Bartholin Cyst Causes, Treatments and More

By stephan
Reviewed: dr. vanta
Article Sources Article Sources
  • 1. 'Bartholin's Gland Cyst: Causes & Treatment,' Staff.
  • 2. 'Bartholin's Cyst,'
  • 3. 'Bartholin's Cyst,'
  • 4. 'Bartholin Gland Cyst,'
  • 5. Omole, Folashade; Simmons, Barbara; Hacker,Yolanda. 'Management Of Bartholin's Duct Cyst and Gland Abscess,' American Family Physician,
Medical Expert Medical Expert

Bartholin's glands are minuscule glands located on each side of the vagina near its opening along the labia. They secrete lubricating fluids and are normally invisible and undetectable to touch. Sometimes these glands become clogged by obstructions, and the fluid produced by them can back up to cause swelling that's then called a Bartholin's cyst.1‘Bartholin’s Gland Cyst: Causes & Treatment,’ Staff.

Normally, Bartholin's cysts aren't painful and tend to start off small, being no bigger than a pea. However, they can grow considerably and become painfully infected or turn into an abscess. Although Bartholin's cysts are quite common, they're usually highly treatable.1‘Bartholin’s Gland Cyst: Causes & Treatment,’ Staff.,2‘Bartholin’s Cyst,’

Bartholin Cyst

1. Symptoms

A Bartholin's cyst usually first presents itself as a small, painless, soft lump that can stay that way without growing much or causing further problems. However, it can become tender and, in some cases, very rapidly grow until it infects and becomes painful.

This process can occur in just days and turn the formerly small lump into a much bigger one that causes considerable discomfort during sexual intercourse or even with normal movements like running, walking and sitting. This usually means the cyst has turned into an abscess.2‘Bartholin’s Cyst,’,3‘Bartholin’s Cyst,’

Bartholin Cyst

2. Complications of Bartholin's Cysts

Bartholin's cysts are not life-threatening conditions and can usually be treated quite easily. However, in some cases, they may recur and require further treatment that can eventually require surgical intervention via different procedures.

Furthermore, a cyst that has turned into an abscess can become severely infected and cause fever symptoms and increasing pain if not cut open, drained and forced to remain open with a catheter until no more liquid remains. Antibiotics are usually also prescribed during this process.4‘Bartholin Gland Cyst,’,5Omole, Folashade; Simmons, Barbara; Hacker,Yolanda. ‘Management Of Bartholin’s Duct Cyst and Gland Abscess,’ American Family Physician,

Bartholin Cyst

3. When to See a Doctor

If you notice a small lump on your vaginal opening that doesn't resolve by itself after several days of self-care remedies such as warm baths, or if this lump becomes larger and more tender, you should schedule a doctor's appointment.

If the cyst grows rapidly and becomes so tender and painful that it affects movement, this is cause for an immediate clinical visit.2‘Bartholin’s Cyst,’ Bartholin's cysts rarely resolve on their own if they become inflamed.[5Omole, Folashade; Simmons, Barbara; Hacker,Yolanda. ‘Management Of Bartholin’s Duct Cyst and Gland Abscess,’ American Family Physician,

Bartholin Cyst

4. Diagnosis

Your doctor or gynecologist will generally diagnose a Bartholin's cyst by first performing a physical pelvic and vaginal examination. They may follow this up with a swab of the vaginal fluids around the cyst and inside the vagina for laboratory testing.

This exam probes for specific STI causes of the cyst. In some cases, a doctor might also recommend a biopsy of the lump, but this is rarely done for women under the age of 40.2‘Bartholin’s Cyst,’

Bartholin Cyst

5. Causes of Bartholin's Cysts

Bartholin's cysts are caused by a blockage of the Bartholin's gland, but what causes this blockage can vary and, in some cases, even be unknown. While bacteria that cause sexually transmitted infections often cause these cysts, they're not considered to be exclusive causal factors.3‘Bartholin’s Cyst,’

It's now believed that well over a dozen different microbes can cause these cysts to form.5Omole, Folashade; Simmons, Barbara; Hacker,Yolanda. ‘Management Of Bartholin’s Duct Cyst and Gland Abscess,’ American Family Physician, Women of certain age groups and ethnic backgrounds seem to be more likely to suffer Bartholin's cysts and abscesses.5Omole, Folashade; Simmons, Barbara; Hacker,Yolanda. ‘Management Of Bartholin’s Duct Cyst and Gland Abscess,’ American Family Physician,

Bartholin Cyst

6. Who's Affected

Bartholin's cysts exclusively affect women and usually occur during the reproductive years of a woman's life. They can, however, present at any sexually mature age and in women who are past menopause.

These cysts are not specifically correlated with any particular sexual behavior and can be caused by non-STI pathogens in many cases. Some women tend to be more likely to get Bartholin's cysts than others or to have them appear again.3‘Bartholin’s Cyst,’,5Omole, Folashade; Simmons, Barbara; Hacker,Yolanda. ‘Management Of Bartholin’s Duct Cyst and Gland Abscess,’ American Family Physician,

Bartholin Cyst

7. Prevention of Bartholin's Cysts

Generally speaking, it's not possible to prevent Bartholin's cysts. Because their causes aren't clearly known in all cases, prevention recommendations are ambiguous at best.

However, because they can, at least in some cases, be caused by sexually transmitted infections, practicing safe sex is generally recommended by doctors. Specific medical prevention besides this isn't known to have any effect on whether a woman will get a cyst at some point in her life.3‘Bartholin’s Cyst,’ Good hygiene habits help prevent an infection of a cyst.

Bartholin Cyst

8. Treatment Options

Bartholin's cysts can sometimes resolve on their own from a very small initial stage of minimal swelling. However, if they become larger, tender and especially if they become infected enough to turn into abscesses, treatment is essential.

Treatment usually consists of a doctor making a small incision into the cyst and inserting a catheter that allows it to drain until it dissipates. This is accompanied by antibiotic therapy in many cases.1‘Bartholin’s Gland Cyst: Causes & Treatment,’ Staff.

Bartholin Cyst

9. Prognosis

A diagnosis of Bartholin's cysts is very rarely a major medical issue since this condition isn't considered life-threatening. In many cases, a cyst can resolve on its own, but even if minor surgical intervention is necessary, it usually requires no more than an outpatient visit at a gynecologist's office.

Cysts that turn into abscesses can become extremely painful and cause complications such as fever or movement difficulties, but they can usually be resolved within weeks with minor drainage surgery.1‘Bartholin’s Gland Cyst: Causes & Treatment,’ Staff.,4‘Bartholin Gland Cyst,’,5Omole, Folashade; Simmons, Barbara; Hacker,Yolanda. ‘Management Of Bartholin’s Duct Cyst and Gland Abscess,’ American Family Physician,

Bartholin Cyst

10. Should You Worry?

If you find yourself suffering from a Bartholin's cyst, monitor your symptoms and seek medical advice as needed. With prompt and professional outpatient medical attention, these cysts can be successfully treated, and the prognosis for improvement is usually excellent, even in cases of highly infected cysts that have turned into large, inflamed abscesses.

Drainage procedures for Bartholin's cysts are minor and will normally heal within a few weeks or less.2‘Bartholin’s Cyst,’

Bartholin Cyst

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