10 Fainting Symptoms

By adrian
Reviewed: dr. stavarache
Article Sources Article Sources
  • 1. 'Dizziness: Lightheadedness and Vertigo.' Michigan Medicine, www.uofmhealth.org/health-library/dizzi
  • 2. 'Heat Exhaustion.' Mayo Clinic, www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/heat-exhaustion/diagnosis-treatment/drc-20373253
  • 3. 'Person Is Unconscious & Not Breathing,' Myteam.org, www.myteam.org/person-is-unconscious-not-breathing
  • 4. 'Fainting.' Seattle Children's Hospital, 11 Mar. 2021, www.seattlechildrens.org/conditions/a-z/fainting
  • 5. 'Migraine.' Mayo Clinic, www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/migraine-headache/symptoms-causes/syc-20360201
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Fainting can occur for a variety of reasons. Being in an overly heated, poorly ventilated building may cause a person to pass out. When exposed to heat, a person's blood vessels expand, causing body fluid to move to the legs. This results in lower blood pressure, which can lead to fainting.

Emotional stress, such as fear, pain and shock, may cause a person to faint, as can something as simple as getting up too fast. Even fainting after coming face-to-face with an idol isn't uncommon. In addition to having various causes, fainting also has several symptoms.



Fainting occurs when a person loses consciousness for a period of time. Although it's not generally considered serious, if an individual faints regularly, they should consult with a doctor. Medically known as syncope, fainting periods may last from a few seconds to a few minutes.

One of several fainting symptoms is dizziness. Dizziness can cause a person to feel woozy, weak and unsteady on their feet. Individuals may also experience a sense that the room is spinning or moving. This is known as vertigo and may cause a person to feel disoriented.1‘Dizziness: Lightheadedness and Vertigo.’ Michigan Medicine, www.uofmhealth.org/health-library/dizzi



It is not uncommon for someone to feel nauseous after fainting. It's part of the vagal activation, which can make people feel drained for a while after passing out. Nausea shouldn't be confused with vomiting. Nausea is feeling the urge to vomit.

Sometimes referred to as being sick to the stomach, nausea usually occurs prior to dry heaving or vomiting. However, not everyone who experiences nausea will vomit, as a person can be nauseous without vomiting.


Pale Face

When a person faints, they lose consciousness for a short time due to the brain not receiving enough oxygen. After coming round, individuals can feel normal fairly quick, although some may feel ill for a while.

One symptom that sometimes occurs alongside fainting is a pale face. Just before passing out a person's face may appear as though it has completely drained of blood, which has some truth to it. The paleness may be the result of a decreased blood supply to the skin.


Heat Exhaustion

People exposed to high temperatures for lengthy periods of time without adequate amounts of fluids may experience heat exhaustion, another symptom of fainting. Indications that someone has heat exhaustion include, pale skin, sweating, tiredness, weakness, dizziness and fainting, among others.

Stopping the activity that's causing the exhaustion and moving to a cooler environment can help someone recover from heat exhaustion. They should also rehydrate with water and other liquids, such as sports drinks.2‘Heat Exhaustion.’ Mayo Clinic, www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/heat-exhaustion/diagnosis-treatment/drc-20373253



It is not uncommon for someone to pass out in a hospital, especially if they're scared of the sight of blood. Realizing that at some point, they're going to encounter blood due to the environment they're in can make a person anxious. Anxiety is another symptom of fainting.

Anxiety can be brought on by worry or fear, and it can be mild to very severe. It can even progress to the point where it affects a person's quality of life.



When someone is unable to respond to stimuli and appears to be asleep, they're referred to as being unconscious. They won't respond to shaking or loud sounds, they may have a faint pulse and may even stop breathing.

Unconsciousness is another symptom of fainting. When a person faints, they may be unconscious for a few seconds or minutes. If a person isn't breathing, someone should call emergency services and start CPR.3‘Person Is Unconscious & Not Breathing,’ Myteam.org, www.myteam.org/person-is-unconscious-not-breathing Those who are unconscious but breathing should be put in the recovery position.


Blurred Vision

It's not uncommon for someone to experience blurred vision prior to fainting, which can indicate many health conditions, including stress, low blood sugar, and vertigo.4‘Fainting.’ Seattle Children’s Hospital, 11 Mar. 2021, www.seattlechildrens.org/conditions/a-z/fainting It's important to speak with a health care physician to understand why these symptoms are occurring, especially if pregnancy is involved.

Some people can recall certain events and sensations during the loss of consciousness. They may recall feeling dizzy, feeling weakness in the leg muscles or having blurred vision before passing out.



Once a person has come round after fainting, they may feel nauseous and vomit. They could also experience prolonged periods of fatigue. Some individuals may also develop other symptoms, such as diarrhea.

Diarrhea can cause dehydration, leading to a water deficiency in the bloodstream, which can result in low blood pressure. Abnormally low blood pressure, known as hypotension, can cause dizziness and fainting. In severe cases, it can be life-threatening.



It is not uncommon for someone to feel fatigued after fainting. Although many people quickly recover from passing out and rapidly return to normal, it's not the case for everyone. Alongside feeling tired for a short time, a person may also be confused and depressed.

Feeling fatigued is not the same as feeling drowsy or sleepy. An individual who experiences bouts of fatigue won't have any energy. They may also experience slowed reflexes and responses and muscle weakness.



Migraine is a symptom of fainting. Fainting is more common in people who experience migraine headaches. Although the actual cause of migraines is unknown, they could result from abnormal brain activity that temporarily affects nerve signals and blood vessels in a person's brain.

If left alone, a migraine can last up to 72 hours.5‘Migraine.’ Mayo Clinic, www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/migraine-headache/symptoms-causes/syc-20360201 Some people may experience the severe throbbing pain associated with this common health condition several times a month, while others may only encounter them once or twice a year.


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