10 Benefits of Avocado Oil

By james
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As the name suggests, avocado oil comes from the avocado fruit. The oil is extracted by pressing the fruit. The oil has a wide range of uses, such as in cooking, while it is often used as a topical remedy on the skin. It can also be mixed with other oils to combine their benefits and expand its range of applications.

Avocado oil is full of vitamins and minerals that are healthy for us. What’s more is that it also contains various compounds that are thought to be able to help in ways ranging from keeping your hair healthy to preventing cancer.

Below are just a few of the ways that you can benefit from what avocado oil has to offer.

Avocado Oil

Benefit #1: Boosts Nutrient Absorption

Food is usually delicious. We often spend a lot of time preparing food so that it tastes just right, while the best chefs of all will often become international superstars. The best restaurants will often become packed, with customers happy to pay high prices for expensive dishes. We place a great deal of value on taste, but that is not the only reason for eating.

The main reason for eating, of course, is that the food we eat supplies us with the nutrition that we need. Nutrients are absorbed by our digestive system and it is important to ensure that we are able to absorb what we need. Avocado oil is able to help to this end thanks to its high content of mono-unsaturated fats.

Avocado Oil

Benefit #2: Great for Detox

Our bodies have been gradually evolving for many millions of years. They have evolved organs such as the liver and kidneys, which help to filter impurities and toxins from the body. They are very effective at doing this, but there is no reason why we can’t help them out. Some foods are known to be able to help with detox, including avocado oil.

Avocado oil is a good source of chlorophyll, the green substance that helps plants convert energy from the sun. Chlorophyll contains a lot of magnesium and this is able to help remove unwanted heavy metals from the body. This helps keep our bodies free from impurities.

Avocado Oil

Benefit #3: Slows Aging

As we get older, our appearance changes despite us wanting to remain looking younger for as long as we can. Countless products on the market claim to be able to help but nothing has yet been discovered to really halt the advance of getting old.

We can at least slow down the effects of ageing, though. Avocado oil is a very good source of collagen. Collagen is a substance that helps provide elasticity and suppleness to our skin, helping to keep it youthful looking. Collagen tends to get lost with age, though, but avocado oil can help to replace it.

Avocado Oil

Benefit #4: Healthy Hair

Our hair needs to be fed as well. It needs nutrition to keep it growing and to keep it healthy. Indeed, if you were to neglect your diet then it may not be long before your hair begins to lose its body and shine. Fortunately, it is fairly easy for us to supply our hair with all the nutrients that it needs.

One way to provide your hair with plenty of nutrition is to apply avocado oil. You can use it on its own, or you can first mix it with essential oils. This will help to nourish your hair and also protect it from harsh weather.

Avocado Oil

Benefit #5: Lowers Cholesterol

High levels of LDL cholesterol are potentially very bad for us. Among other things, they can lead to blood-vessels becoming blocked, something that should be taken very seriously. This means eating a healthy diet as well as getting as much exercise as you can. You can help further by adding avocado oil to your diet.

Avocado oil is a good source of monounsaturated fats. It is also free from cholesterol and low in saturated fats. These factors mean that avocado oil can help to lower the levels of “bad” cholesterols in your body. This makes it a welcome addition to just about any healthy-living diet.

Avocado Oil

Benefit #6: Soothes Skin

The world around us is full of hazards that can be irritating to the skin. They can be chemicals, insect bites, harsh weather, and even the clothes that you are wearing. These things can be quite irritating, causing itching and rashes, and they can even lead to cracking and potentially permanent damage to the skin.

Avocado oil is a good source of vitamin E and omega-3 fatty acids. These are good for soothing the skin and helping to overcome irritations. It is also easy to use and can be simply massaged onto an affected area. It can also be mixed with essential oils for use on the skin, and can also be used in the bath.

Avocado Oil

Benefit #7: Aids in Weight Loss

Dieting and exercise are very effective at helping us to lose weight. This is because they shift the balance between calories burned and calories consumed. When you are taking on fewer calories than you are burning, then your body’s stored fat reserves will be burned off to help make up the deficit.

This is a lot harder said than done, though, and requires a lot of will power. This is partly because it can be difficult to refuse more food, making it harder for us to limit our calorie intake. Avocado oil can help in this regard because it can make us feel fuller for longer, is packed full of minerals, and can aid with digestion.

Avocado Oil

Benefit #8: Lowers Blood Pressure

If you have a high blood pressure then you really should try and do something about it. It can be very dangerous to your health both in the short term and in the long term. Among the most effective ways of keeping your blood pressure down to healthy levels is plenty of exercise and a healthy diet.

Avocado oil has various properties that help to keep our blood pressure down. It contains anti-inflammatories that help to prevent damage to the delicate walls of blood vessels and is also said to have a positive effect on how the body regulates blood pressure itself.

Avocado Oil

Benefit #9: Prevents Periodontal Disease

Periodontal disease is something that is easily prevented, but still very common. Preventing it involves good oral hygiene and regular visits to your dentist, while there are some other techniques that are shown to be effective in keeping your mouth healthy.

Oil pulling is an increasingly popular technique that is said to be able to help keep the mouth free from disease. It involves swilling oils around the mouth before spitting the oils back out again. Avocado oil can be used and it is said to be able to control inflammation. When used with other oils, it can also have antibacterial properties.

Avocado Oil

Benefit #10: Prevents Cancer

One day, we might actually find the cure for cancer, which has plagued mankind for as long as we can remember. There are many types of cancer and some are easier than others to treat and cure. Some types cannot be cured at all, so it makes sense to prevent it from occurring in the first place.

Avocado oil is a very good source of monounsaturated oleic acid. This compound is thought to be able to help in preventing cancers from developing. It also contains omega-3 fatty acids, which are also thought to be able to slow down cancers.

Avocado Oil

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