10 Pinworm Infection Symptoms

By sarah-jane
Reviewed: dr. vanta
Article Sources Article Sources
  • 1. Henderson, Roger. 'Threadworms.' Symptom Checker, Health Information and Medicines Guide, patient.info/doctor/threadworms-pro
  • 2. 'Pinworms.' Children's Hospital Colorado, www.childrenscolorado.org/conditions-and-advice/conditions-and-symptoms/symptoms/pinworms
  • 3. Lavery, Michael J., et al. 'Nocturnal Pruritus: The Battle for a Peaceful Night’s Sleep.' PubMed Central (PMC), www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4813276
  • 4. Evergreen Dental. 'Kids Grinding Teeth In Sleep – Could The Cause Be Parasites?' Evergreen Dental, 19 Oct. 2018, www.evergreendental.com.au/kids-grinding-teeth-in-sleep
  • 5. 'Pinworm Infections.' Nemours KidsHealth, kidshealth.org/en/parents/pinworm.html
  • 6. Worthington, John J., et al. 'Adaptive Immunity Alters Distinct Host Feeding Pathways during Nematode Induced Inflammation, a Novel Mechanism in Parasite Expulsion.' PLoS Pathogens, vol. 9, no. 1, 17 Jan. 2013, p. e1003122
  • 7. Duran, Nizami, and Gülnaz Çulha. 'The Relationship Between Enterobius Vermicularis Infection And Nocturnal Enuresis.' Electronic Journal of General Medicine, vol. 3, no. 1, 2006
  • 8. Siochou, A., et al. 'Enterobius Vermicularis Infection of Female Genital Tract.' International Journal of Immunopathology and Pharmacology, vol. 21, no. 4, 2008, pp. 1031-1033
Medical Expert Medical Expert

Pinworms, also known as threadworms, are small parasites that can live in the digestive tract. Infection occurs when people swallow pinworm eggs, commonly via contaminated food or drinks or poor hand-washing hygiene. The eggs hatch in the small intestine, and the parasites live in the large intestine. Mature female threadworms lay eggs around the anus, continuing the infection.

Pinworm infection is common around the world, typically affecting children more than adults. There are generally no serious complications from an infection. Management includes increased hygiene measures, sometimes alongside medication. Some people experience a range of pinworm infection symptoms, while others have no noticeable symptoms.1Henderson, Roger. ‘Threadworms.’ Symptom Checker, Health Information and Medicines Guide, patient.info/doctor/threadworms-pro

Pinworm Infection

Itchy Anus

Known medically as pruritus ani, itching around the anus is a common symptom of pinworm infections. Female pinworms lay their eggs outside of the anus, laying more than 10,000 eggs on average. Mucus surrounds the eggs, which can irritate the skin and cause intense itchiness.

As adult threadworms typically lay their eggs at night, itchiness may be worse when a person is in bed trying to sleep. People should avoid scratching, as this can cause eggs to collect under the fingernails, which can then cause reinfections or infect other people.

Pinworm Infection

Irritated Anus

When a person has a pinworm infection, the anus can be incredibly itchy, which can lead to heavy scratching. Prolonged or forceful scratching can damage or irritate the skin around the anus, causing visible redness or grazes.

Reducing the itchiness can minimize scratching. Washing the anal area with warm water and applying a 1 percent hydrocortisone cream twice daily may bring some relief. Additionally, wearing underwear or cotton gloves in bed may prevent children from scratching excessively.2‘Pinworms.’ Children’s Hospital Colorado, www.childrenscolorado.org/conditions-and-advice/conditions-and-symptoms/symptoms/pinworms

Pinworm Infection

Itchy Vagina

Vaginal itching, known as vaginal pruritus, may be a pinworm infection symptom in women and girls. While female pinworms usually lay their eggs around the anus, which can spread around the vagina and urethra.

The irritant secretions that accompany threadworm eggs can cause itchiness in the vaginal area. Itchiness commonly intensifies at nighttime, as this is when the female pinworm usually lays her eggs. Vaginal discharge may accompany the strong itch.

Pinworm Infection


Insomnia, the inability to fall asleep or stay asleep, can be a symptom of pinworm infection. Intense itchiness can cause enough discomfort to interrupt sleep. A person may lie awake or wake up due to strong itching sensations.

Some research suggests that chronic itchiness can affect the neurological system independently of the urge to scratch and impact the ability to stay asleep. This can lead to more frequent awakenings throughout the night.3Lavery, Michael J., et al. ‘Nocturnal Pruritus: The Battle for a Peaceful Night’s Sleep.’ PubMed Central (PMC), www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4813276

Pinworm Infection


People with a pinworm infection can be irritable. This can manifest in several ways, including loss of patience, grumpiness and becoming angry quickly. In children, irritability may cause tearfulness and petulance.

Irritability, as a pinworm infection symptom, can be caused by tiredness. This is usually due to a lack of sleep. Irritability could also be due to the discomfort of ongoing itching and irritation, as well as the tenderness caused by excessive scratching.

Pinworm Infection

Teeth Grinding

Teeth grinding, known medically as bruxism, while asleep can be a symptom of a threadworm infection. Grinding the teeth together can make a noisy crunching sound, cause pain in the jaw and result in the teeth wearing unevenly.

Research suggests that teeth grinding is fairly common in people who have pinworm infections. It's been suggested that because the vagus nerve closely connects the brain and gut, the toxic intruders could trigger the brain to make people grind their teeth.4Evergreen Dental. ‘Kids Grinding Teeth In Sleep – Could The Cause Be Parasites?’ Evergreen Dental, 19 Oct. 2018, www.evergreendental.com.au/kids-grinding-teeth-in-sleep

Pinworm Infection


Sometimes, nausea can be a symptom of pinworm infection. Nausea is a feeling of sickness that can make a person feel as though they're about to vomit. However, it's usually infrequent when caused by a threadworm infection. There are many causes of nausea, so individuals should always seek medical advice when they experience recurring bouts of sickness.

By the time a pinworm infection causes nausea, the infection has usually been present for a substantial period of time, leading to many parasites in the gut.5‘Pinworm Infections.’ Nemours KidsHealth, kidshealth.org/en/parents/pinworm.html

Pinworm Infection

Loss of Appetite

When a pinworm infection is substantial with many threadworms in the intestine, it can cause loss of appetite, which is medically known as anorexia. People may have little interest in eating, which can lead to weight loss.

Lack of appetite may be caused by associated feelings of nausea. Some research suggests that appetite and weight loss could be a bodily response to parasites in the gut, as the body tries to fight the parasitic infection.6Worthington, John J., et al. ‘Adaptive Immunity Alters Distinct Host Feeding Pathways during Nematode Induced Inflammation, a Novel Mechanism in Parasite Expulsion.’ PLoS Pathogens, vol. 9, no. 1, 17 Jan. 2013, p. e1003122

Pinworm Infection


Wetting the bed may be a pinworm infection symptom in children, especially if a child has little previous history of bedwetting. Known medically as nocturnal enuresis, research suggests that bedwetting can affect both male and female children.

Bedwetting can cause distress to a child and play a role in sleeplessness. If a child wets the bed due to a pinworm infection, studies suggest that removing the infection can prevent involuntary nighttime urination.7Duran, Nizami, and Gülnaz Çulha. ‘The Relationship Between Enterobius Vermicularis Infection And Nocturnal Enuresis.’ Electronic Journal of General Medicine, vol. 3, no. 1, 2006

Pinworm Infection

Genitourinary Infections

Pinworms lay their eggs around the anus. The anus is close to the vagina and urethra in females, and pinworms enter these openings. As a result, females may experience genitourinary infections. This pinworm infection symptom doesn't usually affect males.

When there's an infection of the genital tract, females may have vaginal discharge. People who have a urinary tract infection may experience painful and frequent urination with a sense of urgency.8Siochou, A., et al. ‘Enterobius Vermicularis Infection of Female Genital Tract.’ International Journal of Immunopathology and Pharmacology, vol. 21, no. 4, 2008, pp. 1031-1033

Pinworm Infection

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