10 Anti-Inflammatory Foods

By james
Reviewed: Dr. Gromatzky
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Inflammation in the body can occur for a number of reasons. Quite often, it is the result of an injury although it can also be caused by illnesses, allergies or other irritants. Inflammation is not necessarily harmful in itself but it can be uncomfortable and can lead to various complications.

Many drugs and remedies are available that will help relieve inflammation but there are more natural solutions instead. Many of the foods we eat regularly contain various properties that are effective against inflammation as well as providing other health benefits. In addition to getting a delicious meal you could also be helping to relieve inflammation and any discomfort it is causing.

Anti Inflammatory

Anti-Inflammatory Food #1: Walnuts

We may tend to only enjoy walnuts around the holidays but they are available to be enjoyed all year round. Not only can they be eaten raw, they can also be used in cooking. They are delicious and flexible in cooking, and have anti-inflammatory properties.

Walnuts are very high in anti-inflammatory polyphenols and omega 3 fatty acids. They are also high in antioxidants, including some that are difficult to find anywhere else. In addition to having anti-inflammatory properties, walnuts are also thought to help protect against breast cancer and prostate cancer. Antioxidants can also help prevent the effects of aging.

Anti Inflammatory

Anti-Inflammatory Food #2: Leafy Greens

While many people dread the thought of having to eat leafy greens, there is still no doubting the nutritional benefits they provide. They are packed full of valuable vitamins and minerals and can provide a range of health benefits. Leafy greens also tend to have anti-inflammatory properties.

One of the most popular leafy greens in healthy eating circles is kale. Cultivars of cabbage, kale is considered by many to be a wonder food and among the most nutritious foods on the planet. Leafy greens are also excellent for people on weight watching diets as they are filling and nutritious yet low in calories.

Anti Inflammatory

Anti-Inflammatory Food #3: Extra Virgin Olive Oil

Our use of olive oil predates even the ancient Romans and has found its way into kitchens all over the world. It comes from directly squeezing the oils out from olives which are found naturally occurring in the Mediterranean basin and has a range of other uses in addition to cooking. It also holds anti-inflammatory properties.

Extra virgin olive oil is the purest form of olive oil and holds more health benefits than other varieties. It is high in anti-inflammatory polyphenols and is also high in vitamins A, E and D. The oil is also thought to help protect people from Alzheimer’s, heart disease and depression and can also help to slow the effects of aging.

Anti Inflammatory

Anti-Inflammatory Food #4: Salmon

Fish is generally very healthy. Low in fats and calories yet packed with protein and vitamins, it is a welcome addition to many healthy living diets. Of all fish, though, salmon stands out as an option that is particularly beneficial when it comes to nutrition and health.

Salmon is very rich in vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids which are anti-inflammatory as well as providing other benefits. Salmon is also thought to be very good for the brain and at helping to protect against heart disease. Like other fish, salmon is also relatively low in calories despite the nutrition it provides.

Anti Inflammatory

Anti-Inflammatory Food #5: Apples

One of the best things about apples, just like other fruits, is that they are so convenient to eat. They can be eaten just as they are, making them ideal for people that are always on the move. They can also be used in cooking and are used in some of the most popular desserts around. Plus, of course, apples are very good for you.

Apples also contain a substance known as quercetin, which has outstanding anti-inflammatory properties. They are also an excellent source of vitamins and can also help maintain healthy blood sugar levels and lower cholesterol. What’s more is that they are simply delicious and they are so easy to eat that there is no excuse not to.

Anti Inflammatory

Anti-Inflammatory Food #6: Berries

Berries such as strawberries, blackberries and raspberries are a very popular fruit all over the world, particularly when it comes to desserts. The small, sweet fruits make for delicious fillings and toppings and can be used in a very wide range of dishes, while they can also be squeezed to make delicious, healthy beverages.

Berries get their rich colors from chemicals known as anthocyanins which are known for their anti-inflammatory properties. Berries are also packed full of other vitamins and minerals that help you to maintain good health overall. In addition, the antioxidants they contain can also help to protect against the effects of aging.

Anti Inflammatory

Anti-Inflammatory Food #7: Mushrooms

Mushrooms are found growing naturally all over the planet and are found in cuisines from all over the world. Such is their variety that mushrooms can be cooked in a huge variety of ways, and there is something for pretty much anybody. What’s more is that they are very nutritious and offer numerous health benefits.

Mushrooms are a good source of ergothioneine, which has excellent anti-inflammatory properties. They are also a good source of compounds that help to bolster the immune system as well as fiber, protein and various vitamins and minerals. You won’t have to look hard to find some recipes for delicious, healthy meals containing mushrooms.

Anti Inflammatory

Anti-Inflammatory Food #8: Pineapple

The great debate on whether or not pineapple belongs on pizza is likely to continue raging for generations. Regardless, pineapple can be served in so many other ways that there are plenty of other opportunities to take full advantage of its healthy and nutritional properties.

The prickly fruit is rich in an enzyme known as bromelain. This enzyme is beneficial to us in several ways including helping to reduce inflammation. It also helps to boost the immune system and helps us to digest protein effectively. It is also packed full of vitamins and you can even make the most of its benefits simply by drinking a glass of pineapple juice.

Anti Inflammatory

Anti-Inflammatory Food #9: Curry

Curry is a spice that originates from India and has found popularity the world over thanks to its unique flavor and wonderful aroma. ‘Curry’ is also a generic term for dishes that have been made using the spice, and a style of food that is among the most popular on the planet. It gets even better for curry fans because the spice also contains anti-inflammatory properties.

Curry is a good source of curcumin, which helps in the fight against inflammation. It is also thought to be able to combat aging and also protect against disease. What’s more is that curry can help bring even bland dishes to life, helping people to eat healthier.

Anti Inflammatory

Anti-Inflammatory Food #10: Garlic

While we will generally try to avoid garlic breath when we can, it can still be difficult to resist the aroma as it wafts from the kitchen. Closely related to the onion, the aroma is unmistakable and it also helps add flavor to some of our favorite dishes. Garlic is usually used as a seasoning and provides various health and nutritional benefits.

Garlic contains compounds that help to bolster the immune system and fight inflammation. It also contains antifungal and antibacterial properties that help us to fight against disease. Although delicious in meals, it is also often used as a homemade topical remedy.

Anti Inflammatory

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