10 Anal Cancer Symptoms

By dr. mera
Article Sources Article Sources
  • 1. Thomas R Dekoj, M. (2020, March 12). Anal Cancer. https://emedicine.medscape.com/article/2500052-overview
  • 2. Bristol stool chart. (n.d.). https://www.continence.org.au/bristol-stool-chart
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Anal cancer is a very rare condition that affects the most distal part of the gastrointestinal tract known as the anus. The most common type of anal cancer is known as squamous cell carcinoma, and it is strongly related to the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) infections. This condition affects approximately 2 people per 100.000 in the US each year, and the data suggest that this rate is increasing.1Thomas R Dekoj, M. (2020, March 12). Anal Cancer. https://emedicine.medscape.com/article/2500052-overview

This condition is usually seen in people over 50 years of age. Nevertheless, it can be seen in other age groups as well. HPV infection is the most common risk factor associated with anal cancer. Furthermore, smoking, engaging in anoreceptive intercourse, and having a condition that impairs the immune system (like HIV), are also important risk factors.1Thomas R Dekoj, M. (2020, March 12). Anal Cancer. https://emedicine.medscape.com/article/2500052-overview

As with most types of cancer, the outcome will strongly depend upon the time of diagnosis. Patients with localized disease tend to have better outcomes than patients with metastatic lesions (conditions associated with the spread of the disease into other organs). Treatment options will vary according to the stage of the disease but the most common therapies include both radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Surgery might be an option for some patients depending on the type and stage of the disease.

Anal Cancer

1. Rectal Bleeding

Rectal bleeding can be described as the presence of blood in the stools. It is a non-specific symptom that may be associated with many conditions such as hemorrhoid disease, gastroenteritis, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), and even cancer.

This is one of the most common symptoms associated with anal cancer. Nearly half of the patients struggling with this condition experience some sort of bleeding from the anus. This symptom is also seen in non-cancerous conditions like hemorrhoids and anal fissures. Therefore, it is important to seek medical attention to get a proper diagnosis.

Anal Cancer

2. Itchiness

Pruritus is the medical term that describes the feeling of irritation and uneasiness that makes you want to scratch the affected area of the skin. It can be caused by many conditions and depending on the source of the problem it can be very annoying especially at night when we try to sleep.

Anal itching is usually described as a tingling sensation in the anus that is quite uncomfortable. This symptom is quite common in patients with hemorrhoids and anal fissures, which explains why many people overlook this symptom and don’t get medical attention as soon as they should. It is important to seek medical attention for a proper diagnosis and to prevent further complications.

Anal Cancer

3. Anal Pain

Rectal or anal pain is a common complaint. It is a non-specific symptom associated with many conditions like hemorrhoidal disease, anal fissures, and constipation to name a few. The skin in the anus is quite sensitive due to its nervous connections. Therefore, any damage to this area can cause a significant amount of pain.

Over 50% of the patients diagnosed with anal cancer experience anal pain at some point in their disease. This symptom usually appears after a bowel movement but in patients with anal cancer, this is not always the case.

Anal Cancer

4. Lumps in the Anus

The anus is usually smooth to the touch. Some conditions may cause the anus to develop lumps, disrupting the usual structure of the area. Anal warts are small lumps that appear in the anus and are associated with a Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) infection. Other conditions may cause small polyps to grow in the area as well. Most of the time, these lesions are associated with benign conditions. Nevertheless, it is important to get medical attention to get a proper diagnosis.

Up to 30% of patients diagnosed with anal cancer experience a sensation of rectal lump or mass at some point in their condition. This symptom is usually associated with benign conditions such as polyps or hemorrhoids, but sometimes these lumps might be a sign of anal cancer. The most important risk factor associated with anal cancer is an HPV infection, and this condition is known to cause the development of anal warts.

Anal Cancer

5. Bowel Incontinence

Bowel incontinence is described as having problems controlling our bowel movements. It can affect our ability to control the passing of gas, or it can even cause a person to soil themselves. It is also known as fecal incontinence and it is more common than we might think. Many conditions like inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), and anal cancer are known to cause a person to have problems with bowel control.

This is a common finding among patients with anal cancer. This symptom is also common in other non-cancerous conditions, therefore, many people don’t get a proper diagnosis once the symptom appears. Many people avoid talking about fecal incontinence due to embarrassment, but it is important to know that the sooner a condition like anal cancer is diagnosed, the better the outcome.

Anal Cancer

6. Anal Discharge

The anus is the last portion of the gastrointestinal tract, connecting it to the exterior. It is normal for this region to have some minimal discharge to keep it lubricated for a bowel movement. Some conditions like anal fissures and some types of cancer are known to cause an abnormal anal discharge that can be noticed by the patient.

Usually, an anal discharge is described as a weird and uncomfortable sensation of fluid in the anus. Regardless of the cause of this symptom, it should always be assessed by a medical professional to rule out any possible malignancies, and to provide a diagnosis and treatment plan for the benign conditions as well.

Anal Cancer

7. Changes in the Stools

The shape and color of the stools can be a very important sign of the current state of our digestive system. What defines a normal stool can change greatly from one person to another. Nevertheless, the Bristol Stool Chart is an objective tool to recognize if there is a problem regarding the shape and/or consistency of our stools.2Bristol stool chart. (n.d.). https://www.continence.org.au/bristol-stool-chart

Patients suffering from anal cancer tend to experience changes in the shape of their stools. Usually, the feces become thinner than normal. This change might be caused by a lesion causing the stools to adjust in size to be able to go through the narrow anal canal.

Anal Cancer

8. Swollen Lymph Nodes

Lymph nodes are a crucial component of a person’s immune system. They can be found all over our bodies, connected by a complex array of lymphatic vessels. The lymph nodes filter pathogens and play a very important role in cell-mediated immunity. Many conditions may cause lymph nodes to become swollen and depending on the cause and location of the inflammation, a specific group of lymph nodes located near the problem may swell.

Swollen lymph nodes might be a sign that the disease has spread into other organs. Due to their anatomical proximity, lymph nodes in the groin might become enlarged, causing pain or a noticeable lump in the area. It is important to know that many conditions might cause this symptom to appear, therefore, it is crucial to seek medical attention as soon as possible for a proper diagnosis.

Anal Cancer

9. Obstipation

Constipation is defined as having less than 3 bowel movements a week. Other key features associated with constipation include hard and dry stools, and difficulty and/or pain during a bowel movement. Some people may experience tenesmus which is the feeling that you still need to empty your bowels even after you just had a bowel movement.

Obstipation is considered to be a more severe form of constipation and it is usually associated with a blockage in the gastrointestinal tract. Patients suffering from this symptom might not be able to have a bowel movement or even pass gas for days.

Anal Cancer

10. Weight Loss

Losing weight unintendedly is something that might sound good for some people but it is certainly something that requires checking. Losing large amounts of weight over a short period is something that is not usual and could be a sign that something is wrong.

Losing more than 10 kg in less than 6 months without any explanation is something that should be discussed with a healthcare professional. These sudden weight changes are a common finding in advanced stages of certain malignancies, such as anal cancer.

Anal Cancer

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