10 Benefits of Avocado

By tallene
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Avocados have been used for centuries in natural remedies and delicious meals. A single avocado can provide 234 calories, making it an incredibly healthy and delicious snack. Not only are they delicious, but they contain up to 20 vitamins and minerals essential to proper nutrition.

One interesting fact about avocados, is that they are fatty fruits; more specifically they are actually berries. Avocados are considered a sacred fruit in Central America because it was believed to be an aphrodisiac.


Avocado Benefit #1: Helps with Digestion

Avocados aren’t just a delicious and versatile food, they’re also beneficial to digestive health. Avocados contain fiber, about 4.9g per cup, which is roughly 15% of the daily fiber needs of adult men and women. Fiber absorbs water in the digestive tract which helps to soften and loosen stools.

Fiber is beneficial for regular digestion and helps feed your gut bacteria. When your gut is healthy, beneficial bacteria flourishes, supporting your immune system. A healthy gut is a happy gut, leading to healthy regular bowel movements without gas and bloating.


Avocado Benefit #2: Eye Health

As we age, many of our organs and body systems tend to work less effectively and efficiently. The eyes are some of the first organs to slowly degrade and function worse. Blue light has been associated with long term damage to the retina, but the body is not very efficient in filtering different wavelengths of light.

Avocados are great for eye health because they are saturated with a carotenoid called lutein, which helps with filtering blue light. As a matter of fact, avocados contain almost 8 times the amount of lutein one would find in an over the counter supplement, making avocados a cheaper and more effective food!


Avocado Benefit #3: Prevents Bad Breath

A common ailment of our society is halitosis, or bad breath. Halitosis can be caused by a variety of factors including diet, gum and tooth disorders, lung diseases, and nutrient deficiencies.

Avocados are a classically used remedy for bad breath because of specific properties and nutrients; some claim that avocado mouth lotions are even superior to standard mouthwash. Generally, halitosis can be caused from intestinal putrefaction or decomposition, but avocados have been shown to remove these bad breath causing factors.


Avocado Benefit #4: Skin Health

Avocados are rich in a variety of vitamins and minerals that are essential to proper skin nutrition. Many individuals will create topicals and lotions for their skin to help moisturize and replenish nutrients. Although avocado based topicals may be beneficial, consumption of avocados alone provides a plethora of benefits to skin and hair health.

Avocados contain biotin and antioxidants such as vitamin E, vitamin C, and lutein which are all known to be essential ingredients to a moisturized and healthy looking skin. Antioxidants help protect against free radicals, while lutein helps to promote water content and elasticity of the skin. Biotin is an essential B vitamin for healthy skin and helps to prevent dry skin as well as rashes.


Avocado Benefit #5: Protects the Liver

The liver is one of the most important organs for the human body. It breaks down toxins, metabolizes chemicals, and secretes vital digestive juices. Avocados contain folate and vitamin B6 which are known to support overall liver health and function by breaking down fats and reducing LDL cholesterol. Folate deficiency is also associated with an increased risk of liver cancer.

Vitamin C and vitamin E, found in avocados, can also help reduce scarring among children with fatty liver disease. Vitamin C is also useful for aiding in flushing fats from the liver, which can help prevent fatal diseases such as cirrhosis.


Avocado Benefit #6: Blood Glucose Management

Avocado fruits aren’t the only beneficial part of the entire tree. One study conducted found that avocado leaf extracts may be helpful in lowering blood glucose levels, similar to how insulin works. Avocados are made up of unique 7-carbon sugars that inhibit the enzyme hexokinase, which is a signaler of glucose leading to the production and release of insulin.

Not only that, avocados are rich in fatty acids and fiber, which can help increase the amount of time it takes for the body to completely extract carbohydrates and nutrients from food. This can help make you feel fuller, longer.


Avocado Benefit #7: Pregnancy

Vitamin B6 has been known to help relieve symptoms of dizziness and nausea which are common symptoms of morning sickness, a pregnancy symptom. Avocados are rich in vitamin B6 and have proven to be a healthy snack for pregnant women. Although the mechanisms behind why vitamin B6 is so effective for morning sickness are unknown, its wide acceptance of use has become a standard treatment for pregnant women.

Avocados also contain folate, a B vitamin taken during pregnancy. Folate is often attributed with pregnant women as a means to prevent neural tube defects in newborn children.


Avocado Benefit #8: Weight Management

Avocados are high in “good” fats called polyunsaturated fatty acids as well as fiber. These are two important components for regulating hunger as well as blood glucose levels. Avocado oils are also high in monounsaturated and oleic fatty acids which are known to help decrease the risk of metabolic syndrome as well as help shrink the waistline.

Avocados are also sources of vitamin K that can help treat deficiencies related to gastrointestinal disorders such as celiac or Crohn’s disease. A study in Diabetes Care showed that individuals who consumed their daily recommended amount of vitamin K had a 25% lower chance of developing diabetes via weight gain and insulin resistance.


Avocado Benefit #9: Antioxidants

Antioxidants are essential to fighting against cancer causing agents called free radicals. Avocados contain lycopene and beta-carotene, two important carotenoid antioxidants that can help to reduce cell damage. Several studies and experiments have concluded that lycopene consumption has been associated with decreased risk of chronic diseases such as cancer and cardiovascular disease.

Beta-carotene synthesizes into vitamin A and makes up roughly 50% of what is needed to reach daily recommended intake. Beta-carotene can be used to decrease asthma symptoms and prevent certain cancers, heart disease, cataracts, and age related macular degeneration.


Avocado Benefit #10: Strengthens Bones

Potassium is a mineral found abundantly in avocados and is particularly beneficial to bone health. Potassium helps to protect bone deposition by neutralizing bone-depleting metabolic acids that can lead to osteoporosis.

Additionally, avocados are high in vitamin K and vitamin D which work synergistically to replace old bone with new bone. Vitamin K can help regulate the production of new bone cells while retaining the integrity of the bones. When used in conjunction with calcium and vitamin D, the risks of developing osteoporosis decrease greatly. One contributing factor is that calcium and potassium work together protect against bone demineralization.


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