10 Foods to Avoid with Acid Reflux

By james
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Our stomachs contain various enzymes and acids that help us to digest our food. These are quite caustic, but the stomach walls are lined with a protective coating. They are also kept inside the stomach, thanks partly to a muscle known as the lower esophageal sphincter which clamps tightly shut to keep our stomach juices where they should be.

If this muscle should weaken or fail in any other way, though, then the juices within may be able to rise up the esophagus. The esophagus is not covered with a lining that protects it from the caustic action of the stomach’s juices. This causes a burning sensation in what we know as acid reflux. These are some of the foods you should avoid if you suffer from acid reflux.

Acid Reflux

Acid Reflux Food To Avoid #1: Spices

Many of us enjoy the occasional curry or other foods that are heavily spiced. As delicious as they can be, though, they are not for everybody and many people will need to miss out. The heat can be too much to bear for a lot of people, while they can also cause an upset stomach in others. Spices can also be a problem for people that suffer from acid reflux.

Spices such as chili and curry are among the worst culprits. They can make your existing reflux worse, potentially making for some considerable discomfort. Although tasty, such spices are easily avoided so there is little reason they should cause you problems. Provided you can resist, of course.

Acid Reflux

Acid Reflux Food To Avoid #2: Meat

Meats are jam-packed full of nutrients that we need to live a healthy and happy life. Meats are an excellent source of protein in particular and they also contain fat, vitamins, minerals and other compounds that promote good health. Unfortunately, though, meats are not without their drawbacks.

One drawback of meat is that it can contain a lot of fat, and this can contribute to acid reflux. A lot of fat can also contribute to other health problems which are well known. Where you can, try to eat white meats which contain less fat or even meat substitutes. Remember that other ingredients used in cooking meats can also contribute to acid reflux.

Acid Reflux

Acid Reflux Food To Avoid #3: Caffeine

Getting ready to go to work in the mornings is often made a lot easier with a cup of tea or coffee. One reason for their popularity is that they contain caffeine, a stimulant that gives us a perk. As much as it can help get us started in the morning, though, caffeine can be problematic for people that suffer from acid reflux.

Studies have shown that consuming caffeine increases the severity of acid reflux while also increasing the frequency of their occurrence. Attacks are most likely to occur when drinking coffee just after a meal. Trying out different types of tea or coffee could help to ease symptoms.

Acid Reflux

Acid Reflux Food To Avoid #4: Citrus Fruits

Citrus fruits are generally those that you might call tangy, of which orange is arguably the most popular. They are named because of their high content of citric acid, and this acid can lead to acid reflux. Some people might need to avoid them altogether despite their obvious health benefits.

The acid reflux is likely to be reduced or even not occur at all if eaten after another meal. Bear in mind also that the juices still contain plenty of the acid so you might need to keep well clear of those as well. Fortunately, there are plenty of other types of fruit for you to choose from.

Acid Reflux

Acid Reflux Food To Avoid #5: Grains

It’s hard to avoid having grains in your diet. They are used in our breads and pastas, and rice is also a type of grain. They have been used in cooking by man for thousands of years and make up a large part of the diet of people around the world. Even grains can be problematic for some people, though.

People that regularly suffer from acid reflux may find that grains are a problem for them. There are procedures that can be used to help reduce their acidity, hopefully reducing the acid reflux caused. There are also alternatives available such as oats and quinoa.

Acid Reflux

Acid Reflux Food To Avoid #6: Dairy

Dairy products are used in cuisines all over the world. They are delicious and can be cooked and eaten in countless ways. They are also jam-packed full of nutrients and help people all over the globe to get the balanced diet that they need. Even dairy products are not perfect, though, and they can cause problems for people that get acid reflux.

One of the biggest factors is that dairy products tend to contain a lot of fat. They are also often fried, which adds even more to the fat content. Some dairy products such as skimmed milk contain very little fat, but you might need to limit your dairy consumption overall.

Acid Reflux

Acid Reflux Food To Avoid #7: Soda

A refreshing soda on a hot day can be hard to beat. They also go great with meals and snacks, while the wide range available also means that there is likely to be something for everybody. Carbonated drinks contain a lot of gas, though, and this can be a problem for sufferers of acid reflux.

As the gases are released from soda, so they put pressure on your lower esophageal sphincter. This can force it to open and this can result in acid reflux. Remember also that sodas tend to have very high sugar content and should be consumed in moderation for other health reasons.

Acid Reflux

Acid Reflux Food To Avoid #8: Avocado

Avocado is a type of fruit that is very popular in healthy living circles. As with other fruits, it is high in vitamins and minerals and is famed for providing numerous other health benefits. It is also well known for being high in fat content, albeit fats that are good for you. That the fats are good fats is little consolation for people with acid reflux problems, though.

Whether or not you are able to eat avocado depends largely on just how severe your acid reflux problems are. Some people use them in place of dairy because the symptoms are not as harsh, although some people will still need to keep clear entirely.

Acid Reflux

Acid Reflux Food To Avoid #9: Garlic and Onion

Garlic and onion are popular worldwide. They can be used in many dishes and can be used as an ingredient or as a seasoning. They are also known for their unforgettable odors and the fact that they can irritate the eyes if you are not careful. For some people, they can also irritate the stomach and cause acid reflux.

Whether or not garlic and onion cause acid reflux is very much a matter for the individual. If they do cause acid reflux for you, you should try experimenting and you might find something that works for you. If you do need to avoid them, then there are various other options that you could use in their place.

Acid Reflux

Acid Reflux Food To Avoid #10: Alcohol

Whether you are a regular drinker or you just enjoy the occasional tipple, alcohol might trigger acid reflux. This is in part because alcohol relaxes the muscles, including the lower esophageal sphincter that helps to keep your stomach gases in the stomach. With this muscle relaxed, the gases are able to escape and rise up through the esophagus.

Alcoholic drinks are also likely to contain other ingredients that will encourage acid reflux. Carbonated beers, in particular, can be a problem. Regardless of whether or not you do suffer from acid reflux, remember that alcohol should only be consumed in moderation.

Acid Reflux

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