegar.

Balsamic Vinegar

Benefit #1: Good Digestion

Eat well and you are well on your way to being healthy yourself. Regardless of what you do eat, though, it is important that your body is able to sufficiently absorb the nutrients you ingest. This makes it important to have a healthy and effective digestive system.

Balsamic vinegar contains a compound known as acetic acid. This compound contains various probiotics that are beneficial to our digestive system in that they help us to digest our food. This means we are able to get the nutrients we need from our food, helping to keep us as healthy and as well as possible.

Balsamic Vinegar

Benefit #2: Treats Wounds

It is inevitable that we will pick up the occasional wound every now and then. Although painful, it is not usually much to worry about, provided it is not too severe of course. We will also usually heal well enough before too long thanks to our excellent immune system that will help patch us up.

As good as our immune system is, though, there is still no harm in giving it some help occasionally. If you do pick up a wound, it is a good idea to treat it to help prevent an infection and to help it heal. It is thought that balsamic vinegar is able to help with this because it has antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral properties.

Balsamic Vinegar

Benefit #3: Reduces Reflux

The stomach is generally full of partly digested food and acidic juices. We don’t want this coming back up again, which would be unpleasant to say the least. What’s more is that the lining of the oesophagus is not protected from the caustic digestive enzymes. Thankfully, there is a muscle that closes tight to keep this in, but it is not always completely effective.

Reflux is a condition that allows the stomach’s juices to escape the stomach and rise up in the esophagus. This can be very uncomfortable as the acidic juices burn at the soft tissues. There are various remedies that can help, though, and balsamic vinegar is one of them.

Balsamic Vinegar

Benefit #4: Lowers Blood Pressure

Hypertension is a condition that affects millions of people all over the world. It is the medical term for high blood pressure, and it is one of the biggest killers around. It poses a very real threat in the short term, while also contributing to serious conditions in the long term.

A high blood pressure is clearly a potentially serious problem, but there are steps we can take to deal with it. Studies on rats have shown that balsamic vinegar may be able to reduce blood pressure, so it can be a good idea to include some in your diet. There is still more research to be done, but it won’t hurt to use it in the meantime anyway.

Balsamic Vinegar

Benefit #5: Relieves Congestion

When we get a cold, we can usually expect a particular symptom to emerge: congestion. This is the blocking of the nostrils that makes it harder for us to breath. The common cold is not the only cause and other causes include allergies, irritants, and other illnesses.

There are various treatments available that can help to relieve congestion, many of which are quite effective. In addition to numerous products, you can also try creating some natural remedies from ingredients at home. You could try using balsamic vinegar by adding a few drops to hot water and then inhaling the fumes.

Balsamic Vinegar

Benefit #6: Clear Skin

No matter how hard some of us try, it can sometimes seem too difficult to get our skin clear. We can use any number of products that claim to be able to provide a clear complexion but few work as well as claimed. Some barely work at all. If you are struggling, you might find the answer to your prayers in natural remedies.

Balsamic vinegar has properties that may be able to help in achieving clear skin. It has antimicrobial properties that can help protect against pathogens, as well as antioxidants that help protect the skin in the long term. Bear in mind that it should not be placed on the skin directly because it can potentially mark the skin.

Balsamic Vinegar

Benefit #7: Good Circulation

It is essential that we have a healthy circulation because this is how our body is supplied with the nutrients that it needs. The blood almost works as a kind of liquified conveyor belt, carrying items further down the line to where they are needed. If this conveyor belt was to stop or slow down, it can affect processes further down the line.

Our blood contains cells known as platelets. These are useful to us because they cause clotting when we cut ourselves. This clotting, however, can also cause the blood cells to become blocked. Balsamic vinegar contains compounds from grapes that have been shown to be able to prevent the build-up of platelets in the blood.

Balsamic Vinegar

Benefit #8: Reduces Blood Sugar Levels

Many people around the world need to be careful of what they eat. There are many reasons for this and one of the most common reasons is diabetes. This is a condition where the patient is unable to regulate the levels of sugar in their blood. It can lead to a drastic change in lifestyle and it can be very dangerous.

Studies have shown that balsamic vinegar has anti-glycemic properties. This means that it helps to prevent spikes in blood sugar levels after the patient has eaten. While patients should still follow medical advice at all times, balsamic vinegar can at least help provide a suitable supplement.

Balsamic Vinegar

Benefit #9: Aids in Weight Loss

One way to lose weight is to eat a strict diet. This can be very difficult though. Hunger is a very natural sensation and an important one. It is very difficult to resist and this can cause us to eat more than is good for us. If we can restrict how much we eat, we have a pretty good chance of losing those extra pounds.

Balsamic vinegar contains probiotics, and this helps us to feel fuller for longer. This makes it considerably easier for people to resist eating, helping them to limit their calorie intake. Add some in with your breakfast, and it can help you to keep to that diet throughout the day.

Balsamic Vinegar

Benefit #10: Lowers Cholesterol

High cholesterol levels are a common problem around the world. High cholesterol can be very hazardous to our health and is one of the biggest contributors to heart disease. There are numerous causes of high cholesterol, and an unhealthy lifestyle is among the most common.

A healthy diet goes a long way to having healthy cholesterol levels, and this can mean including beneficial supplements. One such supplement is balsamic vinegar as it is said to be able to help reduce cholesterol. It is a good source of antioxidants and these can help to block cells that might otherwise cause cholesterol levels to rise.

Balsamic Vinegar

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