10 Foods Good for Kidneys

By leslie
Reviewed: dr. vanta
Article Sources Article Sources
  • 1. ’Kidney-friendly diet for CKD.’ American Kidney Fund. https://www.kidneyfund.org/kidney-disease/chronic-kidney-disease-ckd/kidney-friendly-diet-for-ckd.html
  • 2. Johnson J. ‘What foods are good for kidneys?’ Medical News Today 5 June 2019.
  • 3. ’7 Kidney-Friendly Superfoods.’ National Kidney Foundation. https://www.kidney.org/content/7-kidney-friendly-superfoods
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In the United States, there are about 37 million people with chronic kidney disease or CKD.1’Kidney-friendly diet for CKD.’ American Kidney Fund. https://www.kidneyfund.org/kidney-disease/chronic-kidney-disease-ckd/kidney-friendly-diet-for-ckd.html While there's no cure, dietary adjustments may help manage this condition. People at high risk, such as those with diabetes, heart disease or high blood pressure, should see a dietician to make dietary changes so they can still enjoy a variety of foods.

At first, a kidney-friendly diet seems like any healthy eating plan, but it has some restrictions that other diets don't. For people hoping to prevent or slow kidney disease, the amounts of sodium, potassium and phosphorous in the diet should be monitored.1’Kidney-friendly diet for CKD.’ American Kidney Fund. https://www.kidneyfund.org/kidney-disease/chronic-kidney-disease-ckd/kidney-friendly-diet-for-ckd.html


Proteins for Healthy Kidneys

Everyone needs protein but not all people require the same amount. For someone who's at risk of developing kidney disease, calculating grams of protein may be beneficial. A person's body size, activity level and other health concerns determine protein intake.

Lower protein food choices for these people may include white bread, vegetables, pasta, rice and some fatty fish. Portion control is important, because foods like bread, pasta and rice are high in carbohydrates. Proteins such as meat, poultry and egg yolks may have a more limited place in a kidney-friendly diet, however, they should not be avoided.2Johnson J. ‘What foods are good for kidneys?’ Medical News Today 5 June 2019. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/325390.,3’7 Kidney-Friendly Superfoods.’ National Kidney Foundation. https://www.kidney.org/content/7-kidney-friendly-superfoods


Carbohydrates: Fruits

Citrus fruits, bananas, oranges, prunes, raisins and melons should be consumed in small quantities because they're high in potassium, which can be a problem for damaged kidneys or individuals with chronic kidney disease. Instead, choose low potassium fruits, such as apples and berries. Eating cherries is a good option, along with red grapes.

It's important to check which fruits have high levels of potassium and phosphorus when making choices for a kidney-friendly diet.3’7 Kidney-Friendly Superfoods.’ National Kidney Foundation. https://www.kidney.org/content/7-kidney-friendly-superfoods


Carbohydrates: Vegetables

Along with fruits, low-carbohydrate vegetables are an important part of a diet that promotes kidney health and function. Arugula, cucumber, lettuce, turnips and snow peas cauliflower cabbage are low in potassium and phosphorus. Salads with olive oil and vinegar can be satisfying meals that support kidney health.

Spinach contains lots of potassium. If a person's potassium is too high or they already have CKD, spinach should be limited. Summer squash and zucchini are other excellent choices.3’7 Kidney-Friendly Superfoods.’ National Kidney Foundation. https://www.kidney.org/content/7-kidney-friendly-superfoods


Carbohydrates: Starches

Starches have their place in a kidney diet but they should be chosen carefully. Unlike some other foods, many starchy grains, legumes and some root vegetables contain high amounts of phosphorus, which may be problematic for people at risk of kidney disease.

Rye, cracked wheat and sourdough breads are lower in phosphorus, and some of these breads are fortified with needed vitamins. Non-bran and rice cereals along with cream of wheat can also be good for kidney health.1’Kidney-friendly diet for CKD.’ American Kidney Fund. https://www.kidneyfund.org/kidney-disease/chronic-kidney-disease-ckd/kidney-friendly-diet-for-ckd.html


Fats for Kidney Health

The human body needs fat to survive. Fat is a long-acting source of energy and helps form the protective sheath that surrounds the nerves. It also regulates the production of some hormones. But as with other mentioned nutrients, some fats are better than others for kidney health.

For example, using olive oil for cooking and eating can be better for kidneys than butter or margarine, which contain phosphorus. Olive oil and some other vegetable oils, such as sunflower oil, are considered healthy unsaturated fats.1’Kidney-friendly diet for CKD.’ American Kidney Fund. https://www.kidneyfund.org/kidney-disease/chronic-kidney-disease-ckd/kidney-friendly-diet-for-ckd.html


Condiments and Spices

Most pickled foods, such as relishes and vegetables, from grocery stores aren't part of a healthy kidney diet because they're high in sodium. However, low sodium pickles can be prepared at home and part of a kidney-friendly diet. Good condiments include garlic, various herbs and salt-free spices.

Black pepper is fine, and hot peppers can safely add lots of flavor. High sodium condiments such as barbecue sauce can be replaced with homemade sauces, and ketchup can be homemade without added salt or sugar.1’Kidney-friendly diet for CKD.’ American Kidney Fund. https://www.kidneyfund.org/kidney-disease/chronic-kidney-disease-ckd/kidney-friendly-diet-for-ckd.html


Sodium and Kidney Health

Table salt, or sodium chloride, is a common food item. Eaten in excess, sodium chloride can raise a person's blood pressure and cause swelling in the feet and legs, both of which can burden the kidneys.

Salt substitutes exist but their taste may be metallic and many contain a lot of potassium. A better way to add flavor is with herbs and spices without extra salt. Adding garlic, onions and red bell pepper can also liven a dish without increasing salt intake.2Johnson J. ‘What foods are good for kidneys?’ Medical News Today 5 June 2019. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/325390.


Potassium and Kidneys

Potassium aids in the work of the body's muscles. Too much may cause cramps, weakness and heart rhythm problems. Potassium control is important for people working to keep their kidneys as healthy as possible.

The kidneys remove excess potassium from the blood, and consuming too much may overwork them. Eating low-potassium fruits, such as apples, cranberries, red grapes and pineapple, may help. Vegetables in this category include summer squash, lettuce, cauliflower and eggplant. Pita bread, tortillas and white bread also have low potassium levels.1’Kidney-friendly diet for CKD.’ American Kidney Fund. https://www.kidneyfund.org/kidney-disease/chronic-kidney-disease-ckd/kidney-friendly-diet-for-ckd.html



Phosphorus is found in most foods and works with calcium and vitamin D to keep bones strong. When kidneys are healthy, they balance the phosphorus level in the body. If the kidneys can't remove it, too much phosphorus may weaken bones.

To reduce phosphorus intake, eat vegetables and fruits. Just make sure they're also low in potassium. Choose rice and corn products instead of whole-grain varieties. White rice, such as basmati and jasmine, can be substituted for brown rice in a healthy kidney diet.1’Kidney-friendly diet for CKD.’ American Kidney Fund. https://www.kidneyfund.org/kidney-disease/chronic-kidney-disease-ckd/kidney-friendly-diet-for-ckd.html


Sweets and Snacks for Healthy Kidneys

Sugar, honey and hard candies, besides being unhealthy for diabetics, also may contain high levels of potassium and phosphorous and may need to be limited.1’Kidney-friendly diet for CKD.’ American Kidney Fund. https://www.kidneyfund.org/kidney-disease/chronic-kidney-disease-ckd/kidney-friendly-diet-for-ckd.html

Fruits that are good for the kidneys, such as strawberries, blueberries, and raspberries, are better sweet snack options. Red grapes and cherries are also good options. Crackers and chips can be made at home without added salt, and vegetables such as kale and cauliflower can be used to create delicious munchies.1’Kidney-friendly diet for CKD.’ American Kidney Fund. https://www.kidneyfund.org/kidney-disease/chronic-kidney-disease-ckd/kidney-friendly-diet-for-ckd.html,2Johnson J. ‘What foods are good for kidneys?’ Medical News Today 5 June 2019. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/325390.,3’7 Kidney-Friendly Superfoods.’ National Kidney Foundation. https://www.kidney.org/content/7-kidney-friendly-superfoods


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