10 Benefits of Astragalus

By tallene
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The astragalus plant is not a common household ingredient in food and chances are you may have never heard of it. The plant is in the legume family and has a very long history as an immune booster. Its use can be traced back to ancient China to fight off disease and heal wounds.

There are more than 2,000 species of the astragalus plant. The root of the plant can be used in soups, teas, extracts, or capsules. Of the 2,000 species, only two are used medicinally. This includes Astragalus membranaceus and Astragalus mongholicus.

There are three main components that allow the plant to have such a positive impact on human health. These are saponins, flavonoids, and polysaccharides.


Benefit #1: Healthy Compounds

There are three compounds in the astragalus plant that provides it with its many health benefits. These three compounds are saponins, flavonoids, and polysaccharides. These three compounds are found in numerous plants and vegetables and have been linked to numerous health benefits.

Saponins are known for their ability to help lower cholesterol, decrease cancer risk, and improve the immune system. Flavonoids fight off oxidation by scavenging for floating free radicals. Polysaccharides have been reported to promote protection against numerous cancer cells and tumor cells. Polysaccharides are also very abundant in fruits and vegetables.


Benefit #2: Immune Boosting

One of the benefits of the plant is its positive effect on the immune system. The immune system creates numerous white blood cells to fight off pathogens. However, the ability of the immune system to do so can sometimes become compromised. The astragalus is an immune stimulant, meaning it stimulates the immune system when it has become weakened.

As an immune stimulant, it increases the count of white blood cells and stimulates the production of antibodies. There have been studies that have proven the plant’s ability to “awaken” immune cells from a resting state into heightened activity. In addition, studies have seen a positive increase in the number of macrophages, cells that ingest foreign antigens to protect against infections. It has also become a staple for AIDs due this effect.


Benefit #3: Longevity

New research into the plant has shown that it may have benefits in increasing life span by reversing cell damage. By reversing cell damage, this slows the aging process and some of those pesky signs of aging such as wrinkling and dark spots.

The mechanism behind this antiaging capability is believed to be due to saponin. Saponin acts on telomerase. Telomeres are the protective ends of chromosomes that slowly shorten and wear out each time cell division occurs. The more often telomeres die off, cell division stops and tissues quickly degrade and die. In addition, cells are required to make a new telomere, which also increases the aging process as our body will eventually stop making it. By keeping the telomere alive, if possible, slows the aging process.


Benefit #4: Heart Health

As mentioned above, astragalus contains the flavonoid compound. Research has shown that the flavonoids in the plant can combat heart disease. This includes cardio protective effects against plaque buildup in the arteries, the narrowing of the blood vessels, water retention (which has a lot to do with blood pressure), and even being able to lower triglyceride levels.

These benefits have been heavily studied. In one study published in the Journal of Traditional Chinese Medicine, they found that one particular flavonoid Astragaloside IV (the active ingredient in dried astragalus root) exerted protective effects on the cardiovascular system. This is essential especially to Western cultures where heart disease is the cause of 1 in 4 deaths.


Benefit #5: Cancer Benefits

Some recent studies and screenings have shown that the compounds of astragalus may have some positive effects on some of the side effects of their cancer such as fatigue, weakened immune systems, and lack of appetite.

For instance, in one study, researchers investigated the effects of astragalus on cancer patients with weakened immune systems. Patients taking astragalus supplements experienced a faster recovery and improved survival rates. To continue, those with cancer related fatigue were also given the supplement. It was found those taking the supplement experienced significant improvements in decreasing their fatigue and feeling more energetic. This can be very beneficial in improving the everyday lives of cancer patients.


Benefit #6: Improves Anemia

There are several causes of anemia, such as iron or vitamin B12 deficiency; however, the underlying cause is the same. Anemia is a deficiency of red blood cells or hemoglobin in the blood resulting in tiredness, weariness, and pale skin. In addition, it can decrease the movement of oxygen throughout the body.

Early studies showed that astragalus root increased the blood count of anemic patients, especially those who have aplastic anemia. Aplastic anemia is a form of anemia in which the bone marrow suddenly fails to produce major types of red blood cells. Although more research is needed regarding anemia, initial results are promising.


Benefit #7: Regulates and Prevents Diabetes and Illnesses Related to Diabetes

Astragalus has been studied progressively as an antidiabetic. Studies show its ability to relieve insulin resistance and to ease the progression of diabetes. The herb’s collection of saponins, flavonoids, and polysaccharides all are effective in treating and regulating Type 1 and 2 diabetes. They’re able to increase insulin sensitivity, protect pancreatic beta cells (the cells in the pancreas that produce and release insulin) and act as anti-inflammatories in areas related to diabetes symptoms.

Kidney disease in diabetics is also a common problem, and astragalus has been used to treat kidney illness for many years. More recent studies in humans and animals have shown astragalus can slow the progress of kidney problems in diabetics and protect the renal system.


Benefit #8: Wound and Skin Care

In addition to its health benefits, astragalus also has many benefits for skin care. The plant can be used topically on the skin. When applied topically, it significantly alleviates eczema, psoriasis, rosacea, and has also been used to treat wounds. Taken as a tea, the antioxidant property of astragalus improves your blood flow—crucial for great looking skin, wound healing, and reduction of redness. This use was one of the first uses of the plant in ancient times. To date, it is still effective.

Numerous studies have researched its use as a cream. In a 2012 study by the Institute of Pharmaceutics at Zhejiang University, wounds treated with Astragaloside IV showed recovery rates twice as fast than expected. It was concluded that astragalus is a promising natural product for anti-scarring and wound healing.


Benefit #9: Helps with Asthma

Astragalus has been used to treat chronic asthma. It cannot cure asthma, a respiratory disease that affects millions of people, but it can be used for supplemental therapy against asthma.

In many people who use the plant with asthma, they noticed hypersensitivity in their airways decrease substantially and mucus production and inflammation were reduced in studies. By preventing or reducing asthma attacks, individuals could be relived of chronic asthma issues in the future. There are also studies that suggest the plant can help with hepatitis, bronchitis, and help heal lung tissue affected by bronchopulmonary dysplasia in newborns.


Benefit #10: Reduce Stress

Many of us suffer from stress. Whether it is due to school or work, stress can often become consuming. Astragalus belongs to a class of herbs known as adaptogens. This class of herbs has a special effect on the body and mind that will help relieve stress as well as help the body deal with stress in future situations.

Those who often feel stressed or anxious have reported feeling calm and centered when they took the herb and individuals who are often fatigued and depleted started to feeling rejuvenated and more energized. Due to its destress and energizing properties, it is definitely a herb that can help in stressful situations or just during those days where fatigue feels overwhelming.


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