10 Benefits of ACV

By adrian
Reviewed: dr. vanta
Article Sources Article Sources
  • 1. Apple Cider Vinegar for Bloating: Does It Work? 'Medical News Today, MediLexicon International, www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/326866#:~:text=ACV is naturally acidic, and, in the stomach or intestines
  • 2. Can You Cure Your Acne With Apple Cider Vinegar? 'Healthline, Healthline Media, 9 Dec. 2016, www.healthline.com/nutrition/apple-cider-vinegar-and-acne#TOC/TITLE/HDR/2
  • 3. Apple Cider Vinegar for Hair: 'Growth, Dandruff, Rinse. Healthline, www.healthline.com/health/apple-cider-vinegar-hair#/noHeaderPrefixedContent
  • 4. Timesofindia.com. ACV Morning Shot 'The Times of India, Times of India, 13 Apr. 2021, timesofindia.indiatimes.com/life-style/health-fitness/diet/how-to-use-apple-cider-vinegar-to-boost-immunity/photostory/78662511.cms?picid=78662556
  • 5. Kondo S;Tayama K;Tsukamoto Y;Ikeda K;Yamori Y; 'Antihypertensive Effects of Acetic Acid and Vinegar on Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats. 'Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, U.S. National Library of Medicine, pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11826965/
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Apple cider vinegar has been used for many years for cleaning purposes and as an ingredient in cooking. But its popularity as a health-enhancing supplement has risen dramatically over recent years, and when you take into account all of the health benefits of ACV, it's not surprising.

ACV is made by fermenting apples with bacteria and yeast. Regardless of its health benefits, some individuals may be reluctant to take apple cider vinegar due to its bitter taste. For anyone in this camp, a better alternative would be an ACV supplement in tablet or capsule form. These capsules or pills contain a dehydrated form of ACV.


1. May Aid Digestion

Although there is no solid evidence to back it up, some people find that ACV provides a rapid and effective solution to bloating. Because of its naturally acidic content, individuals with low stomach acidity could benefit from taking ACV as it could help raise stomach acid levels, which would aid digestion.1Apple Cider Vinegar for Bloating: Does It Work? ‘Medical News Today, MediLexicon International, www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/326866#:~:text=ACV is naturally acidic, and, in the stomach or intestines

Another benefit of ACV related to digestion is that it may kill bacteria in the stomach and intestines. This could benefit anyone experiencing symptoms of bloating as by killing the bacteria, there is less chance of it accumulating in the upper intestines and releasing gases that lead to bloating.


2. Could Help Lower Blood Sugar Levels

It's not only people who have type 2 diabetes that could benefit from taking ACV to lower blood sugar levels. Some researchers state insulin resistance, a condition that increases the risk of pre diabetes, diabetes and heart diseases can be improved by apple cider vinegar. Insulin resistance can also speed up the aging process and cause various chronic diseases.

According to a recent trial, consuming apple cider vinegar before bedtime could positively affect fasting glucose concentrations in anyone with type 2 diabetes.


3. May Support Weight Loss

Many people turn to ACV when trying to lose weight because its ability to enhance the feeling of being full means an excellent chance of these individuals consuming fewer calories. ACV on its own only contains three calories per tablespoon.

Another reason why apple cider vinegar may contribute to weight loss is its capacity to improve blood sugar levels. Using ACV alongside a diet full of starchy foods is more effective as the acid delays the digestion of starch.


4. Could Help Support Healthy Skin

Apple cider vinegar is often used to treat skin conditions, such as eczema and dry skin. Unlike alkaline soaps and cleansers, which can sometimes irritate these conditions, diluted ACV with its natural acidic content may help rebalance the skin's natural pH.

Because of ACV's antibacterial properties, many individuals use it to help treat and prevent acne. ACV contains acetic, citric, lactic and succinic acid, which may inhibit bacteria responsible for acne, like P. acnes.2Can You Cure Your Acne With Apple Cider Vinegar? ‘Healthline, Healthline Media, 9 Dec. 2016, www.healthline.com/nutrition/apple-cider-vinegar-and-acne#TOC/TITLE/HDR/2 Therefore, many people use diluted ACV as a face wash.


5. Source of Probiotics

Probiotics are live bacteria and yeast that help support a healthy digestive system. They can be found in certain dairy products including yogurt, buttermilk and kefir. Not only are these foods difficult to digest for some individuals, but they are also commonly known to cause inflammation.

The solution is to replace the dairy products with apple cider vinegar and naturally fermented vegetables, which will allow any individual to reap all the health benefits of probiotics without the risk of any such side effects.


6. Hair Health Accompaniment

Anyone suffering from an itchy scalp, dull-looking or broken hair could benefit from using ACV as a hair wash. Individuals plagued with brittle, frizzy or drab-looking hair are likely to do so because their hair is more alkaline or higher on the pH scale.

Because ACV is an acidic substance, it contains favorable amounts of acetic acid, which helps lower pH levels, creating a more healthy balance, stronger hair and enhanced shine.3Apple Cider Vinegar for Hair: ‘Growth, Dandruff, Rinse. Healthline, www.healthline.com/health/apple-cider-vinegar-hair#/noHeaderPrefixedContent


7. Helps Boost the Immune System

Apple cider vinegar can help boost the immune system in several ways. Firstly, it's fermented, which means it contains friendly bacteria, that positively affect the immune system.4Timesofindia.com. ACV Morning Shot ‘The Times of India, Times of India, 13 Apr. 2021, timesofindia.indiatimes.com/life-style/health-fitness/diet/how-to-use-apple-cider-vinegar-to-boost-immunity/photostory/78662511.cms?picid=78662556 The vinegar also contains antibacterial properties that help fight viruses and germs.

Add to this ACV'S ability to encourage detoxification and enhance circulation, which helps the body banish any bag bugs or germs, it's no wonder people have been using it as a medicine for centuries.


8. May Help Lower Blood Pressure

Lowering high blood pressure reduces the risk of heart disease, strokes and protects the kidneys. Lifestyle choices play an important role in managing high blood pressure, but ACV may play a part in controlling it too.

Although the study was carried out on rats, it showed that consumption of ACV over time saw a reduction in blood pressure and in an enzyme called renin. The reduction in renin activity was thought to cause lower blood pressure.5Kondo S;Tayama K;Tsukamoto Y;Ikeda K;Yamori Y; ‘Antihypertensive Effects of Acetic Acid and Vinegar on Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats. ‘Bioscience, Biotechnology, and Biochemistry, U.S. National Library of Medicine, pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/11826965/


9. Helps Reduce Wrinkles

With age comes some very unwelcome visitors. Wrinkles and age spots being two of them. Apple cider vinegar may be a better and cheaper option than expensive over-the-counter cosmetics to help address the issue.

ACV contains some vitamin C, which can help reduce wrinkles as it stimulates the production of collagen, which helps produce a smoother more toned complexion. Due to ACV's alpha-hydroxy acids that help the skin rid itself of dead cells, a daily face wash with ACV may help fade age spots.


10. Boosts Energy

More health-conscious individuals are using ACV as an energy-boosting accompaniment to their workouts. An instant boost of energy could be achieved by taking just two teaspoons of ACV with a glass of water. This is because ACV contains potassium and enzymes that act as a natural electrolyte solution.

Another reason why ACV has become more and more popular amongst fitness enthusiasts is that it contains antioxidants and small amounts of amino acids that help relieve fatigue by preventing lactic acid build-up in the body.


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